𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕

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Jongho PoV

It's not right to have these types of feelings. Right? Especially not for your Hyungs girl. Y/N the girl I have been I love with ever since I met her on the first day of college. But she's my Hyung Hongjoong's girl.

I can't help but feel attracted to her. She makes me smile and know that the world is ok to be comfortable in. She was the first friend I made here besides my hyungs. The more time I spent around her the deeper I feel for her. Hongjoong Hyung can't know about this or unless I want to be hurt.

Right now me and Hyung Seonghwa are sitting in the library going over the exam for our history class. I sigh and try to get my brain to work but I'm too focus on y/n to think about history now. Seonghwa Hyung gives me a confused look before patting my back.

"Hyung can I ask you a question."


"I have this crush on this girl I really like but she has a boyfriend. I'm worried about her boyfriend finding out and that she won't like me back."

"I don't know what to tell you because I have never been in a situation like that before. How about going with your gut instinct. If her boyfriend wants to kill you
React on flight or fight got it."

I nod my head understandingly even if I didn't quite understand what he said. I sigh and lay my head on the table but I immediately lift it back up when I hear her beautiful calm humming fill the library space. She smiles and waves at me which causes a faint blush to creep across my cheeks. She walks away probably searching for a book.

I hear a gasp and I immediately turn towards Hyung Seonghwa.

"Y-you l-like y/n."

I hush him but he just sits there with a shocked look on his face. I roll my eyes before looking back at the textbook. I just hope Seonghwa Hyung keeps his mouth closed and not spill to Hongjoong Hyung. If he does I'm totally screwed for all I'm worth.

I walk into the class and sit by San Hyung who scrolls through his phone. The teacher comes up and snatches it right out of his hands. San rolls his eyes at him before turning to me.

"So how has your hunt for y/n been going."

"I just like her it's not like I'm trying to take her away from Hongjoong Hyung because I'm not."

"That's what they all say, my boy."

Seonghwa rolls his eyes at me before calling y/n over. I groan and lay my head down on the table. Y/N sits in front of me smiling at both me and Seonghwa.

"Hi, guys. What's up."

"I've been good. I don't know about Jongho over here."

"Are you ok Ho-ho."

"Umm I-i g-got to go."

I grab my bag and books rushing out of there as fast as I can run. I don't even look back because I'm too embarrassed too.

~Y/N PoV

I look at Seonghwa confused about why Jongho just ran out of here like that. He gives me a smirk before walking to the checkout. I follow behind him asking questions.

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now