𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚗 1

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"Life is going to be crazy."

"I can already see it."

~ San PoV

"Y/N please stop hiding from Appa San, please. I just want to change your diaper, please."


"Yes, Bubba come to Appa, please."


How is a 10-month-old so sassy and she can hide so well? I've been looking all over the house for her and I still can't manage to find her. Why did he leave me home her? She's so sneaky and mean to me.

"Y/N please come out!"




"If you don't come out now you won't get any cookies."

As soon as I said that I hear tiny pit patters coming down the hallway. I lean over the couch arm to see y/n peeking her head around the corner with a smile on her face. Her gummy smile is adorable. I smile at her before picking her up.

"Please don't do that again you scared Appa."

She giggles at me before placing a wet opened mouth kiss on my cheek. I roll my eyes at her before walking to her room. I change her diaper and place her on the ground watching as she crawls away.

The front door opens signifying that Wooyoung is home. Her slow pitter-patter speeds up as she makes her way to the living room to see her Da Da.

"Da da."


I walk out of the y/n's room to see Wooyoung kissing all over her chubby face which makes her giggle before pointing at me. I chuckle and make my way over to them.

I kiss Wooyoung's cheek and wrap my arms around his waist. He laughs as I pepper kisses on his neck. Y/N pouts at us before making grabby hands at me. I grab her out of Wooyoung's arms and kiss all over her face.

"Why is she so jealous?"

"I don't know but she gets it from you."

"Hey no she's doesn't. She just loves her Appa."

Wooyoung PoV
I roll my eyes at him before walking into the kitchen. He follows behind me bouncing y/n on his hip as she giggles. I smile at our daughter and turn to face San.

"When did you last feed her?"

"Umm, about two hours ago but I just changed her so."

"Ok, I'm making her rice pudding so she doesn't start whining."


San places y/n on the floor as he goes to make her a bottle. She crawls over to my legs and hugs my legs. I pick her up and set her down on the counter before handing her favorite pacifier to her before turning to make her rice pudding.

San finishes making her bottle which makes her make grabby hands at him. He shakes his head at his bubba before picking her up and placing her bottle in her mouth. She drinks her bottle and touches on San's face in curiosity.

I place her pudding on her high chair before grabbing her and placing her in the chair. I feed her the pudding and play with her. After she finishes eating she immediately starts playing with her toys that are scattered all over the living room floor.

San watches Tv while y/n plays on the floor with her toys until it's time for her bubble bath. After I her out of the bath she tries to crawl out of the bathroom naked but I grab her and put her clothes on. After her clothes are on she's immediately crawled out of her way out the room to get back to her toys.

I sit on the couch and snuggle into San and kiss his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. He pecks my lips over making me laugh. I pull him into a kiss. He smirks into the kiss as his grip on my waist tightens. A small whimper breaks us apart.

Y/N stands there making grabby hands at San. He picks her up and sets her in between us. She giggles and claps looking at both of us.

"Told you she's jealous."

"It's your fault you spoiled her to much."

"I don't care. She's my bubbas and she gets anything she wants."

I roll my eyes at him before picking y/n up and kissing her chubby cheek. San kisses her other cheek which makes her giggle.

"See bubbas you have both of our love so there's no need to be jealous."

Y/N Lei Choi (10 months old)

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Y/N Lei Choi (10 months old)

~San and Wooyoung are engaged in this. They gave y/n San's last name since they all are about to be the Choi Family.

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