𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚓𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚐 1

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"You want a baby?"

"Yeah. Who doesn't want baby? I want a baby."

"You want a baby but our schedules are busy now. We are literally always busy. Would we even have time to take care of the baby? Don't we already have enough kids already."

"We'll have time for the baby. Our members don't count so please can we have a baby."

"Fine but don't come running to me when you get stressed out."


~ A few weeks later
Hongjoong PoV

The studio is filled with soft music fluttering through the air as I work. Baby y/n is fast asleep in my arms as I still try to work with my hand that's not occupied. It's been a few weeks since we adopted y/n and I have to say it's been kinda hectic.

I get it she's a newborn baby and she has her needs but does she really have to wake in the morning at 2:30 AM screaming her tiny head off. I'm just glad everything is calm and isn't loud right now.

I gently rock her back and forth trying to keep her asleep. All of a sudden the guys bust into the studio all loud which wakes y/n up. Her screams fill the air as she screams her little lungs out. I turn around and glare at them before walking out of the studio.

The guys stand there with apologetic looks on the face. I roll my eyes before walking to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen Seonghwa immediately turns around and takes y/n out of my arms trying to calm her down.

"I thought she was taking her a
morning nap?"

"She was but the guys busted into the studio being all loud and they woke her up."

"Do they not know how to be quiet."

"Nope now what are we going to do?"

"Go finish working on the song I'll take care of her."

"Are you sure Hyung?"

"Yes now go before I change my mind."

I peck his lips and thank him again before going back to the studio to finish the song and scold the guys.

Seonghwa PoV
I watch as Hongjoong walks out of the kitchen. Y/N is still crying her little eyes out. I sigh and place her over my shoulder. She doesn't stop crying. I walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

"Angel tell Papa what's wrong?"

She stops crying and looks up at me before yawning her adorable small yawn. I smile and rub my finger against her soft chubby cheek. Her eyes flutter closed as she drifts off into a peaceful slumber.

I let out a soft breath and place her in her boppy before walking to the kitchen. Having a newborn baby in the house is crazy. The amount of diapers we have to change, how much she eats a day, her crying is a lot to deal with.

I finish prepping the meat for dinner before placing it into the oven. I grab y/n's bottle out of the bottle warmer and make my way to the hospital I coo at the adorable sight in front of me.

My boyfriend sitting there cooing at our daughter who's awake and holding his finger in her little hand. I quietly walk over to them and kiss both of their foreheads.

Hongjoong smiles at me before pecking my lips and taking the bottle. I sit down beside him watch as Y/N drinks her bottle while holding my finger. I happily sigh and stare at my little family with so much love. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

 I wouldn't trade them for the world

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Y/N Hae Park-Kim (2 weeks old)

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now