➶︎Coming Home➴︎

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"Mommy when is Appa coming home."

"I don't know buddy but mommy needs you to go wake up your brother and sister while mommy gets lynden ready so we can visit Appa ok."

"Okay, mommy."

Me and Hongjoong have 4 kids together

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Me and Hongjoong have 4 kids together. Ever since we found out I couldn't have any children of my own we decided to adopt. We adopted Bentley when he was 1-years-old. We adopted Gabbie when she was 1 and Bentley was 3.

All of our kids are at least 2 years apart from each other. Well except for Lynden who we adopted before he got put in jail. Hongjoong has been in jail for a year now. Me and the kids miss him.

"Good morning mommy and bubba."

"Good morning baby boy."

"Where are we going, mommy?"

"To visit Appa. Are you excited?"

"Yeah, mommy, I weady."

"Ok then baby. Go get dressed and tell your siblings too."

Rowan runs out of the room and yells at his brother and sister to get dressed. Rowan is our loudest child even if he's only 3.

"Mommy, I'm dressed."

"Ok Baby. I'll be down there to fix you and your brothers some food in a minute."

"Okay, mommy."

Our only girl and cute quiet baby of our children. Gabbie has always been quiet but she's silly.

Making my way downstairs with Lynden in my arms I see Bentley helping Rowan him tie his shoes.

Bentley is our oldest child the one who loves to help anyone he possibly can. Bentley loves to help his siblings with anything they need help with and he helps me with Lynden and cooking.

Y/N; "What should we eat for breakfast."

BL: "Waffles and eggs mommy."

GB: "No, Bentley cereal."


Y/N: "how about I fix you and me some waffles and eggs, Bentley. Gabbie I'll you some frosted flakes. Rowan how about some lucky charms instead of pizza."

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now