Chapter 27

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2 Months Ago
[Aubrey McMahon's Funeral]

"Nicole it's time." Brock said as parked the car and looked at me.
"I can't do it." I said with a shaky voice as I looked out at the beach.
"I know it's hard. But you need to do this. For Aubrey." He said as I nodded slowly.
He climbed out of the car as I took a deep breath.
Here we go. I thought to myself as I opened the door and slowly climbed out.
"Come on." Brock said as he grabbed my hand gently as we started walking.
"You can do this." I whispered to myself.
"Nicole!" Ashley said as she ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug.
"How are you Ash?" I asked sadly as I hugged her tighter.
"I never told him that I loved him." She said as she cried into my shoulder silently.
"He knew Ashley." I said as I rubbed her back.
It was no secret there was a spark between Aubrey and Ashley, but for some reason they never spoke about it. And now they'll never get the chance too.
"Nicole?" Brock asked as he looked at me.
"Let's go." He said as I nodded silently.
"I'll see you in a bit Ash okay?" I said softly as she nodded and I walked away.
Brock led me to our seats and I sat down and I felt Brock slide his arm around my waist protectively as Hunter walked up to me.
"Hey kiddo. How are you?" He asked me as Brock's grip tightened.
"Not great. How are you?" I asked as he sadly smiled.
"I'm not doing great either. Today's a tough one. I know we've been through a lot lately but just for today can we just be a family for once?" He asked sincerely as I nodded weakly.
"I'd like that." I said softly as I got up and wrapped my arms around him.
Hunter was a lot of things. He was calculating and ruthless, but above all of that he was the man who raised me. He was the only father I've ever known. He never left. And today I needed him.
"I love you dad." I said as I started to cry into his shoulder.
"You haven't called me dad in years." He said in a shaky voice.
"I know I haven't. I'm so sorry." I said as my voice trembled.
"It's okay kiddo. I know I'm not your real dad, but you're my daughter. I'll always love you no matter what. You understand me?" He asked as I nodded my head.
"I love you Nicole." He said as he pulled away and wiped the tears streaming down my face.
"I love you too." I said as I looked behind him and saw Stephanie standing there in tears.
"Talk to her," dad whispered in my ear, "she really needs you right now Nicole." He said as he looked at me one last time and then walked away.
I looked at Brock and he nodded his head as I turned around to face her.
"Hi mom." I said and she immediately pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry Nicole. I'm so sorry." She said over and over again as she cried while holding me.
They say forgiveness is the hardest thing to give a person. But right now it seemed to be the easiest thing to give.
"It's okay mom." I said sincerely as she looked at me one last time.
"I will never be able to make up for what I've done but I'm going to try." She said sternly as I nodded my head and watched her go sit down next to Hunter.
I gulped as I saw Uncle Shane make his way to the front of all of us.
Here we go. I thought as I sat back down next to Brock.
"May I have everyone's attention please." He said in his strong voice, "can everybody please find a seat."
"Today we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Aubrey McMahon." He said as I felt tears streaming down my face rapidly.
"Sometimes in life we take for granted what it truly means to be living. But Aubrey never did." He said as I shook my head with tears in my eyes. "He always saw the good in people no matter what. He always gave everyone the benefit of the doubt which as all of you know isn't a consist trait in my family." He said as he chuckled sadly. "My nephew was the glue that held our family together. Make no mistake he was no saint and he'd even tell you he wasn't. But Aubrey was the best out of the bunch. And anyone would tell you that. I don't know how we are all supposed to do any of this without him. But knowing Aubrey he'd tell us all to suck it up and move on because he wasn't the type of person to dwell on the past but the type of person that always looked to the future. He was a giver. He was a believer. And he was completely and unapologetically himself. He was an amazing man through and through and he continued to be that amazing man up until his final breath. He not only held this family together, but he gave people a reason to fight. He changed industries and created waves in professional wrestling because he wanted this world to be a better place. Aubrey McMahon was a legend and his message and our love for him will live on through each and every one of us sitting here today. Aubrey will always be with us." Shane said as everyone clapped loudly for the speech that was just given.
"Now I'd like to invite Aubrey's sister Nicole to sing a song in honor of his memory." Shane said as Brock helped me up and walked me over to Shane.
"Thank you." I mouthed as he sat down and gave me an encouraging smile.
"This one is for you." I said quietly as the music started and everyone looked on.

I fought for you
The hardest, it made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving

But Heaven couldn't wait for you
No, Heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No, Heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home

We laughed at the darkness
So scared that we lost it
We stood on the ceilings
You showed me love was all you needed

Heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
Oh, Heaven couldn't wait for you
No, Heaven couldn't wait for you, you, you, you, you, you
No Heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
Oh oh, Heaven couldn't wait for you

So go on, go home
So go on go home

I heard the music stop and I immediately collapsed into tears and I felt hands around my waist pull me back up.
"I'm here Nik." Brock said as he picked me up and walked back over to our seats.
"I can't do this." I said sadly as I cried.
"Yes you can Nicole. You're so strong. You can do this." He said as I looked at him and saw the intensity in his eyes.

He believed in me.

I thought to myself as I nodded my head slowly.
"Okay." I said barley above a whisper.
I glanced around me and everybody seemed entranced in their own little worlds.
"Now if I may ask everybody to please stand and form a line across the ocean front. We're all going to grab a balloon and name one word that described Aubrey to us. And then once everyone has gone we'll all release the balloons together." Shane said as he started to hand out balloons to everyone.
"Okay." He said to everyone as we all walked to the edge of the water.
"Stephanie if you'd please start off for us." Shane said as she slowly nodded.
"Brave." She said.
"Passionate." Dad said loudly as everyone nodded in agreement.
"Respectful." Grandpa said as he hugged Linda.
"Loving." I said as my voice broke.
"Game changer." Brock said as he looked at me and smiled softly.
As everybody went I felt myself breaking down more and more.
"On the count of three we'll release the balloons okay?" Shane asked as everyone silently nodded.
"One...two...three." My breath stopped as everyone slowly let go of their balloons.
I lifted my head as I watched them fly away. "Goodbye Aubrey McMahon." I whispered as I felt hands wrap around my waist.
"I want to go home." I whispered.
"Then let's go." Brock said as he pulled away and grabbed my hand.
"Brock?" I asked.
"Thank you." I said quietly as I looked at him.
"You don't need to thank me Nicole. Besides the beast is always supposed to be there for his beauty." Brock said as he smiled softly.
"I thought you weren't one for fairy tales beast?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I guess I just never met anybody who made me think they were worth something more then what I originally thought." He said honestly.
"And now you have?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah I have." He said as we reached the car.
"You're gonna get through this Nicole." He assured me as he helped me in the car.
"You really think so?" I asked.
"I know so because you aren't alone, you have me." He said with a smile as he shut the door.

"You have me."
That statement echoed through my brain as we drove back home.

I did have him. And thank god I did.

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