🎃Halla Halla-Ween Choi San🎃

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That boy really is the devil. I glare at him from across the room before turning my attention back to my friend. The one-night Monsters and Sprits are allowed to have fun without hiding. Halloween the night everyone has been waiting for.

I could've stayed home but no my friends dragged me to this party telling me "it would be fun". They dragged me to this party while knowing he was going to be here. Out of all parties, why did he have to show up here? He winks at me from across the room. I just roll my eyes at his attempt.

"Girl go talk to him. He obviously likes you." My friend Brianna says. "No that boy likes to push my buttons and he's annoying," I say. "Yeah annoyingly hot and sexy is what she meant to say." Amaya my bestie says. "You always say that about guys. Don't you go out with that boy Minho." I say looking at her. "Yes but he doesn't care as long as I keep my hands and body to myself." She says checking out a guy.

I roll my eyes at her before turning my attention back to my drink. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Him wink at me. "If this boy doesn't leave me alone." I think to myself. He licks his lip and does a come here motion.

 He licks his lip and does a come here motion

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I look around to see who he's pointing too. He points directly at me before doing the come here motion again. I shake my head no before rushing to the bathroom. I sigh and look in the mirror. "What does he want." I think. "Obviously you Y/N." A voice says in my head. I turn around and see him leaning against the wall. "Ugh, what do you want San," I say. He looks me up and down before licking his lips. "You know what I want Y/N quit playing." He says walking closer.

"No Choi San I actually don't." I glare at him. "My sweet innocent little angel Y/N stop playing innocent because you know you're not after all the sweet sins you committed." He whispered in my ear. I think about all the sins I've committed with him. "See you're even thinking about." He says wrapping a hand around my throat. I little out a little whimper.

"See look at you already whimpering for me and I haven't even done anything yet." He says against my lips. He kisses me harshly and pushes me against the wall. "San stop," I say as he kisses my neck. "No, you don't want me too so shush." He says against my neck.

I feel him rubbing my pussy through the lingerie I'm wearing. "No San not here. We could get caught." I say trying to push him away. "We're not going to caught if you be quiet." He says leading me into the big stall. Once we're inside I tug at his shirt signaling for him to take it off. He pulls off his shirt showing that perfect chest of his.

I slowly take off my lingerie suit teasing him. He pushes me into the stall wall gliding his fingers through my folds coating his fingers in my arousal. "Look how wet you are for me, Angel." He says showing me his precum covered fingers. I moan out pleasure.

I feel his fingers slowly going in my cunt. He begins pushing his long fingers in and out of me. I bite my lip at him before moaning. "Fuck San faster, please. Holy shit that feels. Please don't stop." I moan into his ear. 

He quickens his pace. He starts rubbing my clit with his thumb. You let your eyes roll to the back of your head as the feeling of pleasure increases with each slide. He enjoys your reaction as you cum on his fingers.

"Look at my angel cumming on Daddy San's fingers." He says bringing his fingers up to his mouth. He moans as he tastes my arousal.
"Fuck you taste so good Angel. Now can you cum on Daddy's cock like that also." He says unzipping his pants.

He frees his cock from their restraint. You look amazed at the way his cock springs up and slaps against his stomach. "Don't look at it like you haven't had it before darling." He says kissing my jaw. He gently presses his cock in between your folds, teasing you slightly. You whine out, begging him for more.
"Shush you'll get it in a minute." He says coating himself in my arousal.

San thrust into me slowly as he kisses my neck. "Fuck you feel so good around me Angel." He says slapping my ass. He moves rapidly hitting my g-spot with each thrust. "Tight little pussy taking my cock so well." He says rubbing my clit. I buried my head in his shoulder, biting down and making him hiss. I kiss on his neck and grip his hair. He growled as he picked up the pace, slamming my back into the wall as our hips slapped together. I scratch down his back. My nails leaving marks along the way as I whine into his shoulder. "San daddy I'm gonna cum." I whimper. "Then cum then Angel." He says rubbing faster on my clit. I cum undone around him. I feel him release his cum into me. He kisses me before pulling out of me. He helps me put on my clothes before putting on his. On his way out he slaps my ass saying. "Angel remember I have eyes and ears everywhere." He says winking before walking away. I sigh as I limp out the bathroom.
Once a Devil, Always a devil.

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