Chapter 26

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Nicole's POV

"So where is this guest house you speak of?" Dean joked as he looked around.
"Right around the back." I said as I led him around the house.
"This house is gorgeous." He said as he looked in awe.
"Thanks." I said as I walked around the pool.
"So Minnesota huh? I always thought of you as the Florida type."
"Actually I use to live in Florida. When uh...when Aubrey died I couldn't stand the fact of being alone. I would have nightmares constantly so I asked Brock to stay with me. I know it's weird considering we both barley knew each other at the time and everyone thought I was crazy but he was the only one that made me feel safe. When I asked him I didn't realize he had kids. So I sold my old house and moved here with him. The house is actually in both our names. It works out this way. I have someone with me and he's able to see his kids whenever he wants." I explained.
"Do they know you?" He asked curiously.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"Have his kids met you?" He rephrased.
"Yeah." I said as I smiled, "they're amazing. You'd expect kids with the amount of money they have in their bank accounts to be entitled. But his kids. Dean I'm telling you there the most polite and humble kids you'll ever meet in your life." I said as I grinned.
"It sounds like you've really grown an attachment to them." He said as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.
"I have." I said honestly.
"What do they call you? Step mommy?" Dean asked with a smirk.
"No you asshole they don't." I said as I shoved him playfully.
"They just call me Nicki." I said as he just looked at me.
"Here it is!" I exclaimed as I opened the door.
"Woah. This place could easily eat my house back in Vegas." He said as he looked around.
"We actually had to add this on as an extension. Brock originally was going to stay here but now he just sleeps with me." I said casually.
Dean immediately whipped his head back at me.
"He sleeps in the same bed as you?" He said with a child like grin on his face.
"Oh my god Dean shut the fuck up." I said as I groaned.
"Why exactly does he sleep in the same bed as you?" He asked with a smirk.


I laid down in the bed and pulled the covers over me slowly.
"Here you go." Brock said as he walked into the room with a glass of water.
"Thank you." I said as I grabbed the glass from him.
"I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me." I said as I drank from the cup.
Brock and I were sitting on the couch on the first night of staying in our new house when I immediately lost it and started sobbing. My therapist likes to say it's a way of my subconscious letting it all out, but I know it's not fair to Brock to have to deal with my outbursts.
"Don't apologize it's fine." He said sincerely as he grabbed the cup from me and put it on the nightstand.
"Try and get some sleep Nicole. You need it." He said as he went to turn around.
"Wait." I said as he turned back around.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Can you sleep here just for tonight." I said as I pouted.
"Nicole." He said sternly.
"Please Brock." I said.
"Just for tonight." He said as he walked to the other side of the bed and climbed in.
"Thank you." I mumbled as I turned around and had my back facing him.
"Anytime Nik." He said softly as he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm gently around my waist.
I sighed contently as I felt myself slowly close my eyes.

"Because he does." I said.
"Okay fine. Don't kill me." Dean said as he held his hands up in surrender and smirked.
"I hope you don't mind all the black." I said as I looked at the interior.
"No not at all." He said honestly.
"Oh and I was meaning to ask you. I usually have Roman and Seth come down to my place once a week to visit so we can catch up. Roman usually brings Galina his wife and JoJo. Is that cool if they just come here now?" He asked.
"Yeah of course. There's plenty of room for them here anyway. The guest house has 4 bedrooms 5 baths." I said with a smile.
"Thank you." He said sincerely.
"No. Thank you. I'm glad you're staying here." I said honestly.
"I'm glad I am too." He said as he smiled.
"So uh." I said as I looked around awkwardly. "When's the big moving day?" I asked.
"Probably by the end of the week. I don't have much in Vegas. Just have to pack a few boxes and drive up here." He said as he looked at the guest house.
"You can stay the night if you want." I said.
"Nah it's okay. I have a flight back later in the day." He said and I just nodded.
"Well I'll leave you too it." I said as I turned to walk away.
"Nicole!" He shouted as I stopped and turned back to face him.
"Yeah?" I asked him.
"Don't make this weird. Remember I'm your brother." He said with a smile as I nodded quickly.
"Dean." I said as more of a question then a statement.
"I'm really glad I met you." I said sincerely as I walked up to him quickly and pulled him into a tight hug.
"I am too." He mumbled.

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