👻Halla Halla-Ween Song Mingi👻

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You look at the Halloween costume your boyfriend bought you. He smiles at you before walking over to you.

"Do you like it."You look him up and down before rolling your eyes. "Boy if I wear this my whole ass is going to be out." You walk away from him. "Baby why won't you wear it." He says following me. "Because I don't want my ass cheeks out Mingi." I throw the costume on the bed. "It's just going to be me, you, and the guys." He says.

You glare at him before thinking. "Fine, I'll wear it." You say going to put it on.

Mingi looks over at your costume and slaps
your ass. "Boy stop this why I didn't want to wear this." You try to pull down the skirt. "Oh well let's get going before we're late." He says grabbing your hand.

All that's going through your mind is that you're going to kill Mingi. He lied and told you that it was just going to be you, him and the guys but actually it's a whole party with other kpop artists. "He is so dead when we get home." You thought to yourself.

The party was packed, some people you recognized and some you didn't, You were having a somewhat good time. Standing beside the drink table and watching people socialize and have fun.

Your boyfriend elsewhere talking to his friends. You see your friend Jimin walking over to you. He smiles at you before pulling you into a hug. You look over at his costume to see that he's a vampire.

"Never thought you would be so bold to dress up like that Y/N." He says looking at your costume. "Well, I didn't buy it because I was too lazy to go get a costume. Mingi bought it for me. I was kinda pissed at him but I still wore it." You tell him. "That sounds stressful. How about me and you have some drinks to get rid of the stress." He says handing you a drink. You nod your head and accept the drink.

6 Drinks later
Jimin helps me find my way towards Mingi. "I don't need help silly baby." You push Jimin away and try to walk on your own. You were about to fall when Jimin catches you. "Uh-huh, you can totally walk by yourself." He says.

You and Jimin finally made your way over to where Mingi is. You thank Jimin and go over to sit on Mingi's lap. You start grinding on his thigh making him look at you in a surprised manner. "Mingi I'm horny." You whispered in his ear.

"Y/N how many drinks have you had." He asked. Holding up 6 fingers before grinding back on his thigh. "Y/N why would you get drunk knowing you have a low alcohol tolerance. We're leaving before you do something." He says picking you up bridal style.

Finally home Mingi had gotten you clean because you had thrown up in the car on the way back. He gets into bed with you before telling you. "You're going to regret this in the morning."

The Next Morning
You wake up with a major headache.
Mingi walks in with medicine and Water. "What happened last night." You say taking the medicine. "Oh, nothing besides you getting completely drunk off your mind and throwing up in the car." He says.

You sigh and think of last night. "I'm sorry. I told you I didn't want to go but I went anyway and looked at what happened." You say. "It's ok because next Halloween you're staying home." He says walking out.

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