Chapter 44

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The flight went by relatively quick with minimal interruptions from the staff. Dean and Brock fell asleep after our conversation ended, but I couldn't. I stayed awake trying to rack my brain of reasons why Randy would do it.
Vince and Hunter groomed him to be the one superstar on the roster I could confidently say was handed a silver spoon throughout his whole career. Although his talent in the ring is exceptional and nobody could ever take away that he is one of the best this industry has to offer I still can't understand why he'd throw it all away.
Randy Orton is Vince's right hand man. He has been ever since Mark started working part time. He practically holds this company in the palm of his hand. Why would a man who had it all risk it so easily? And that's what made me nervous. My ex-husband is unpredictable and completely impossible to figure out at times even for a woman that was married to him for 3 years such as myself.
"Hey Nicole?" Dean asked as he stared at me from the passenger seat.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothings wrong." I said as I sighed. "I just still don't understand his motives. Why risk it?"
"I don't know." Dean groaned as he wiped his hand across his face.
"I just can't help but be worried." I said honestly as I looked out the window.
"It'll be fine." Brock said as he grabbed my hand comfortingly.
"I hope so." I said softly as the driver spoke up from the front seat.
"We're here." He said as I unbuckled my seat belt and immediately climbed out of the car.
"Stay outside. I'll pay you for however long you wait." I said as he nodded.
"Works for me."
"What floor is Vince on?" Dean asked.
"No clue." I said honestly as I walked through the automatic doors.
"Hello my name is Melanie how may I assist you today?" The secretary said with a bright smile. I envied her cheeriness.
"I'm here to see Vincent McMahon." I said as I smiled softly.
"Are you family?" She asked.
"I'm his granddaughter." I said.
"Mr. McMahon has a strict rule as to who can specifically see him. He has written out a list of who is allowed to go up to his room." She said.
"Of course he has." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.
"Can I please have each of your names and your relationship to the patient to verify you can be brought up?" She asked politely.
"Nicole McMahon or Nicole Lesnar I'm not really sure which name he put me under and as I said before I'm his granddaughter." I said.
"Ah yes Mrs. Lesnar your name is on the list." She said with a smile.
"Next?" She asked.
"Brock Lesnar. I'm married to his granddaughter." Brock said as he looked at me and shrugged.
"Mr. Lesnar you are also free to go." She said.
"And finally?" She said as Dean stepped up last.
"Dean Ambrose or Jonathon Good. I'm his grandson." He said as she clicked on keys and began to squint her eyes to get a closer look at the screen.
"And you said you're his grandson?" She asked confused.
"Yes." Dean said while tapping on his neck anxiously.
"I'm sorry Mr. Ambrose you're not on his list. I'm afraid I can't let you up." She said with pity laced in her voice.
"Text my dad and tell him to get down here. I'll stall." I said to Brock as he pulled out his phone and began typing away.
"That can't be right." I said as I laughed.
"Mrs. Lesnar I assure you it is."
"Check again." I said.
"But Mrs. Lesnar I can see the list right here and no where on it does it list a "Dean Ambrose" or a "Jonathan Good"." She said.
"I said check again."
"Just do it!" I shouted as she jumped slightly in her chair and began clicking away.
"Nicole it's okay." Dean said as he avoided eye contact with me.
"No it's not. You're going up I don't care what that stupid list says." I said.
"I checked again and it doesn't say his name so I'm afraid I can't let him up." She said again.
"Melanie is it?" I asked as she nodded her head with a smile, "do you know who I am?"
I could see her slowly gulp.
"No." She replied nervously.
"Do you realize what my last name means?" I asked her.
"No." She replied again.
"It means that I have enough money to buy this hospital and personally fire you myself if I see fit. So I ask you again can he or can he not fucking go up?!" I exclaimed.
"Hey." Dad said as he walked over to us. "What's wrong?"
"Daddy!" I shouted loudly as I hugged him tight. "This stupid secretary won't let Dean up because she says he's not on the list even though he's Vince's grandson. Isn't that so silly?" I asked with a fake laugh.
"Ah. That just won't do. Melanie this is my son. Isn't that right Dean?" Hunter asked as he put his hand on Dean's shoulder.
"Uh yeah. Yeah that's right." Dean said.
"Oh I'm sorry Mr. Levesque. I had no idea." She said sincerely as she immediately handed us all visitor passes. "That was my mistake." She said.
"Yes it really was." I said back with a wicked grin.
"Now come on I'll show you kids where his room is." Dad said as he ushered us off to the hallway.
"Melanie it was a pleasure!" I yelled as dad rolled his eyes.
"Do you always have to be such a brat?" He asked jokingly.
"Yes." Brock replied as I turned to him in mock horror.
"You did not just say that." I said as he grinned.
"Hey uh. Thanks for that." Dean said as he looked down towards the ground.
"I meant what I said the other day." Hunter said as Dean looked up at him and nodded.
"You're son huh?" I asked with smirk.
"It worked didn't it?" Hunter argued.
"Yeah it did." I admitted.
"Hopefully in the future we can make that a permanent thing." He said as he looked at Dean.
"What?" Dean asked shocked.
"Well. I'd like to think we can get to a point where we get close enough to act like father and son. But it's all up to you and if our friendship ever goes that far." Hunter said calmly as Dean stood their in disbelief.
"You really want me?" He said incredulously.
"Yes Dean I really do." He said as Dean stopped walking and immediately pulled Hunter into a hug.
I smiled to myself as I watched the exchange between the two.
"You know," I said as I walked over to them, "I'd love to get in on this hug too."
"Nah this ones for the boys only." Dean said with a wink as I laughed to myself.
"Already excluding me." I said as I wiped away a fake tear.
"Get over yourself Nicole." Hunter said as he stopped in front of a room.
"This is it?" Brock asked.
"Yes." Hunter said as he opened the door for us.
"Hey Vince." Brock said as he walked in.
"Hey! I'm glad you all could make it!" He exclaimed as he watched us all file in.
"Well some of us barely made it actually." I said sarcastically.
"Nicole don't over react." Vince said.
"I'm done talking to you about this. Grow up and accept the fact mom messed up. The world has moved on from the fact Dean's your grandson. You're the only one that hasn't. You already lost one grandchild. Why do you feel the need to push the rest of them away? Pull the stick out of your ass and move on." I said sternly as everyone in the room was silent.
"So." Hunter said as he looked around awkwardly. "Anybody want to play uno?"
"Dad stop." I said as I was immediately cut off by a voice entering the room.
"Hey Vince they didn't have the steak you wanted so I brought you a burger is that fine?" It couldn't be. Randy. Fucking. Orton.
"Oh hey Nicole." He said as Brock and Dean immediately moved to my side.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" I seethed as Hunter looked at me with pure shock written on his face.
"I didn't know." He mouthed as I nodded my head slightly.
"Honey Randy was visiting me like the good friend he is." Vince said as he smiled.
"So you'll let my ex-husband who caused my almost career ending injury in the room but you won't let Dean in?!" I yelled. "You are fucking ridiculous you know that?! How the hell do you know that he didn't do this to you?!"
"That's crazy." Vince said.
"No it's really not." I said with determination. "Who knows your every move like the back of there hand? Who would know your placement at live events? Or your flight schedules? Don't you see it?! Randy is the only person besides one of us that knows all the information!" I yelled. "His height and his build match the attacker!"
"Randy wouldn't do this to me." Vince argued.
"No you're right grandpa he wouldn't do it to you," I said as I walked up to Randy, "but he would do it to hurt me."
"You are as delusional as you were the day I divorced you." Randy said with a smile.
"Correction I divorced you." I said with a smirk. "I know you did this. The only question I have is why? Why now?"
"Why now what?" He asked innocently.
"Why would you pick now to attack my family? Was it because I got married? Or because I'm going into a custody battle? Or maybe it's because I came back and won the titles with my husband. So which one is it Randy?" I asked with a wicked smile.
"None." He said simply. "Because I didn't do it."
"Liar. But I shouldn't be surprised all you did was lie to me when we were married. The only difference now is I'm not your wife anymore I'm his and now I have another brother who to simply put it is a bit unstable." I said with a smirk as I pointed to Brock and Dean.
"Get out Randy and never come back." I said.
"Nicole I don't want him to leave." Vince said.
"It's either him or me." I said sternly as I turned to face Vince.
"You can't possibly be serious." Vince said.
"Try me."
"Nicole I don't want anybody to leave." He said.
"Chose." I said as Vince looked at Randy and stayed silent.
"Well then I guess you've made your choice." I said as I turned to Brock and Dean. "Boys are we ready to go?"
"I've been ready since the moment I found out I wasn't even allowed up here." Dean said honestly.
"Let's fucking go." Brock said with a sigh of relief.
"Mom it was wonderful to see you. Grandma I'm glad your heads doing okay. And Vince I'm glad to see absolutely nothing has changed with not only your health but also your shitty attitude. I feel like I've wasted my time even remotely flying here so I'm going to a bar." I said.
"Sounds good can I join?" Dad asked as I nodded my head with a smile.
"Of course you can." I said as I walked out with the boys behind me.
"Dean do you remember where we parked because when we get down there I'll probably be no help." I said honestly but got no reply back.
"Dean?" I asked as I turned around and realized he didn't follow the rest of us out.
"Ah shit." I said as I sighed and made my way back to the entrance of the room.
"Dean?!" I shouted as I walked in and saw Dean and Randy standing toe to toe.
"I dare you to move Orton. See what happens next." Dean threatened.
"Dean what are you doing?"
"He made a comment under his breath about how he's gonna do it again." Dean said.
"I didn't hear anything." Vince said.
"Well I wouldn't believe you even if that were true." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Dean just walk away." Hunter said as he walked over to try and reason with him.
"Yeah Dean just walk away." Randy mocked.
"You're scum." Randy said. "A street dog who never felt wanted so the first chance you get you shack up with one of the wealthiest families in the country."
"You're really one to talk Orton. Remind me. Wasn't it you that fucked an underage girl and then cut her off only to speak to her again when she was a legal adult?" Dean shot back.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Randy said with a chuckle.
"Really?" Dean asked with a fake laugh.
"Yeah really." Randy said.
"Dean lets just go." I said as I sighed.
He nodded at me as he looked at Randy one last time. "You're lucky that we're in a hospital right now. Otherwise you would've gotten your ass handed to you real quick."
"Is that so?" Randy asked. "I guess we'll never know."
All Dean did was grunt in response as he turned away from him and walked towards me.
"Dean watch out!" I screamed as Randy immediately turned around and hit him from behind. Dean fell to the ground and slammed his head off of the tile floor as we all watched in horror as his eyes closed and his breathing slowed down.
"Dean?!" Stephanie screamed as she ran to his side.
"Well that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Stupid boy." Vince said towards Randy with a shake of his head.
"That's all you're fucking worried about?!" I seethed.
"Get the fuck out!" I yelled.
"I consider that man my brother so before I lose my shit on you I suggest you leave." Brock said as Randy slowly nodded and walked out.
"Is he okay?!" Hunter asked.
"Does he look okay to you?!" I screamed.
"Nurse!" Linda shouted as nurses and doctors ran into the room and checked on Dean.
"Sherryl bring him to trauma one." A doctor said as Dean was immediately hoisted into a stretcher.
"What is happening?!" I shouted.
"What happened?" The doctor asked as he ignored my question.
"He was pushed and when he fell he slammed his head against the tile. His breathing slowed down and his eyes shut immediately." Hunter said.
"We have to check for internal bleeding but there's swelling from how hard he hit the floor. He'll likely be unconscious for a day or two." The doctor said as I immediately whipped my head in Vince's direction.
"This is all your fault!" I screamed as Brock held me close to him.
"Me?!" He exclaimed.
"You didn't even want him up here! You wanted Randy here instead! Don't you see?! He was here because he's trying! He's trying so hard to make you like him! Don't you understand that?! He's my brother! I don't even think you cared that Aubrey died because you got to make money off of his death! You never cared! After the funeral I didn't see you until I got a call about you telling me I was needed at work! Dean was there for me! He's...he's always been there for me." I sobbed.
"Of course I cared that Aubrey died. He was my grandson." Vince said softly.
"Yeah and so is Dean." I said sadly.
"I don't know Dean." Vince stared bluntly.
"Because you don't try!" I yelled. "All this family is to you is a walking bank. Fuck off Vince. And you." I said as I turned my head to Stephanie. "You fucking suck as a mother. You never speak up for Dean. You just let this shit happen. You are incredible in so many ways but you need to learn to give a shit."
"Dad is the only one here who genuinely cares about Dean. He's the only one Dean even remotely trusts besides myself and that's because he try's. The rest of you can burn in hell for all I care at this point." I said as I stormed out of the room.

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