𝐴 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑀𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑙𝑒

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Hope (6)
Hayden (3)

A few months before
Hope and Hayden sit at the table eating their breakfast. Hayden is copying everything Hope is doing which makes her frustrated. I giggle at Hayden which makes Hope let out a sigh.

"Mommy tell him to stop."

"Hayden Stop."

"Mommy he didn't stop."

"Cheol Kang, you better stop before I whoop you."

Hayden stomps his little tail out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Hope saddles into the living room and sits right beside me. I kiss and hug all over her making her giggle.

"Mommy stop."


"I'm too old for kisses."

"I don't care. You're my baby so I can hug and kiss you if I want."

I stop tickling her to see a sad look on her face. I pick her up and place her on my lap. She buries her head in my neck and starts crying. I sigh and rub her back.

"What's wrong baby."

"Mommy will I ever be able to walk right."

"I don't know sweetie but your doctor said maybe in the future."

"I don't want to walk in the future. I want to walk now."

"I know baby. I'll talk about it with your Appa now go check on your brother."

I send Yeosang a quick "we need to talk when you get home." before going to check up on the kids.

Yeosang PoV
We stop practice for a break so I have some time to check my phone. I see a text from y/n. Opening it I start to panic.

"Ohh Hyung is in trouble."

I roll my eyes and leave the room and call y/n to check is she's mad at me or not.

"Y/N are you mad at me for some reason."

"No, but we do have a problem."

"What's it about?"

"It's about Hope. She's been feeling down about her legs."

"I'll be home in 2 hours ok."


A few hours later

I finally made it home. The kids are asleep which is why the house is so quiet. Making my way to the living room I see y/n up watching the love and hip hop. I roll my eyes at her before going to take a shower.

After getting out of the shower and getting dressed I make my way back downstairs to talk to y/n. Y/N looks up from the TV to smile sadly at me. I pull her onto my lap before pecking her lips gently.

"Ok, what's wrong baby. You're never this sad."

"I know but it was just so sad."

"What happened, baby."

"We were playing like we usually do while Hayden was being a grouchy baby. Then she busted out crying. My heart broke at that moment, Yeo. It was so sad to see my baby cry."

"Baby it's ok."

" It's not okay baby. I just want her to be happy but she's can't be happy because of her legs."

"I know. Earlier I got a call from the doctors saying that they have a solution for her."

"You didn't think to tell me Kang Yeosang."

"I'm sorry, there was so much going on."

"It's ok but next time tell me"

A few weeks later
Hope is having her surgery today. The doctors are putting something in her legs to help her walk and balance her own. Everyone is here and supporting her through this whole thing. Before she goes into surgery we wish her luck and blow kisses at her.

Her surgery was a success and she should be walking after she finishes her physical therapy that's coming up after she heals. She smiles at me and y/n. Y/N starts crying because she's happy that her little girl will get to walk soon and without her braces.

Hope smiles at her Mommy before kissing her cheek and hugging her. I smile and take a picture of them.

A few months later
It's Christmas time. Y/N has been decorating the house nonstop since this month began. Hayden has been sneaky and staying up late to catch Santa on camera but we put sleep medicine in his warm milk to get him to sleep. Hope has been trying to walk without her braces and walkers.

She's been improving a lot lately and before we know she won't need our help anymore. Right now I and Hayden are playing with his toys while y/n and hope bake Christmas cookies for Santa Claus to eat later and we're going to put out carrots for his reindeer also.

The time is slowly winding down. Now we're all sitting at the dinner table talking about what we are most thankful for. After dinner, I put the kids to bed and place the presents underneath the tree before heading to bed.

Christmas Day
Me and Y/N were awoken by our 3-year-old son jumping on our bed while Hope stands in the doorway shaking her head. We all make our way downstairs for breakfast. After breakfast, we go to open presents.

Hayden opens his presents first because he could contain his excitement. Hope wanted to go last because she wanted to feel special. After opening up all the presents the kids started taking all over their new toys out of their packages.

Hope couldn't open up her barbie doll so asked y/n too. Hope made her way over to y/n without the help of her walkers or her braces. Y/N tears up at the sight which makes Hayden and me cheer for Hope. She smiles before pulling us all into a family hug.

"It's a Christmas miracle."

I hope you all a very merry Christmas Day and a very good New Year. I love you all. Thank guys for reading my books and supporting me. 😭💖😊

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