🎃Halla Halla-Ween Kang Yeosang🎃

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Halloween night where people just something there are not for an entire night. Kids going door to door trick-or-treating. That's not how Tonight is going to go. I'm sitting here changing Hayden.

"Mommy where are you." Hope asks attempt to walk with out her walker down the hall. I'm in your brother's room. I say. Hope waddles into the room making her hair fall into her face. "Mommy, I can see anything." She says.

"Baby, it's because your hair is in the way." I say placing Hayden on the Floor. I grab Hayden's little hand in mine. "Come on hope let's go put on your outfit before your Daddy gets back with the food and stuff." I say walking out of the room with Hayden.

"Come, Mommy." She says waddles past me and Hayden into her room. Hayden stumbles a little bit before attempting to walk to Hope's room. "I get to Match Mommy Hay. You get to match Appa." She says as I help her put on her little onesie.

Hayden just started to learn how to walk without the help of me or Yeo. "Hayden come on Bub. Walk to mommy." I say. He tries but falls and crawls over to me.

I sigh and pick him up. I got a text from Yeosang telling me that he's back. "Come Hope." I say walking out of the room.

I make it outside and help bring in the groceries. "Appa what's all this for." Hope asks looking in the bag. "Stop looking, missy, it's a surprise." He says shooing her away from the bags making her laugh.

"Appa." Hayden whines. "I know buddy but Appa has to get dressed." He says kissing his forehead before walking down the hall. Hayden lashes out in my arms. I pop his hand making him whine.

"Boy stop with all that yo Daddy will be back." I say putting him over my shoulder patting him on his back. Yeo walks back down the hall. I hand him the still whining Hayden.

"Hayden stop making mommy mad. It's a bad thing when she's mad so you don't want to see that happen. Okay." He says. I smack the back of his head before walking in the living room.

"Mommy what are we doing." Hope asks. "I don't know baby." I say placing her on my lap. Yeo comes out of the kitchen a few minutes later with lots of food and drink.

"Welcome to the 6th Annual Kang Halloween Movie Marathon night." He says setting the Food and drinks on the table. I smile at him before grabbing Hayden from him.

We do the Kang Halloween movie marathon because Hope has been struggling with her legs ever since she was born and it's her birthday. It's hard going out in public knowing that someone will most likely look down on her from it.

We do this every year just for her. It's Hayden's first movie marathon. "Thank you, Appa." Hope says kissing her Father's cheek. He picks her up and sits down with her on his lap. I snuggle into him as Hayden lays on my stomach. I couldn't ask for a better Family to spend Halloween with.

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