𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚒 1

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"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. How hard can taking care of a 2-year-old be?"

Yunho PoV

Mingi and I are sitting in the conference room waiting to see and finally meet our daughter before taking her home. My nerves are through the roof but the start to calm down when I feel Mingi holds my hand.

It's unreal that we're actually here to get our daughter after months of planning to get her and planning her room. The door opens and incomes, the Adoption lady comes in with a little girl. The little girl has chocolate skin, her hair put in two pigtails which were curled, she was wearing a yellow dress and shoes.

I wave at the little girl who does a little wave at me before hiding behind the lady. The lady smiles at us and shows us the papers. After signing for the papers we finally get to talk to
y/n whos playing with her pigtails.

"Hi, y/n I'm Yunho how are you."

She doesn't say anything but she just nods at me before hugging me. I hug her back and take her little hand in mind before walking over to Mingi. Mingi smiles at her before picking her up. She just buries her head in the crook of his neck before sucking on her thumb.
I go talk to the Adoption lady to ask her some questions.

"Umm excuse me, ma'am, can I ask you a question."


"Is she always this quiet and shy."

"No. It's just because you guys are new to her. Watch in a either a few days or weeks she'll be comfortable with you guys."

"Ok. Does she have any medical problems."

"She has asthma and she has a stuttering problem. That's all besides that she has dyslexia."

"Does she have an inhaler. Does she need anything for the stuttering and dyslexia?"

"She has an inhaler in her bag and she doesn't have anything for her stuttering and dyslexia."

"Ok thank you."

I bow at her before walking out the door. Mingi stands there waiting for me with the now asleep y/n who has her thumb still in her mouth.

"So what did she say?"

"She said that she has asthma, dyslexia and she stutters."

"We have everything for those things right."

"Yes but she doesn't take medicine for her stuttering and dyslexia."

"It's not bad right."

"It's not baby."


On your way home, we stopped by the store to buy y/n some fruit snacks and some ice cream. I just hope that she breaks out of her shell soon.

~ A few weeks later
Mingi PoV

Y/N is sitting on the couch watching Spongebob while Yunho is cooking and I'm fixing up y/n's dollhouse. Lately, y/n has been breaking out of her shell. She's even started calling us her Papa and Appa.

"Pa-pa h-hungwy."

"Ok baby it's almost done."


"Why don't you go help Appa with your dollhouse?"


She climbs off the couch and runs over to me with a cute smile on her face. I smile at her before picking her up. Y/N giggles before squishing my face between her little hands. I smile and place her own floor to help me finish building her dollhouse.

After we finish we start playing with her dolls until Yunho calls us to Dinner. Y/N runs into the Kitchen and hugs Yunho's legs which makes him smile. I kiss his cheek before placing y/n in her chair.

Her little legs swing back and forth as she waits for Yunho to place her plate down on the table. She does funny faces at me making me laugh at our silly daughter. Yunho rubs her head before placing the plates down on the table.

She eats her food and continues doing funny faces making us both laugh at her. She's so silly but she can still be a quiet little baby at times. After dinner, y/n takes a bath and eats her dessert.

We all are sitting on the couch watching cartoons. Y/N is in between me and Yunho playing with Yunho's rings on his fingers. We smile at her before kissing each of her cheeks making her smile.

"Love are you happy here?"

"Y-yes I l-love p-papa and a-a-appa."

"We love you too Love."

Y/N Fawn Song Jeong (2 1/2)

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Y/N Fawn Song Jeong (2 1/2)

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now