🎃Halla Halla-Ween Kim Hongjoong 🎃

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Right now I'm having the time of my life. No Boyfriend, No kids to bring down this party girl. Me and my friends are having drinks.

"Girl did you see who's here." My friend Amy says. "Nah who, " I say sipping on my drink. "Yo ex." She says. I almost choke on my drink.

"My ex Hongjoong," I ask. She nods her head before taking a sip of her drink. I sigh and lean my head against the wall. "Out of all the parties why did he have to come to this one." I think to myself.

"Girl are you ok," Amy asks. "No, because why did he have to come to a party that I just happened to be at," I say. "I don't know the girl but he is looking sexy tonight." She says.

"Eww don't do that he's my ex," I say. "Yo sexy ass ex." She says biting her lip. I walk away from her. I see my friend Taylor with her Boyfriend, Micheal.

I make my way over to them. "Taylor wassup girl, "I say. "Nothing girl how have you been." She says. I've been ok up until now." I say. "Why that's wrong. Who did something because I won't hesitate to whoop someone's ass tonight." She says.

I laugh at her before saying "Just my ex. He came knowing I would be here tonight." I say. "Oof so how long ago did y'all break up." She asks. "Umm about a year ago," I say.

"Why did you guys break up." She asks taking a sip of her drink. We broke up because the long-distance relationship wasn't going so as we thought it would. I say.

She nods and downs the rest of her drink. "Well let's not waste the night away worrying about him. Let's get drunk." She says pulling me to the drink table.

My brain is telling me no while my heart is telling me yes. I decide to go with my heart. I decided to get drunk off of my fucking mind.

Hongjoong PoV
My friends and I are sitting around drinking and having fun. "Yo guys did you see that really thick Chick that's here." Keith my friend says. I zoned him out. I look around the party.

My eyes come across a familiar body. I didn't even realize I was staring until Keith snapped me out of my trance. "You saw her, didn't you? I told you that she was thick." He says. I push him out of the way before making my way over to him.

I make my way over to the drink table to see Y/N. I didn't even know she was going to be here. "Y/N how are you," I say. She turns around and kisses me.

"Umm Y/N let's get you home because you seem a bit drunk," I say picking her up bridal style. I make my way outside with her style in my arms.

I place her in the car and start the drive to her apartment. Once we get to her I find the spare key she always left for me.

I get her cleaned up and in bed before leaving.

I woke up with a massive headache. I look on the side table beside my bed to find a note and some Advil. I take the Advil and read the note.

"Y/N you got really drunk last night so I dropped you off safe and sound. I see that you left the spare key that you always left for me under the welcome mat. Maybe we can meet up for coffee later to discuss that kiss.

I smile at the note before texting the number. before laying down and going back to sleep.

"Maybe there's a chance," I think to myself before laying down and going back to sleep.

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now