Chapter 15

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Nicki's POV

The Arena
10:30 PM

"So," Brock said as we walked throughout the arena, "you said you have a plan?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said with an attitude.
"Care to share with the class." He said sarcastically.
"Ugh you make things so difficult. Follow me." I said annoyed.
I walked down the hall and took a left and it led us to a staircase in the corner of the arena.
"A staircase?" He asked as he raised a brow.
"Have patience jackass," I said as I rolled my eyes and looped around the stairs and knocked on a door.
The lock quickly unlatched and it was opened by Adam Cole.
"Is this some secret meeting place y'all have?" He joked.
"Something like that."
"May I?" He asked with an attitude.
"Go ahead." I said as he walked in and stood still for a moment as I followed.
I smirked to myself as I watched the shock on his face turn to complete confusion.
"Nicole. What. Is. This?!" He asked.
"Brock meet the other members of Team Moxley."
"I believe you know most of these people, but for old times sake let me introduce you all," I said, "Brock meet Drake McMahon, Charlotte Flair, Tessa Blanchard, Shaul Guerrero, Awesome Kong, The Undertaker, Brandi Rhodes, Cody Rhodes, Chris Jericho, AJ Lee, and CM Punk."
"What the hell." He said barley above a whisper.
"We are the most elite competitors this industry has to offer so why wouldn't I want everyone here on my team?" I asked.
"But I thought you said-" He began but I quickly cut him off.
"Thought I said what? You thought I said team members from the roster? Nope. I said 12 on 12 inter gender match. I didn't specify in the company." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.
He looked straight ahead at the members sprawled out across the room and he smirked to himself while he shook his head.
"Damn McMahon you are one of a kind."
"Oh I know." I said as I smiled.
"Um Nicole," Drake said as he glanced at the TV, "Stephanie's running her mouth again."
"And that's our que," I said as I walked to the middle of the room, "it's game on ladies and gentlemen." I said as I walked out of the room with The Undisputed Era behind me.
I walked to the other side of the arena and watched as the roster all stood at the monitors watching my mother introduce her "amazing" team.
I quickly told the sound guy to hit my music and I walked out onto the ramp with confidence as Adam and the boys stood behind me.
"Just stop." I said annoyed as I rolled my eyes at the scene unfolding in the ring, "mother you have no authority to be making ANY decisions on behalf of this company. I do." I said as the crowd cheered.
"And after our match on Raw last week I would've thought you'd be smarter then to call me out." I said, "unless you want another ass beating like the last one?" I asked innocently as I smirked.
"You see your team in there," I said as I pointed to the ring full of superstars, "your team may be full of amazing competitors and I can take nothing away from them individually, but as a cohesive unit? Mother you have to realize that the group of people in that ring are not a team and no matter how many career threatening speeches you give won't change that the fact of the matter is that they all hate each other. Cena hates you and is only in that ring because of the plastic Bella twin. Brie's only in there because she was forced too by Nikki. Mother you tormented Daniel Bryan for months on end and now all of a sudden he's willingly on your team? Not to mention the fact that his former tag team partner Kane is in that ring and he's the reason why Bryan was out for so long. Orton can't stand the site of Bryan or Cena because well let's be honest he wants both of the Bellas. Gold Dust is here because he can't get TV time anymore and you told him the only way to stay relevant and not lose his job was for him to join you. You threatened him with the power you don't actually have. As for Shawn, Ric, and Tully? Mom you're a McMahon! I would've thought you'd pick people who aren't past their prime." I said as I listened to the crowd start to boo.
"Oh shut the hell up you know they're washed up." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Uncle Shane is here because you have nobody else. Hunters here because he's getting a shot to earn the world title. And I don't even know why Nia is here but whatever. Your team is doomed to fail. They will never be able to get along." I said.
"Nicole who the hell do you think you are?" She screeched.
"I think I'm the woman who single handily took this company away from you and single handily put together the most history making team of all time." I said cockily.
"Oh yeah? Who the hell is on your team? Because the way I see it is that you don't have many friends in this company." She said as she shrugged.
"Who said anything about it being people from this company?" I asked confused.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" She yelled.
"Well before I answer that question. Let me introduce all of you to the members of Team Moxley." I said.
"Introducing first. My brother Drake McMahon!" I said as the crowd cheered softly.
Drake walked onto the stage and stood next to me as his music died down.
"And next. Charlotte Flair and Tessa Blanchard!" I said as Charlotte and Tessa walked out arm and arm and stood further down the side of the ramp as they smiled at the crowd.
"And next. FROM DEATH VALLEY." I said as I stared into the fearful eyes of Kane, "THE UNDERTAKER." I said loudly as the audience cheered loudly as the lights went out and when they came back on there Mark stood next to Drake.
"The Undertaker?!" Cole said shocked.
"Did you see the look on Nicki McMahon's face when she introduced him Cole?!" Graves sighed in fear.
"Indeed I did Graves."
The camera panned to me again as I saw the fearful eyes of who was to come out next.
"She is the daughter of the late great Eddie Guerrero. She is the definition of Lucha libre! Shaul Guerrero!" I screamed as the audience chanted Eddies name as she came out to her fathers music. She stood next to Charlotte and Tessa as they all locked arms.
"Nervous yet mother?" I asked as I smirked.
"And next. HE IS A FORMER AEW CHAMPION. AND A FORMER FLAME OF MY DEAR OLD MOTHER. CHRIS JERICHO." I said as he walked out and hugged me.
"She is a former WWE Divas Champion and he is a former WWE World Heavyweight champion. Actually John I think you know him quite well. And Nicki. Baby. You took her title away from her and beat her streak. You better believe she wants retribution. CM PUNK AND AJ LEE." I screamed as the audience started cheering.
CM Punk chants were heard across the arena as they both walked out to Punks music and stood next to me.
"She is a former Impact Wrestling champion. Being accompanied by Brandi Rhodes! Awesome Kong!" I yelled as they made their way out and I stared directly into Nias eyes. "Nia. She's coming for you." I said darkly as Nia shook her head with a grin.
"And Dustin." I said as he turned to me. "Don't think I forgot about you. I have one very special person here for you. Please welcome back to the WWE stage for the first time in over 4 years. The man who was the most underused competitor I think in the history of this company. CODY RHODES." I said as the audience cheered loudly for him as he walked out and stood next to Brandi.
"And last but certainly not least. He is by far the biggest acquisition for Team Moxley. He is the man who is going to beat my step father Triple H for the shot at the World Heavyweight Title." I said as I smirked and pointed to the stage.
The audience started screaming as Punk and Drake moved aside so Paul and Brock could make their way next to me. I smirked at the faces of everybody in the ring. They knew they were screwed.
"Paul may I take it from here just this once?" I asked innocently as he nodded quickly with a smirk, "Ladies and gentleman when I tell you that my team will beat "Team McMahon" I'm not giving you any hypotheticals, I'm not guessing, I'm not being cocky. I'm simply giving you a spoiler. Mother your team may be elite. Full of the best the WWE roster used to offer. But my team mother. We're the best in the world right now. We do what we do because we are damn good at it. I didn't need my last name to make me famous just like all these people on this stage didn't as well. We are wrestling royalty. We are the definition of the best. And hunter?" I asked as he looked towards me, "when my beast takes your sorry ass to suplex city just remember that not only is Brock the king of suplex city but I'm the Queen now." I said as Brock's music started playing throughout the arena and every person on stage stared down at there opponent's. Stephanie and Shane were screaming in the middle of the ring as their team started pacing up and down in fear. I've won. I know I've won. I smirked at the outcome of tonight and I immediately turned to Brock and jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands immediately went under my ass to hold me up. I slowly held the microphone up to my lips, "the beauty and her beast always get their happy ending and survivor series will be no different." I said venomously as I spiked the microphone on the ground and pulled Brock's lips to my own as the crowd cheered in approval and my mother was left in shock. I guess mommy's little girl truly is all grown up.

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