𝘈-𝘡 𝘕𝘚𝘍𝘞 𝘑𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘠𝘶𝘯𝘩𝘰

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i don't care what anyone says, yunho is a giant puppy and you can't tell me he wouldn't give the sweetest aftercare. he would be so gentle, asking you if anything hurt too much. if you have time, the two of you shower together after sex and he takes the time to wash your hair for you and cover your bruises with small kisses, light as a butterfly's touch, just to make sure you know how loved you are and no matter how roughly he might have treated you, you're still his little love. even when you don't have time to shower, he still treats you extra sweetly and makes sure you're okay.

Body part-
this boy was has so much confidence and he would want you to feel the same way. he loves so many things about you and he tells you that all the time, but he has a soft spot for your legs. he loves touching them and pulling them across his lap so you're straddling him and holding your thighs while you ride him. he just thinks they're so pretty. we've talked about how much he likes how he looks (which is great to be honest i'm so happy he likes who he is) but when it comes to fucking you he really likes his hands. he loves how easily he can turn you on with them and how pretty they look covered in your cum.

Yunho just likes feeling loved. he likes feeling like you belong to him and he belongs to you, so when he cums it's usually on your body in some way. most of the time it's across your belly or (if you're into it) on your face, but he also has a secret soft spot for watching you swallow after sucking him off. he would never pressure you to do any of that if you didn't like it though.

Dirty secret-
he's secretly really into the idea of exhibitionism. he knows it's really risky, but he loves the idea of fingering you under the dinner table or fucking you in a public restroom, just out of sight. so far, the farthest he's ever gone is touching you over your panties at a dinner party with some of the other boys, but secretly he would finger you in front of all of them if you'd let him. this is definitely his deepest darkest secret though and he'd NEVER admit it to you unless you brought up something about being into that beforehand.

Maybe he's much more innocent than we all think, but i doubt he's very inexperienced. obviously he's still pretty young and there are things he hasn't tried yet, but he's definitely gotten his dick wet before. i don't think he would mind if his s/o was inexperienced though. (honestly he might find it kind of hot.)

Favorite position-
Yunho's favorite positions are the ones that let him see your face. for him, half the fun is seeing your reactions to what he is doing. he loves seeing the disappointed pout you give him when he denies your orgasm and the blissed out look on your face when he finally lets you cum. he likes it when you ride him, or simple missionary position when he feels like being more in control, or fucking you against a wall. that last one is probably his favorite to be honest.

Sex with Yunho definitely can be really serious if you want it to be. sometimes when he's feeling really dom (like if he's jealous or something) then the atmosphere is much more serious (and the aftercare is much sweeter), but most of the time he's very teasing and gentle. he's probably still making jokes even when he's inside you, but they never kill the mood. he just loves you a lot and he loves making you feel good, so it's hard for him to contain that happiness.

he might manscape a little bit, but i also kind of feel like he just lets it all run wild. it's probably not too messy naturally anyway, so he mostly just lets his hair grow however it wants. he might prefer you shaved, but he also really thinks you're the prettiest when you feel the happiest and most confident, so whatever you want to do with your body is what he likes, plain and simple.

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