➳♡𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟➳♡

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I have this special power that people like to call it but I call it a nightmare. I dream about certain things and they come true. Some dreams should have never happened but who am I to stop it. It's not my fault I was born like this or with this. This so-called power is a curse.

It's made my life nothing but pure hell that was until the dream happened.
The dream first occurred I think around 2 months ago. When me and my best friend Seonghwa were on our way back to my apartment.

"So y/n have you had any of those dreams lately." Seonghwa asks. "No, it's been ok lately. No dreams at all just a dark canvas of nothing really." I say sighing. "That's good, isn't it?" He asks.  "Yes but it's my special gift. If it's gone that doesn't mean I'm special anymore." I say.

"Y/N to me you're special and you will forever be special to me ok. It doesn't matter if your gift is gone. What matters is that you're still here healthy and well." He says. "How did I deserve you." I ask him. He just shrugs his shoulders before laughing.

Park Seonghwa my best friend. The guy who makes me feel wanted and need in tough times. The person who's always there for me when I truly need someone by my side. The yin to my yang. The best friend that gives me life and laughter.

"Y/N has everything calmed down at home." He asks. "Nah not really but I don't even bother to listen to what happens around me at home." I sigh out. "Damn that's rough but you know you're welcomed over to my apartment any time right." He says.

I nod my head. Me a 19-year-old girl who still lives with her divorced parents. Who Argue day out and day in. I started having these dreams as soon as my parents got divorced. Everyone around has a good life except me.

Parents taking their frustrations out on me. Telling me I was a mistake and telling me that I shouldn't have been born. The dreams take me away from reality. But not all of my dreams are good ones.

I stop as I feel dizzy. "Y/N are you ok." Seonghwa says but it's the last thing I hear before passing out.

I woke up with the morning sunshine shining bright in my eyes. Turning over I noticed an arm around my waist. I look up and see Seonghwa. He stirs in his sleep making me pretend to be asleep. "Good morning Y/N." He says kissing my lips as he runs his hand through my hair. Shuddering as he does it, Opening my eyes to see something I thought would only come true in a parallel universe.

Standing there in all his naked glory. His milky white skin is hit with a rich blast of melanin as the sun hits it. Hair a mess just the way it should be after a night of sweet love making. The light makes him look ethereal. Arms flexed as he stretches in the morning light.

"Well why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." He says ruffling his hair. "Where are we?" I ask covering myself. "In my apartment weirdo." He says crawling up to me. He gets to my ear in my ear and whispers "wake up." I look at him weird. "Wake up Y/N please." He says again making me pass out.

I woke up to find myself on Seonghwa's couch in his apartment. "Hey you're wake. Are you okay." Seonghwa says handing me a glass of water. I place the glass on the table and grab my stuff. "Umm I have to go. My mom needs me." I say heading to the door." Wait can I at least get a hug before you go." He says walking over to me. Sorry I can't. I say running out the door.

It's been a few weeks since the dream occurred. I've been avoiding Seonghwa at all cost. He's started noticing that I've been distancing myself from him. Every time he tries to talk to me in the hallway at the university I walk the other way. I don't even answer his phone calls anymore or when I do I always make up excuses saying that I busy.

Walking down the hall I suddenly get pushed into the nearby wall. Seonghwa glares at me as he continues to trap me in between his arms. "Why have you been avoiding me." He sneers at me with a sad look on his face. "I've been bus-." I say but was cut off. "Stop fucking lying to me Y/N. I talked to your mother. She told me that you were avoiding me ," He says.

I give him a sorrowful look. "I'll tell you but not here." I whisper in his ear. He nods and pulls me out of the school. "Where are we going. It's not time to go." I say as he continues to drag me to his car. "We're going to talk at my apartment." He says.

We made it to his apartment. "So there's no one around to hear what you have to say please tell me why you've been avoiding me." He says. "Well umm a few weeks I had a dream about us." I say. "It was about us. What were we doing in the dream." He asks. "I can't tell you. My dreams come true. If it were to happen our friendship would be awkward forever." I say.

"Y/N if I was actually your best friend you would tell me." He yells getting closer to me. "I can't tell because I don't want to ruin our friendship." I yell back taking a step forward. "I cant stand you." He yells in my face. "I hate you." I yell poking his chest. We continue to glare at each other until He pulls me into him kissing me.

I grip his hair and sigh into the kiss. "God I missed you so much." He says gripping my ass. "Are you sure about this Hwa." I say. "Yes, I'm sure." He says picking me up by my thighs and wrapping them around his waist before walking to his room.

It's 7:30 AM. I'm laying here in Seonghwa's bed staring at the ceiling. He begins wake up to making me look the other way. "Good Morning Y/N." He says turning my head to give me a kiss but stops when he sees tears in my eyes. "What's wrong y/n." He says hugging me. "This was my dream." I say crying into his chest.

'Usually I know what my dreams but this one I just don't." I say. "Maybe it's telling that there is something going on between us." He says. "Do you love me Hwa." I ask. "Yes of course y/n I love you." He says. "No I mean do you love me love me." I ask. He sighs and kisses my lips making me close my eyes in pure bliss.

He pulls away from the kiss leaving in bliss. Y/N I've been in love with you ever since we were in middle school. You're the reason why I don't look at any other girls. You drive me crazy by just looking at me with that beautiful smile and that personality of yours. You don't how long I kept that inside of me. He says. "I love you too Hwa." I say pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"So what does this make us." He asks. "How about we go on a date before labeling this." I say. He nods his head snuggles into me before kissing my neck.

"Maybe my dreams aren't that bad after all." I think to myself before falling asleep in Seonghwa's arms.

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now