𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑜𝑠

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Kinsley-7 months

December 24th
5:45 PM
The countdown for Christmas Day is about to end. YJ and Aiden are crazy about opening their presents and are hyperactive being that they are jumping up and down.

Kinsley is on her back on the floor watching as her brothers jump around which makes her look at them in confusion. Yunho is in the Kitchen cooking our Christmas Eve dinner while I'm watching the kids and putting the star on top of the tree.

"Come on baby Aiden needs help putting the star on the tree."

"Here I come."

Yunho runs into the living room with the apron still. I stifle a laugh as he almost trips over the kids' toys. Kinsley giggles which makes Aiden and YJ laugh as well.

Yunho turns around and glares at all of us before picking Aiden up and helping him place the star on top of the tree. I take a picture of them before picking up Kinsley.

Kinsley giggles and squirms in my arms trying to reach for her Appa. Yunho gladly takes his squirmy baby girl out of my arms. He smiles at me before pecking my lips.

I roll my eyes at him before going to help the boys hang their stockings. Aiden hangs his stocking in the middle of all of ours because he says he's the middle child and that he should always be in the middle.

YJ rolls his eyes at his baby brother before hanging his stocking up on the chimney right beside Kinsley's baby stocking. I giggle at my Oldest's facial expression when he realized that Kinsley had such a small stocking.

I ask the boys do they want to help me wrap their uncle's presents with me. Thankfully they said yes because Yunho had bought the guys lots of presents for being there with him and for their success.

Yunho comes back into the living room with Kinsley who has chocolate on her chubby little face. I sigh and take her from Yunho who sits on the ground helping the boys wrap up the gifts.

I go to clean Kinsley off but when I return I see wrapping paper everywhere and Tape wrapped around YJ's face while Yunho has gift-wrapping around him. Aiden sits on the couch looking at them both in disgust.

I sigh placing Kinsley in her playpen before going to help my husband and child. After I finish helping them I glare at them before looking at the mess they made.

Aiden scolds them as well but in a quiet manner because he doesn't want his Appa mean-mugging him. YJ starts helping me clean as well as Aiden. Yunho just runs into the kitchen.

I follow behind him to see him pull out a burned ham. He sits it down on the stove before sighing. He turns around and jumps when he sees my glaring at him.

"You're going to go in there and help clean up the mess with the boys."

"Fine but I deserve kisses after it."

"No, you don't you because you are going to help YJ pick up the things off the floor."


He makes his way to the living room. I look at the ham before turning around to finish baking the macaroni and cheese until I hear a big crash come from the living room.

I run into the living room to see Kinsley who's out of her playpen with the Christmas tree behind her on the ground. Aiden is crying saying that Christmas is ruined while Yunho and YJ point at each other pinning the blame on each other.

A knock on the front door knocks me out of my thoughts. I open the door to see the guys and my baby brother standing there looking at me confused by my facial expression.

I let them into the house. I hear gasps and murmurs. Walking into the living I see Chani holding his niece and Seonghwa scolding Yunho and YJ while Aiden stands by Mingi who is trying to calm him down.

I smell burning so I run to the kitchen and turn the stovetop off to see that the macaroni is burnt. I sit at the kitchen table about to cry when the guys come into the kitchen trying to cheer me up.

"Mommy me, Aiden, Kinsley, and Appa are sorry. We didn't mean to ruin Christmas."

"It's ok baby."

I kiss my babies all over their chubby faces making them all giggle. The guys coo at us making me roll my eyes at them. Yunho makes his way over to me with a sad pout on his face.

He cups my face in his hands pecking my lips multiple times making me giggle and the guys groan and sigh in disgust.

"I'm sorry baby. I ruined Christmas."

"Actually, you didn't because our parents are on their way over now so we can all spend Christmas Eve together. Mom said everyone is welcome."

I hug my brother which makes him try to push himself away from me. I let go of him before pulling everyone into a group hug.

30 minutes later
Me and Chani's parents arrive with food and gifts. The kids get excited to see their grandparents but also the presents. I help my mom set the food on the table as The guys help my dad put back up the Christmas tree.

We all make it to the dinner table going around saying what we are thankful for. When it was my turn I looked around the table before saying.

"Even though we didn't get to spend Christmas the way I wanted too. I'm glad I got to spend time with the ones I love even if some are crackheads. I'm thankful for my friends, family and last but not least my husband. Even if you are slow in the head at times I wouldn't change my love for you ever in life."

I'm glad we had a good Christmas even if it was a Chaotic Christmas.

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