𝑅𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑃𝑡.2

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It's been about 2 weeks since I stopped talking and sneaking around with Yeosang. He's started noticing that I stopped talking to him. I've tried my best not to talk to him but it's kinda difficult with him still being my guard.

The sad faces he makes when I walk past him without talking or a snarky remark makes my heartbreak even more. Ji has been clinging to me because my parents thought it would be a great idea to try to rekindle our relationship.

Ji was all for it while I was coming up with ways to not to strangle my father and mother. The wedding preparations are ago as my father would say. While that's going on I'm busy learning more about the palace itself and its secret ways that were until there was a knock.

I peek through the peephole to see who it is before opening the door. On the other side of the door stands the person who actually holds my heart, my life, and love. I such before opening up the door letting him in. I quickly peek around in the hall before closing and locking the door.

"Guard Yeosang what do I owe the pleasure of this visit."

"Cut the bullshit y/n. Why have you been ignoring me lately."


"You what y/n. You're trying to make me look like a fool."

"What no."

"Then what y/n because I can barely eat, sleep, live without you talking to me fuck or even being around you. You make my life hell."

"We can't be together Yeosang."

"Whys that."

"I'm a princess and your a guard."

"Fuck that. You know you didn't care about that before so what is it."

"It's Ji."

"That snobby ex prince of yours."

"Yeah, he told me if we didn't break it off. He'd do something about."

Yeosang pulls me into a hug stroking my back. I sniffle and bury my head in the crook of his neck. He pulls away to look me in my eyes before kissing me.

That kiss lights fireworks in my body. Being able to not kiss him, love him, or even make love to him made me crazy. I missed just being around him and loving him. He pulls away from the kiss wiping my tears away.

"I promise you, baby. He'll never come between us I promise you that."

"Pinkie promise."

He laughs before connecting put pinkies together.

"Yes, pinkie promise."

A loud knock breaks us apart.

"Y/N is everything ok."

My heart speeds up at the sound of his voice. Yeosang notices my nervousness. He grabs my hand before kissing it.

"What are we going to do."

"How about I hide under your bed."

"I don't know."

"Come on before we get caught."

"Fine go hide."

He pecks my lips before hiding under my bed. I fix my dress and my hair before opening the door. There stands Ji looking concerned. I let him in and close the door.

"I heard someone else talking in here. Y/N is there someone else in here."

"No, I was just listening to my app."

"Oh ok then. So you wouldn't mind if I take a look around the room."

"Actually, I would mind because it's my room."

"So there is someone in here."

"No. Fine check I don't care."

He makes his way to my closet checking the drawers which was totally unnecessary and then he checks my bathroom. When he's done searching the bathroom he slowly makes his way over to my bed.

I start panicking until I blurted out.

"How about me and you go walk around the palace."

"Mmm sure."

"Just let me get dressed."


When he walks out I shut and lock the door back before. Yeosang crawls from underneath my bed. He sighs before running his hands through his hair in frustration. I make my way over to him.

I pull him into a hug before rubbing his back softly. He pulls away from me and grabs my hands.

"Y/N don't go with him."

"Yeo, I have too.

"Fine but be careful."

"I will."

He pecks my lips before walking out the door. I lean my head against the door closing it before going to search for some clothes.

Yeosang PoV
I walk out of y/n's room contemplating how to stop Ji from breaking us apart. As I turn the corner I immediately get pushed into the wall.

I look up to see Ji glaring at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

"I saw you come out of y/n's room. What were you going in there, guard."

"I was simply helping the princess."

"With what."

"Oh with making her feel good."

I see him ball up his hand into a fist. He punches the wall beside my head. I push him away from me and continue to walk down the hall.

"Stay away from her before you or her gets hurt. I know you wouldn't want you her getting hurt so stay away."

I nod and walk away. Turning the corner I smirk to myself.

"Oh, you just wait and See Lee Ji."

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now