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Wassup guys welcome back to the vlog channel. Today is the day my baby gets back from tour. Isn't that right Teagan. I say pointing the camera to my 3-year-old daughter who plays with her toys.

"Anyway, Teagan are you excited to see Appa." She just nods her little head. I place the camera down and go get me and Teagan dressed.

Grabbing Teagan and head out the door.

We finally made it to the Airport after 30 minutes of being stuck in traffic. Teagan is crying her head off because she's sleepy even though she woke up not that long ago.

"So right guys we're waiting for his flight to be called and Teagan is being fussy." I say showing the camera Teagan who's eating her Chetto puffs.

"She's always hungry. Anywho we're waiting for flight 123. I'm excited to finally see my baby after 3 months apart from each other." I say.

I place the camera down take cute pictures of Teagan to post on Instagram.

15 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
The flight number was finally called and right now me and Teagan are on our way over to the gate. Pointing the camera to the Gate.

I look around and try to find him. I spot someone that looks like him. Making my over to him until he turns around.

"Baby." I yell making my way over to him.

Mingi PoV
I turn around and see my fiancee of 6 months and My daughter making their way over to me. I hug them tight almost never wanting to let go. "I missed you guys so much." I say kissing both of their cheeks.

Teagan makes grabby hands at me. "Hi, Appa's princess. Have you been good for Mommy while Appa was gone." I say kissing her chubby face making her giggle.

She's been fussy all this morning, She's mean baby. Don't fall for that. Y/N says. I roll my eyes at her just to hear her scoff.

"Guys here's Mingi. He's finally back from the tour. So baby how was Tour." Y/N asks pointing the camera to me.

"It was amazing but I'm glad to be home with my family." I say to the camera. "Guys I really missed my baby when he was gone but I'm happy he's back now." Y/N says. I kiss her lips multiple times making her laugh.

I hear a cry from Teagan. "Baby Appa has to love mommy too not just you." I say kissing her forehead. "Guys Teagan is always jealous when I kiss y/n. I don't know why because I always show her affection too." I say.

"Come on let's get home." Y/N says taking Teagan out of my arms. I grab my suitcase and follow them.

"We made it home a few hours ago just spending family time together and now Teagan and Mingi are having an argument." I say showing the camera Mingi and Teagan on the couch arguing.

"Why are you starting arguments with Appa. I just got back." He says. She giggles her cute little laugh. "Oh, You're laughing at Appa now. He says kissing her tummy. "Appa no." She says pushing his face away.

"Baby she doesn't want my love. So you can have it." He says holding his other open for me. I jump in his arms and kiss his cheek. "No my mommy." Teagan says crawling into my lap. "Hey, I knew her first. Actually, I know her and her body really well." He says making me slap his chest.

I pick up Teagan. "Wow, you go to Mommy when you get into an agreement with Appa. You see this guys." He says pointing the camera you and Teagan.

"Anyway, it's time for Teagan to eat and go to bed. She's been up long enough." I say giving the camera a wave and a wave from Teagan.

Mingi PoV
"While that's happening it's time for me to show you guys my aegyo." I say.

"Adorable right. Anyway, Teagan has grow so big over the past few months. She's 3 now and still growing. I'm not ready for my bubs to grow up." I say pouting to the camera.

"Baby Teagan is sle-. What's wrong." Y/N asks sitting next to me. "Just telling the viewers that my bubs is growing to fast." I say laying my head on her shoulder. "Baby, it may be true but that doesn't mean she won't be your bubs anymore." Y/N says.

I nod my head and continue to sulk. "Ok guys Mingi is being a sulky baby right now so we're going to go to bed. We'll do the outro in there." y/n says to the camera pulling me along with her.

Ok guys welcome to the outro. I'm going to sleep now. Mingi is going to finish up the vlog. Goodnight and I hope you like this video. I say blowing the camera a kiss before handing it to Mingi.

Mingi PoV
I hope you guys enjoyed the vlog and subscribe for more if you did. Please tune in for tomorrow's vlog because I have surprise for Y/N and Teagan. He says laying down in bed.

"Goodnight and see you all tomorrow." He says sending the camera kids before turning it off. He wraps his arms around you before drifting off to sleep.

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