Chapter 21

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I walked slowly to the gorilla as I thought about the conversation I had just moments ago with Dean.
Did he just threaten me?
I doubted Ambrose really would threaten me. He knows I'm his only chance at true freedom. But why bring up Brock's deal with me? Was it for blackmail? A favor? Why?
But those thoughts would have to be pushed to the back burner because as I approached the gorilla I realized I had a job to do.
"There you are!" Drake exclaimed as Hunters music stopped and Brock's began.
"Calm down I'm here." I said as I watched Brock shake his head and put his gloves on quickly.
"It's time." I said to myself.
"Good luck!" Drake yelled as I laughed.
"I don't need luck. I'm a McMahon." I smirked.
Brock walked out first as Paul and I followed.
"Brock will win." I promised.
"You're sure?" He asked nervously.
"It's guaranteed." I said repeating Dean's words from earlier.
"I trust you Ms. McMahon." He said.
"Oh Paul that was your first mistake." I said as I laughed and turned my attention to the match in the ring.
"Ladies and gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Greenwich, Connecticut, accompanied by Stephanie McMahon, he is the game Triple H!" The ring announcer said as the crowd booed Hunter.
"And his opponent-" The announcer said but he was cut off by Paul as he snatched the microphone from his hands.
"Ladies and Gentlemen FIGHTING out of Minnesota. He is the conquer. The beast. The former undisputed world heavyweight champion of the world BROCK LESNAR!!" Paul screamed as I clapped for my beast.
Brock jumped in his place as the bell rang and he immediately grabbed Hunter around his waist and gave him a German suplex.
And then another. And another.
I mockingly counted the number on my manicured fingers as the crowd chanted the number loudly.
8...12...17...20! They chanted as the number increased by the second. And then it happened. Not even 5 minutes into the match and Hunter was already losing. And in came the dogs.



Stephanie smirked from ringside as the shield made their way to the ring. They jumped the barricade and Stephanie started screaming for them to attack Brock.
"Go now!" She shouted but all they did was stand still in front of the ring.
She walked to the side of the ring they were on and screamed in their face to move. I slowly made my way towards them as I tilted my head with a smirk.
The shield was now in the middle of Stephanie and I. The crowd cheered loudly as Dean moved over and allowed me to walk through them.
Stephanie looked on in shock. "What are you doing?!" She screeched.
"Watch out mommy." I mocked as I turned around to face the shield once again.
"Whatever you want." I assured as Dean smirked triumphantly but Roman and Seth looked confused.
"Whatever we want?" Roman asked.
"Go get em boys." I said answering his question as I walked back through them.
"What's going on?!" Paul asked nervously as he watched the shield close in on Stephanie.
"They're not here for you." I said as I watched Brock toss Hunter around the ring.
"But why?" He asked again.
"Stop pushing otherwise I'll make it so they can have a personal chat with you as well." I said and Paul immediately shut his mouth.
I focused my attention back on the shield and saw as Dean stood in front of Roman and Seth as they all corned my mother.
"What's wrong Stephy?" Dean mocked.
"Hey look at me." He mocked again as he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.
Free reign meant Jon Moxley was here. And I loved every second of it.
"Moxley!" I shouted as he turned from Stephanie and looked at me.
"Don't hold back." I said with a wicked grin.
"Oh darlin don't worry I wasn't planning on it." He said as he winked.
"So as I was saying." He said to her as she cried softly.
"Aw Steph why you crying?" He asked.
"Hunter!" She screamed.
"I'm sorry to tell you that the king of kings is currently occupied." Dean said innocently.
"But I'm here and I promise we're gonna have a lot of fun together." Dean promised as he pulled her close to him but before he could grab her hands she slapped him.
All Dean did was smile crazily and he immediately punched her in the face. She fell onto the floor and clutched her cheek where he had hit her.
"Dean please don't do this you don't understand. We're family." She pleaded as I laughed.
"Some family you have." I muttered to myself.
"We're not family Steph." Dean said as he laughed.
"Are we family boys?" Dean asked as he looked at Roman and Seth.
"Nope." They both said.
"So Steph I'll give you the choice. Through the table or beat down? Or both?" He asked with a wicked grin.
"Please don't." She pleaded again.
"So both?" He said.
"Good choice." He said again as he started kicking at her ribs.
"My god Cole! The Shield is attacking Stephanie McMahon! How in the hell do they think this is ok!" Graves yelled.
"Shut up Graves." Dean snarled as he picked up Stephanie and tossed her into the barricade.
"I can't sit here and watch this."  Graves said as he stood up and began to walk over to Dean.
"Oh hell no." I muttered as I walked angrily over to Corey.
"Graves." I yelled as he stopped and turned to face me.
"What?!" He argued.
"I'm warning you. You don't want to do that." I said as I raised an eyebrow.
"Look Nicole. I agree with what you're trying to do but letting them put their hands on a woman? That's far beyond something I'm ok with." He said as he went to turn around.
"Fine we'll do this the hard way." I said as I quickly kicked off my heels and grabbed his shoulder.
"Wait!" I said and when he turned around to face me I punched him square in the face.
"What the fuck!" He groaned loudly as he held his face.
"You got it?!" Dean yelled as he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.
"You're asking a Moxley if they're ok?!" I said as I faked being shocked. "When can't a Moxley handle their business by themselves." I asked.
"You've got a point." Dean said as he smiled and refocused his attention back on my mother.
I quickly picked up Graves on my shoulder and looked out into the crowd.
"Game. Over." I mouthed as I gave Corey a rack attack and felt him fall off my back and onto the ground.
I watched Dean call for Roman and Seth as they picked up Stephanie on their shoulders. Ambrose immediately made eye contact with me and I knew exactly what he wanted to do. I walked over to the announce table and cleared off all the papers and equipment for them.
"Stop!" I heard a voice roar and I focused my attention back on the ring to see Hunter by the ropes and Brock on his back laying semi unconscious.
During all the chaos I forgot to check in on the match and I was paying for that mistake now.
Hunter continued to plead but to effect because The Shield already had Stephanie up in the air and before Hunter knew it he was forced to watch his wife go crashing through a table. Everybody saw her body stop moving and her breathing become soft. She was out.
I smirked and saw as Hunters body fell to the mat as he stood their on his knees, grasping onto the ropes for some type of support.
He was too preoccupied in his own thoughts to notice me walk around the opposite side of the ring and climb in. I quickly went over to Brock and shook him violently.
"Get up!" I whisper yelled as he began to stir.
"What?" He groaned softly as he came too.
"Get ready. I'm finishing this for you." I said sternly as he pulled himself up and leant against the turnbuckle. He watched as I ran and hit Hunter with a modified 619 and slithered out of the ring as the crowd cheered loudly.
Brock grabbed Hunters limp body and put him on his shoulders as he hit him with an F5.
Dean pulled the ref away from a helpless Stephanie and pushed him into the ring.
"Count!" I screamed as the ref immediately fell onto the mat and counted.
"And the winner and NEW number one contender BROCK LESNAR!" The ring announcer said as the crowd erupted thunderously as his music rang throughout the arena.
Paul scrambled into the ring and held up Brock's hand as he basked in the glory of his clients big win.
I stood there and watched as Dean went over and picked up my heels and slowly walked over to me.
"You're not as bad as I thought McMahon or should I say Moxley?" He said with a wink as he held out my shoes for me to take.
I knew what that really meant. It was a peace offering. His version of an olive branch. And I would be an idiot not to take it.
I smirked as I nodded my head and took the shoes from his hand. If there was any doubt in my mind about his loyalty to me there wasn't now.
I followed his movements as all 3 members of the shield jumped the barricade and made their way backstage. Dean led the charge as they left but not before turning around and giving me a playful salute.
I stood there and smiled brightly as I realized what happened just now.

I owned the hounds.
My beast prevailed.

Check mate mother.

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