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They're just words. Words that can bruise a person's soul and wellbeing. Words hurt more than they think it does. They don't care how bad it hurts the person as long they can get their message across. Sometimes it makes me wonder if there are even good people left in this cruel world.

In my eyes, you don't deserve all this hate and discrimination. In my world, you are beautiful the way you were born. You don't need to change for anyone. You're beautiful the way you were made. If someone tells you to change something about yourself don't listen keep being your beautiful self.

It doesn't matter what color you are or what race you are to me you're a person just like me who has feelings, who cries, who gets upset. You are one of a kind. You are beautiful no matter what anyone says. You're cared for, you're loved. You're everything that some people wish they could be.

You're beautiful without realizing it. With your Melanin skin. You're beautiful, goofy, and sarcastic but it's just your way of being you. Around me, you can be whoever you want to be because I won't judge you for how you are because I know you're different from me in many ways and I won't make rude nasty comments, about you no matter what.

They say perfection comes in many shapes and forms. To be honest I'm pretty sure none of them have ever known or seen perfection as I have. You are perfection without realizing it. My heart is always open to you. My heart always knows the truth it sees past the fakeness of anyone who dares talk bad about you. When it comes to you I can never be selfish.

"Baby I hope you know that you're beautiful."

"Joong that's sweet."

"I just want you to know it because I feel like I haven't been saying it enough."

I know deep down how I feel about you. Deep down I know that the problems in the world can never be solved overnight. I know that words can be brutal and cut deep. I know everyone has a different view of the world. I know that everyone has their own opinions and they're going to state their opinions no matter what.

I wish people could see the world from other people's perspectives. Maybe it would help them to learn how to treat others better and with respect. I wish people could know how words and actions affect people. How bad that person hurts because of the words or actions that were said or done to them. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or what color you are. Disrespecting someone or even their race is disrespectful.

"Don't let anyone put you down baby."

"I won't Joong. I'm stronger than I look. "

"I know but promise me. You don't deserve any hate."

"I promise Joong."

My words are meant to mean something to anyone who reads this or someone who knows the feeling. I hope that you know you are beautiful and deserve the world no matter what. I hope in the future nothing bad happens to you or someone you care deeply for. I hope you find someone who loves you for you and not because of your status.

Grace the world with your presence. Stand up for what is right and make it known. Be your beautiful self and make it known to the world that you are who you are no matter what anyone tells you. You're perfection and I hope you realize that.

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now