Chapter 43

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"Nicole I don't get it who would attack Vince and Linda? It doesn't make sense." Brock said as I frantically went upstairs to our bedroom and took out my Louis Vuitton suitcase.
"If I knew who it was I wouldn't be going to Raw in 2 days to kick everybody's ass until they told me now would I?" I said sarcastically.
"Nicole." He said as I ignored him and started to throw clothes in the open suit case.
"Nicole." He said again.
"Nicole!" He finally shouted as I side eyed him quickly and then continued to throw clothes around.
"What?" I asked blankly.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as I looked at him as if he was crazy.
"To the hospital where my family is." I said slowly.
"First of all you don't need to speak to me like I'm one of our kids and second of all what's your plan? Because right now it seems like you don't even have one." He said.
"I don't." I said bluntly. "Are you coming with me or not?" I asked.
"Are you coming with me or not?" I repeated.
"Yes I am coming with you." He said.
"Good then grab your suitcase and throw some clothes in it. The jet leaves in an hour and I have a car picking us up in 20 minutes." I said while throwing some shoes in my bag.
"What about the boys?" He asked with a pointed look.
"I already called your parents. They're on their way from their hotel. They said they'll stay with the boys until Rena comes to pick them up for her week." I said as I it waved off with my hand.
"Get your suitcase!" I shouted as he rolled his eyes and grabbed it from the closet.
"Done." He said as he sat it down on the floor.
"You're done?" I said as I raised my eyebrow in disbelief.
"It was already packed for this weeks Raw anyway plus I wasn't sure if we would've had to do live events so I have enough clothes." He said as I smiled.
"Good. One less thing to take care of." I said with a sigh.
"Let me grab my purse and then throw my makeup bag into my case and I'll be all set." I said as I quickly walked into the bathroom to grab my makeup bag and purse.
"Okay." I said as I placed the bag into the suitcase and closed it. "Let's go downstairs."
I grabbed my case and my purse and climbed down the steps with it as Brock followed closely behind with his suitcase.
"Where are you going now?" He asked exhausted as he watched me hurry across the living room and into the kitchen as I opened the back door.
"Dean!" I screamed as I made it to the guest house and banged on the door.
"Jonathon Dean Good open the fucking door right fucking now!" I screamed even louder as the door quickly swung open.
"What is it Nicole?!" Roman asked while looking concerned.
"Where is Dean?" I asked sternly as he looked at Brock behind me.
"Don't ask." Brock said with a shake of his head.
"Uh I think he's in his room." Roman said as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Thanks." I said as I brushed past him and made my way through the guest house to Dean's room.
"Woah McMahon what's got you so riled up." Seth said with a snicker.
"Not in the mood Rollins." I said as I moved past him and opened the door to Dean's room.
"Dean why the fuck didn't you answer the fucking-" I yelled until I froze in my place.
Here was my brother sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand talking to Sasha Banks while she had her legs spread open for him to see on the camera.
"Oh." I said exasperated as I turned away. "Listen as much as I want to grill you about this and trust me I will later, we have bigger problems to talk about so if you would hang up on your fuck toy so your sister could speak to you that would be great." I said sarcastically.
"Uh Sasha I have to go." Dean said to her as she nodded her head slightly while trying to suppress the blush forming on her cheeks.
"Sasha it was nice to see you." I said with a smirk as I watched Dean hang up the phone.
"Nicole I..."
"Save it." I said as I cut him off. "As I said before we have bigger issues to deal with."
"Care to elaborate?" He asked.
"Vince and Linda were attacked." I said as Dean looked at me in shock.
"What?" He asked confused.
"Yeah I just found out a half hour ago. Listen I know you don't like them and trust me I don't blame you after the shit they put you through but they're your family whether you like it or not and that's why you're coming with Brock and I to the hospital to see them and then you're going to help me figure out who did this so we can put them in the ground." I said sternly as he looked at me stunned.
"Okay." He said still in disbelief.
"Okay? That's it?" I asked genuinely surprised. I had thought it would've taken a lot more convincing.
"I'm not doing this for them don't get me wrong. I just think you need me there more then you're willing to admit." He said with a smirk. "But I mean who could blame you I am pretty amazing."
"Whatever you say Ambrose." I said as I rolled my eyes. "The car will be here in 10 minutes. Be packed and ready to leave." I said sternly.
"Got it." He said as I nodded and walked out.
"Brock!" I yelled as I made my way back to the living area in the guest house.
"Will someone please explain what the hell is going on?!" Seth exclaimed as I rolled my eyes.
"Brock, Dean, and I are leaving in 10 minutes. Vince and Linda were attacked so we're going to see them." I said as Seth and Roman's mouths were left agape.
"What?" Roman choked out.
"Who would attack them?" Seth asked shocked.
"Do I look like I know?" I asked with sarcasm lacing my voice.
"Dean!" I screamed. "Are you fucking done?!"
"For fucks sake calm down I'm done." He said as he raced into the living area with his suitcase being dragged behind him.
"Let's go." I said as he nodded.
"I trust you boys can be handle being here alone? And if you need anything Brock's parents will be watching the boys for a few days until Rena picks them up." I said as they nodded.
"Give Galina and JoJo my best."
"I will." He said.
"And Roman can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"What's up?"
"Can you go over and watch the boys until Brock's parents show up?"
"Yeah sure."
"Thank you." I said with a soft smile as I walked out with Brock and Dean following closely behind me.
"How long is the ride from the house to the jet?" Dean asked curiously.
"About 15 minutes." I said as I walked back into the main house and over to the boys.
"Hey mama." Duke said.
"Why are their suitcases?" Turk asked with a sad expression evident on his face as he looked behind us to see the cases lined up next to the stairs.
"WWE called and they need us a little earlier then we originally thought." I said with a sad expression on my face.
"But who's gonna watch us?" Duke asked as his bottom lip began to tremble.
"Uncle Seth and Uncle Roman are staying here in the guest house still and Grandma and Grandpa and coming to watch you until mommy comes to pick you up." I said as their faces lit up.
"Grandma and Grandpa are watching us?!" They exclaimed and as fast as the sadness appeared it quickly vanished with the news of their temporary babysitters.
"Yes." Brock confirmed as they say there in joy.
"Uncle Roman will be coming over in a few minutes to watch you until they show up. Okay?" I asked.
"Okay mama." They replied in unison.
"I love you my babies." I said as I hugged them tight.
"We love you too." They said and after they let go of me they went over and hugged Brock.
"Be good." He said sternly as they scoffed.
"What do you take us for?" Turk said with attitude.
"My kids." Brock said simply and they immediately shut up.
"Touché." Turk said as Brock laughed.
"Have fun." Brock said as we grabbed our cases and walked out the door.
"So." Dean started to say as we handed our suitcases to the driver. "What's the plan?" He asked as we filed into the car.
"We'll talk about it on the plane were it's more private." I said as I eyed the driver whom I didn't know.
"Okay." Dean said as we all watched the passing cars and trees.
Soon enough we had arrived to the jet and Dean immediately whistled in appreciation.
"Damn." He said as he took in the sight.
"You really don't spare any expense do you?" He asked with a smile.
"Nope." I said simply.
"Let's go." Brock said as he helped me into the plane.
"I call that seat!" Dean screamed as Brock rolled his eyes.
"No that's my seat." Brock said.
"I called it." Dean shot back.
"Well I don't care." Brock responded.
"Excuse me?" A female voice said.
"Yes?" I asked as I turned around and recognized the flight attendant I hired a while back.
"Mrs. Lesnar the pilot has told me to inform you that the luggage is safely on the plane and we will be taking off momentarily so if everyone could please find their seats it would be greatly appreciated." She said politely as I nodded.
"Okay Sarah. Thank you." I said as she nodded with a small smile.
I quickly sat down at a with a large table in front of it.
"Boys just sit down and stop bickering." I said as they both groaned.
Brock slid into the seat next to mine and Dean sat across the table from both of us.
We watched as the plane began its descent into the air and I plugged my ears to try and avoid them blocking due to the change in pressure. Once we were safely in the air I finally moved my hands away from my face and pressed the call button.
"Yes Mrs. Lesnar?" Sarah asked as she quickly appeared along with a bar tender who held 3 glasses of wine in his hands.
"I'd like you to inform all the staff that for the remainder of the flight unless the call button is pushed we shall not be disturbed." I said as I was handed a glass of wine along with Brock and Dean.
"Yes Mrs. Lesnar I will inform the staff." She said as she walked off to the other room and shut the door.
"So." I said as I took a sip of my wine. "We need to talk about this situation."
"What do we know?" Dean asked.
"Hunter told me that Linda was pushed at the airport while waiting at baggage claim and she only suffered a bump to the head. Nothing major. Everyone thought it was an accident, but then Vince was attacked at the live event and now he's in the hospital. He's expected to make a full recovery but if he's in the hospital it must be much more then just a bump to the head like Linda got." I said.
"Hunter said he thought it was a wrestler because of the flight knowledge and the access to the live event." Brock added on and I nodded my head.
"It makes sense if it were to be a wrestler." Dean said. "But who?"
"Any wrestler would know first hand it would be career suicide to go after Vince or Linda. That's what I don't understand." I said.
"What about one of the Bella's?" Dean asked.
"You think it was a Bella?" I snorted.
"Everyone knew Brie didn't want to be apart of Team Authority during the build up for Survivor Series. Maybe she decided to take matters into her own hands and get a little payback." Dean said as he shrugged.
"No it couldn't be. The height and build that Hunter described fits with a male not a female." Brock said.
"What about Kane?" I asked as Deans head shot up.
"Yes!" He agreed.
"My mother terrorized him for months and forced him to become "Corporate Kane" he could've easily been planning this for months." I said.
"That's not Kane's reputation." Brock said as he shook his head. "He's all about people knowing it was him."
"That's true." Dean said.
"Who's close enough to our family where they would've known about the flight times?" I asked confused.
"Randy." Brock said bluntly as Dean and I looked at each other with wide eyes.
"Randy?" I asked.
"Think about it Nicole. Your parents tell him everything. This wouldn't be the first time he's done something like this either." Brock stated.
"Brock's right. This fits Randy's reputation." Dean said.
"I just don't get it. Why attack them? They've given him everything. Even when I was divorcing him they still gave him the belt. It doesn't make sense!" I argued.
"I don't know but if he's right we have a serious problem because Randy won't stop until he gets what he wants. And with us in the dark about what exactly his end goal is this could go wrong in some many different ways." Dean said as I nodded my head.


If this was you.

You are dead.

Mark my words.

Your end is near.

Fall. And. Prey.


Hey my loves!!
I hope you all enjoyed my little nod to Karrion Kross and Scarlett. I absolutely love them on NXT. Anyways I figured I'd inform you guys just so you're aware that this book is ending very soon. I have a few more ideas to finish though so stay tuned because more is coming your way!!
- Nikki 🖤


- Sasha was finally introduced!! How do we feel about her so far?

- We finally have a possible suspect to blame for Vince and Linda's attacks. Do we think he'll strike again before they catch him?

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