👻Halla Halla-Ween Park Seonghwa👻

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Seonghwa PoV
Right now I'm setting up Braxton's stroller so it can be easier to get out of the car later. Today is our first Halloween as a family. Y/N gave birth about 3 1/2 months ago and she's already energized and ready.

She gave birth to our son Park Royal Braxton. Who's Three months old now. He sleeps a lot and is always hungry. Today Y/N and I are taking Braxton trick or treating for the first time and going to a Halloween party that the boys are throwing with their kids.

Y/N bought us Matching Costumes and Bought Braxton a Bunny onesie. It's cute but should we really be taking our 3-month-old son out.

"Baby get dressed while I get Braxton dressed, please." Y/N yells. "Okay, Baby," I yell back. I get dressed in the costume bought me. She brought me a bugs bunny costume and bought a Lola one for her.

I see Y/N come down the stairs with a sleeping Braxton in her arms. "You look very handsome Mr.Park." Y/N says. "You look absolutely stunning Mrs.Park," I say kissing her forehead.

I take Braxton from her and hold him close to me. "And Baby Park looks adorable as always," I say kissing his chubby little cheek. He smiles his gummy smile.

I place him in his car seat and strap him in. "Y/N are you ready to go," I ask. "Yeah, I'm just getting Braxton's diaper bag." She says. I make my way to the car and place the car seat in its holder.

I start up the car and wait for Y/N. Y/N finally comes out of the house. Once she's inside we pull off. "So where are we heading baby," I say grabbing her hand. Well since I don't want to be out all night let's go to a few houses around the neighborhood. Y/N says.

The first house we pulled up to wasn't that scary. Seonghwa got Braxton out of the car while I grab his Halloween pail. An older lady greeted us at the door.

"What a cute family of bunnies we have here." She says. Let me guess Appa you're bugs bunny. Mommy is Lola Bunny and baby is the baby bunny. She says placing the candy in the pail. We nod our heads and thank her before walking to the car.

45 minutes later
We finally finished trick or treating around the neighborhood. We are our way over to the dorm. Once we arrive at the Hongjoong's house I get Braxton out of the car.

Jongho opens the door and immediately takes Braxton out of my arms before welcoming me inside. Jongho and Wooyoung are the only ones without kids.

"Y/N welcome to the Halloween party of the century, at least that's what Amelia says." Maya Hongjoong's wife says. I thank her and make my way over to where the kids are playing.

"Auntie Y/N." All the kids say. I hug all the kids. There's Hongjoong's kids Amelia(8), Dustin(6), and Claire(3). Yunho's kid Leo(2 1/2). Yeosang's kids Tia(5) Mia(5). San's kid Maya (4) and Mingi's kid Sammy (1).

Braxton was the last one born for right now out of the kids. I play with the kids until I get tired. I get Braxton from Jongho to feed him. As I'm feeding him I see Leo and Sammy make their way over to me.

"Auntie Y/N what doing," Leo ask me. "I'm feeding Braxton," I say. They nod and walk away well Leo does and Sammy just waddles away. I snicker at them before turning my attention back to Braxton.

2 hours later
Seonghwa PoV
I and Y/N just got home an hour ago because it was past Braxton's bedtime. I and Y/N laying in bed. "Today was fun I'm glad Braxton got to go out." Y/N says. "Me too and did you have fun," I ask kissing her forehead.

"Yeah I really enjoyed it but I can't wait for next year." She says falling asleep. "Me too baby." I think to myself before kissing her lips and then drifting off to sleep.

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