𝑀𝑟. 𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ

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The Holiday spirit is in the air. The time to celebrate and spend time with everyone you love and care about. Present, Christmas trees, lights, and food. Everyone is excited for Christmas but there's always that one person who is grouchy.

This year it's Mr. Kim Hongjoong himself. He's been in a sour mood ever since a few weeks ago. Aria and Brooklyn have been calling him Mr. Grinch because of the way he's been acting.

Every time someone tries to talk to him he just groans and walks away from them like they weren't even there to begin with. The season is supposed to be about having fun and not being a Grinch but that's what he wants to do so who's stopping him.

This morning I and the girls were fixing breakfast since the guys are coming over. Hongjoong sits in the living room on the couch sulking while drinking his morning coffee which usually makes him feel good but today it doesn't.

I placing the food and plates on the table just as the doorbell rings. Aria runs and opens the door for her uncles and lets them in. Brooklyn hugs and kisses all over their cheeks making them all smile at her.

Hongjoong continues sitting on the couch sulking occasionally looking up from his mug to glare at people before looking back down. The guys look worryingly at their leader before turning to me. I shrug my shoulders and walk into the kitchen.

JH: "Cheer up Hyung, it's Christmas."

HJ: "Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely."

WY: "Stop being such a Grinch Hyung. You are bringing everyone's spirit down."

HJ: "Bah Humbug."

Y/N: "Guys you might wanna stop because there's no use of trying."

The guys all groan and make their way to the dining room to eat out morning Christmas breakfast. Hongjoong sits on the couch until Brooklyn tries to get him off of the couch.

I knew he couldn't stay grouchy at everyone. He loves his baby girl's too much to even think about being mean or grouchy to them. He smiles at Brooklyn before following her into the kitchen.

Everyone looks surprisingly at him but he immediately glares at all the guys before having a seat. Breakfast was filled with the guy's conversating about what they did over the weekend. Brooklyn and Aria were laughing their little heads off when Mingi started telling them his story.

I look at my husband who just picks with his food on his plate instead of eating it. I glare at him from the corner of my eye. He looks at me before rolling his eyes at me before turning his attention back to his plate.

After breakfast, we all make our way to the living room to open the presents. Aria and Brooklyn open up their presents first. I watch as they open up their presents while the guys sit around and hand them their presents from them.

Seonghwa is taking pictures of them for the holiday book. While everyone is busy talking and opening presents I pull Hongjoong away from them and into our room.

"Baby what's wrong."


"Kim Hongjoong you better talk time before I slap the taste out of yo mouth."


"Now tell me what's wrong."

"You haven't paid attention to me all day."

"So you've been a Grinch all day because I haven't paid you any attention."

"Yes now love me."



"You'll get your gift later when the girls are asleep so now come on."


"Yes now come on."

Later that Night

Hongjoong's cock stands proudly, slapping against his stomach when he pulls his underwear down. I can't help but stare at it, his tip already leaking from the sight of my naked form in such a submissive position, on my knees.

He loves how my eyes widen, marveling at his member. I move closer to his penis, sliding my hands along his bare thighs up to his hips. He leans back in the armchair, spreading himself to give me better access. My nose brushes against the underside, letting his cock rest flat against my face.

"Cmon baby put it in your mouth already." Hongjoong demands, eager to feel my mouth around his cock. I don't respond, instead of pressing gentle kisses alongside the base of his cock, dragging my lips against the more prominent veins on his penis.

"Baby please, just suck me off, I wanna feel you, fuck-" He groans, tired of being teased mercilessly by me. I grant his wish and take his the tip of his cock in my mouth, sucking the precum leaking from the head. I take his balls into your hands as well, massaging both of them gently.

Letting my throat relax, I slowly ease more of the hard cock into my mouth. Hongjoong watches me take his member deeper into my throat, resisting the urge to thrust up into my mouth.

"Shit baby girl, you look so pretty with your mouth full of cock." He bites his lip, almost wishing he had a camera to take a photo of the beautiful view.

I ease my mouth off his cock, to his disappointment, but replace it with my breasts. Pressing my tits against each side of his cock makes him throw his head back against the chair.

Moving my chest up and down against his hard penis as I pinch my nipples tightly proves just as effective to please Hongjoong as my throat. It's becoming his favorite sight to see.

"So fucking hot, you're gonna make me cum babe!" Homgjoong's moans give me a swell of pride, and I smirk at his undoing.
"Do it, babe, I want you to cover me in your cum," I order, and he's ready to oblige.

"Little cumslut." He pulls his cock out from between my warm breasts and stands up, jerking his cock off above me. I move into a more comfortable position for my knees, jutting my chest out and holding my palms up to catch his juices when he orgasms on me.

"Make it snow in here." I leave my mouth hanging open, which elicits one more pleasured groan from above me.

With that said, Hongjoong cums. Long white ropes land on my face, his orgasm coming out in waves on my body. His mouth is left hanging open from his orgasm, jerking himself off faster to get more of his juices to coat my face.

When he's finished, he watches me swipe a bit of cum off my chest with my fingers, before lapping it up with my tongue.

"Merry Christmas Mr. Grinch." I giggle, before standing up to get a kiss.

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now