𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

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He's just so beautiful, I can't help but draw him. There's nothing more I can do. He doesn't even know I exist and I'm too shy to just walk up to him and tell him how I feel. My heart beats as he makes his way over.

"Umm y/n right?"

I hesitantly nod and look down at the table before grabbing my bag and running out of there.

Seonghwa PoV
I watch as she runs out of the cafe. I didn't even get to give her the coffee. I turn around to leave when I see her book lying on the table. I look at it in wonder before picking it up. I didn't open because it would've been an invasion of privacy.

My friends laugh at me as I walk to the counter before rolling my eyes at them.

"What's that in your hand Seonghwa?"

"Nothing idiot now shush."

"Rude I just wanted to know."

I roll eyes at them again before laying my head on the counter. I feel someone snatching the book out of my hands. I try to snatch it back before they open it but it's too late.

"Woah Hwa you should see this."

"See what."

I look in the book amazes me about what I see. There's a ton of sketches of me and just me.

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(Credits to these amazing artists)

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(Credits to these amazing artists)

"Dude these are really good."


I marvel at the sketches in wonder about why would she draw me out of all people. Not that I'm complaining but it's surprising that she draws so good and she draws me. My friend calls my name which shakes me from my thoughts.

"Isn't this that girl that goes to university with us."

"Yeah her name is y/n. She always comes here at 2:12 to get her afternoon coffee."

"Why would she draw you?"

"I don't know."

"She probably likes you."

"No that can't be it."

I finally made it back to my apartment. I throw my bag on the couch before heading to the kitchen for some water. After downing the water I go to grab my phone and book. I start freaking out when I can't find my sketchbook anywhere.

I just hope I didn't leave my sketchbook at the cafe. What if he found it? How can I be so stupid to leave my sketchbook back there? If I wasn't to busy freaking out about him talking to me I wouldn't have left it there.

I sigh and run my hands through my now messy hair. I hope someone other than him finds it. There's a lot of personal information in that book that he shouldn't see. I call the cafe number but no one picks up which makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

I hope too god that he isn't the one that finds it.


I quickly get dressed and head to uni so I wouldn't be late for my test today. I softly push past everyone that's in my way. I try to avoid anyone that talks to him or even knows about him. It's probably already spread.

Did you hear the weird girl likes to sketch drawings of popular boy Seonghwa? The news would spread like a wildfire and who wants that to happen. Obviously not me.

The first class was easy and simple and now it's the class I hate the most. I have a class with Seonghwa of all the people. I hope he's not here today. The class is quiet upon entering it.

Everyone stares at me making me nervous beyond my mind. The stares make me feel weak and small. There's one stare in particular that makes me want to bury a hole and die in it. I sit in my seat and wait for this class to be over.

After class is over I immediately rush out of the room not trying to let him catch up to me. Someone calls my name which makes me speed up faster. I hear the person gain up on me before grabbing my arm. I turn around to see Seonghwa standing there.

I pull my arm away from him but he just pulls me into an empty classroom.

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to give you back your sketchbook."

"Y-y-you, f-find my sketchbook."

"Yes and I'm sorry for looking in it."

"You looked in it."

"Yes, and I'm sorry."

"Umm, I-its ok I guess."

"Maybe you can show me how to draw something."

"L-like a d-date."

"Yeah so be prepared."

He smiles at me before exiting the room. I smile and lean against the wall.

"What just happened. All because of a sketchbook wow."

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now