𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎 𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠

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Teagan (9)
London (1)
Landon (1)

Teagan PoV
Mommy and Appa are somewhere in the house. Mommy is decorating the house for Christmas and Appa... Honestly, I have no idea where appa is. Me and the twins are downstairs playing.

London is playing on Mommy's phone while Landon is crawling around trying to climb on things. I'm watching SpongeBob while eating my cereal. Appa comes down the stairs making Landon immediately stop what he's doing and crawls towards Appa.

Appa picks up Landon before kissing my forehead and sitting on the couch.

"Bubs are you excited for Christmas."

"Yes, Appa."

"Why are you being so quiet bubs?"

"Spongebob is on Appa."

"Sorry. I'll let you continue watching your show."

"Ok, Appa."

Appa places Landon on the floor before into the kitchen. I make sure he's all the way out of the living room before getting on the floor with the twins.

"Ok, Bambi and Babby we have to stay up to see Santa Claus for tonight. So don't fall asleep or you're off the team. Also, don't let Appa or Mommy catch you or you'll be in trouble. Get it, got it, good."

I kiss both of their chubby cheeks which makes the laugh before tickling them. Mommy comes downstairs and coos at us all.

"Come on you three we have to go Christmas shopping for your uncles and grandparent so come on."

"Ok, mommy."

I get Landon and London dresses and ready to go. Teagan comes out dressed in her warmest clothes. Mingi grabs the keys and heads to the car with London in his hands.

I grab Teagan's hand and place Landon on my hip before locking the front door and making my way to the car. Teagan buckles up Landon in his car seat before getting in her seat and buckling herself up.

We finally made it to Walmart. Mingi takes the twins to go look for the presents for the guys while I and Teagan go look for the presents for my brother and my parents.

"Baby what should we get for your uncle."

"Cooking things Mommy."

"Like pots, pans, and a new apron."

"Yes, Mommy."


We make our way to where the kitchen appliances are. We get some pots and pans and a new apron for Kihyun and then make our way to the toy section to get some toys for Rueben.

After getting some toys we make our way to the men's section to shop for my dad. We get him a watch and some cologne and some new ties. We bought my mom some earrings, brackets and a picture of the family we recently took.

We finish shopping for them and then make our way to search for Mingi and the twins. We found them in the deli section trying free samples of meat. I and Teagan shake our heads at them before grabbing them and going to check out.

Once we get home I fix the kid's dinner before putting them to bed. I kiss all of them goodnight before going to wrap the rest of the presents. I laugh at Mingi when he comes out of our room with a Santa Claus suit on.

"Yah stop laughing. I'm only doing this for my kids."

"Yeah ok."

I finish wrapping the presents and place them under the tree. I feel a slap on my ass making me turn around and glare at Mingi. Mingi puckers his lips at me before pointing towards the Mistletoe that's above us. I sigh and peck his lips. As I go to pull away he pulls me back in kissing my lips passionately.

Teagan PoV

I sneak my way to the living room to see if Santa Claus came. When I get to the living room I stare in shock at what I see. There's my Mommy standing there kissing Santa Claus. What about Appa. He's not going to be very happy about Mommy kissing another guy. I tiptoe back to my room and I fall asleep that night shocked.

Christmas Day
Mingi PoV
I wake up earlier to wake everyone else up considering that they all like to sleep late. The twins are already awake so I pick them up and make my way to Teagan's room. I wake her up and rush to the living room to see y/n sitting there on the couch drinking her morning coffee.

Teagan slowly makes her way to the living room making me look at her in a confused manner. Y/N rubs her back and forth. I hand Teagan her presents but she just pushes them away.

"Bubs what's wrong?"

"Appa I saw something bad."

"What is it bubs."

"I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus."

Y/N giggles and pats Teagan's head making her look at her Mommy like she's crazy.

"Baby that was me in the Santa Claus suit."

"What? So Santa Claus isn't real."

"He's a real baby."

"Ok but Mommy don't kiss Santa Claus again because I love Appa."

"She won't I promise baby."

Y/N giggles before whispering

"What a weird way to start off Christmas morning."

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