Chapter 13

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Brock's POV

Everybody in catering sat in shock as the referee held up Nicki's hand in victory. She snatched her arm away aggressively and continued to kick at Stephanie's lifeless body. She chuckled evilly as she jumped out of the ring and pulled out a chair laced with barb wire. She looked out into the crowd as everybody started to chant you sick fuck. Nicki heard the chants and gave a small bow as the crowd started to cheer. She slid into the ring with the chair and placed it on top of Stephanie's life less body as she began her journey to the top rope.
Paul turned to face me as his eyes widened, "Jon Moxley." He whispered as his eyes turned to saucers.
"Jon Moxley?" I said back confused. I thought her name was Nicki.
"Ambrose he...he...his name was Jon Moxley back in the independents. He was a legend." He stuttered.
"But Nicki's last name was Moxley when she was in the independents." I said.
"She's using Jon Moxley's weapon. His character. He...he was crazy. Absolutely sick in the head. She...she...she's just like him." Paul said but he was cut off by the music off Stephanie's henchmen.



The whole catering area gasped quietly as they watched on.
Nicki smirked as the music was played. The camera panned to the Shield marching their way down to the ring and the crowd chanted Jon Moxley loudly.
Reigns and Rollins jumped over the barricade first and made their way into the ring. Dean went over and grabbed a microphone before stepping into the ring and standing infront of the other two.
He looked down at the chair placed on Stephanie and looked straight into Nicki's eyes as he spoke slowly, "if we have an issue let's settle it darlin." He said as he threw the microphone on the ground.
Nicki looked at him with crazy eyes and tilted her head with a smirk.
Dean did the same as he studied her. Reigns and Rollins looked on curiously.
"You don't want to mess with me sweetheart." Nicki said mockingly.
"Well darlin. You don't want to mess with me." He said back.
Both Nicki and Dean stepped up to each other and Nicki laughed in Deans face.
"You're a crazy bitch." Dean spat.
"You're really one to talk Jon." Nicki said.
Deans eyes turned dark, "watch you're mouth, we wouldn't want Mommy's little bitch to get her ass handed to her by a man."
"At least I have a mommy." Nicki said and silence echoed throughout the arena.
Reigns and Rollins watched on in shock as their jaws dropped.
Dean immediately struck Nicki. He punched her straight in the jaw and watched as her body hit the ground. She held her jaw as she smiled and watched Dean shake with anger.
"Keep that feeling Mox. Soon enough we'll be on the same team. You'll see." She said as she rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp as she waved mockingly to him.
"See you soon sweetheart." She yelled as she walked past the curtain and Reigns dragged Dean out of the ring.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO OUT THERE?!" I heard a voice scream from the hall as everyone in catering ran to see what was happening.
I followed the sound to the gorilla and saw Drake and Nicki in a screaming match.
"Because I can." Nicki shrugged.
"I told you not to associate with Ambrose!" Drake yelled.
"Why?!" She yelled.
"Because I said so." Drake said sternly.
"Since when did I give the impression that I take orders from anyone? I give the orders around here. I don't take them. Especially from you." She said as she walked off angrily.
"Get to work." Drake yelled as he saw the crowd standing around him.
Everyone scattered quickly as they ran to their locker rooms or back to catering.
"Brock let's go." Paul said as he tugged on my arm.
"That was interesting." I said as I smirked.
"Brock whatever you're thinking just stop." Paul said exhausted.

Later On In The Night
After Nicki's fight with Drake no one had seen or heard from her. Nicki had never missed a Monday Night Rager but everyone knew she was pissed at Drake so it was a question on if she was too show up or not.
But soon enough everyone's questions were answered as Drake and Nicki walked in arm and arm.
"We're ok!" Nicki yelled at the crowd as they all cheered.
Drake chuckled as he led Nicki to the corner of the bar where their crew sat.
Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Bobby Fish, and Rodrick Strong all moved aside to let her through as she smiled and patted Adams shoulder.
She moved to hug Tessa and sat on Charlottes lap as Drake moved to the stage.
"You see my little sister." Drake said as he laughed slightly.
"By only 3 minutes!" I heard a voice yell and the whole crowd burst out into laughter.
"By only 3 minutes," Drake said as he mocked his sister, "Little Nik, Char, and Tes used to be a part of a dance team when they were kids. I was not allowed to join." Drake said as he rolled his eyes.
"But I'm not bitter I swear." He said as he playfully flipped the three ladies off.
"They called themselves Legacy. Because if you asked any of them especially my sister they were going to continue their families legacies and fuck this place up. Strong words for a 13 year old aren't they?" Drake said as the crowd laughed, "Since tonight is a cause for celebration I figured a little dance would be fun?" He asked innocently as Nicki smirked. "You want a dance?" She asked him.
"Oh yes. I want a dance. So please welcome the most beautiful women in this room. Tessa Blanchard, Charlotte Flair, and Nicki McMahon!"
I watched as Nicki while flanked with her girls pushed Drake jokingly to the side. She turned to Charlotte and Tessa and said, "you girls ready to fuck this place up?"
"Legacy style?" Charlotte smirked.
"Legacy style." Nicki repeated back as Tessa smiled and screamed, "let's go!"
A crowd formed as all three women squatted down on the ground and waited for the song to hit a certain point.

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