👻Halla Halla-Ween Jeong Yunho👻

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Yunho PoV
"Baby come to dance with me," I say pointing at her. She shakes her head and laughs at what I'm doing. I make my way over to her. Pulling her close to me I whisper in her ear. "Why don't you want to dance with me, baby."

I whisper in her ear before kissing on her neck. "Yunnie stop before we get caught." She says pushing me away. "I don't care, baby, I need you," I whine in her ear.

She pushes me back. "No baby maybe when we get back to my apartment ok." She says walking off. I sigh and lean my head against the wall. "That girl is driving me crazy." I think to myself.

"Girl what you do." April my friend asks me. I look at her confused at her. "Don't act you don't know what I'm talking about because you know that you do." She says

I shake my head at her. "Why didn't you dance with him. Look at him you made him sad." She says pointing to Yunho who's sulking in the corner like a toddler.

"Girl he's fine. He can't be sad that I don't want to dance." I say. "Why don't you want to dance." She says. "I'm still hurting ok," I say. "Hurting from what." She asks. I give the look before turning away.

"Damn he wore you out last night didn't he." She says before laughing. I roll my eyes at her before turning my attention back to where Yunho is. I see that he's gone. I swear if that boy sneaks up on me. Imma knock his lights out.

"Girl what you looking at," April says catching my attention. "Umm nothing," I say. She hums a quick uh huh before going to get her something to drink.

I look around the party trying to find Yunho but I don't see him anywhere. "Where is he." I think to myself. I hear a cough behind me. I turn around to see Leo April's boyfriend who's also my cousin.

"Hey Y/N I haven't seen you all night." He says giving me a hug. "Yeah, where have you been cousin didn't you come here with April," I ask. "Yep but As soon as I walked in I seen my friends and hung out with them." He says.

I keep talking to him until I have to go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and sigh. I all of a sudden get pushed into the counter. I look up and see Yunho.

I gasp as I feel him is hard on against me. "Gosh look what you do to me, baby." He says kissing me on the neck. I sigh and lean my head against his chest. "You just had to wear this little outfit didn't you." He says.

"Baby I-I." I try to say. He shushes me. I'm going to wear you out when we get home for wearing this and not paying me any attention." He says smacking my ass before walking out the door.

I walk out the door and walk back to where April is. "Girl what the hell happened to your neck." She says taking a look at my neck. I sigh and gasp before covering my neck. "I'm going to kill that boy." I think to myself.

"Yunho Did it," I say. She snickers at me. "It's not that funny so I don't know why you're laughing," I say. She shakes her head before laughing some more. I walk away from her and go to get me another drink.

6 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 5 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
I think I'm drunk but I'm not so sure. I turn around to see Yunho glaring at me. I roll my eyes at him before turning my attention back to my shot. As I was about to drink it I was picked up and placed over Yunho's shoulder.

"You're in so much trouble when we get home baby girl." He says. I sigh and lay my head down on his back.

We just go home 30 minutes ago. Yunho hasn't said a thing to me. All he's doing is just glaring at me. "Baby, I'm so-," I say but was rudely interrupted. "Don't say anything. You have to the count of three to be in the room naked on the bed ass up face down." He says.

"I'll actually give you 10 seconds. Starting now." He says beginning to count. I run my way into the room and strip. I get into position and wait for him.

I hear him enter the room removing his belt. "Fuck you look so pretty, baby." He says running his hand over my ass before smack his hand on it. I gasp and fall forward. He pulls me up by my hair.

"Keep yourself in this position or I'll make your punishment worse." He says. He buries his face in between my thighs. I gasp when I feel him run his tongue between my folds. "Fuck Baby," I say. He kisses my clit making me groan out in pleasure. He slipped a finger into my core making me hitch my breath. He sucks on my clit. "Fuck baby you taste so fucking good." He says pushing his face deeper into my pussy. I grind against his face. "Baby, I'm so close please let me cum," I said gripping his hair. He just sucks on my clit harder. I cum hard before falling down on the bed. "Fuck, look how pretty Daddy's baby looks all fucked out. We aren't finished just yet." He says sliding his cock in between my folds. He pushes into me. "Fuck you're already clenching around me and we just started baby." He says keeping a steady thrust. I whimper as his cock slides in and out of me. He takes it nice and slows trying to savor this moment of pleasure until he remembers what he was doing. He starts picking up his pace before he's balls deep inside of me. "You like the way, Daddy pounds into your tight little cunt baby." He says kissing down my back. "Yes, daddy please give me more," I say. He begins pounding into me hard at a rapid pace while rubbing my clit. "Cum on Daddy's cock baby." He says as his thrust begins to slow. I cum on his cock as he releases his cum into me. He pulls out of me before going to the bathroom to get a rag. He comes back and Cleans me off before putting the Dirty rag in the hamper. He lays down and kisses my forehead before saying "don't you ever tease Daddy like that again unless you want to end like this again."
He falls asleep leaving me shook. "Never tease Yunho ever again." I think to Myself before drifting off.

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