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"I'm so tired of men. Like they get on my fucking nerves. I'm just tired of all they shit already. Why can't I have a man like you have."

"Cause there's only one Jeong Yunho and he's mine."

"Mmm. So how has your relationship been going girl?"

"It's wow. I love him l and he know how to hit it right. I'm telling you girl I be stuck in bed the whole day after that night."

"He can't be that good."

"Yes, girl, I'm telling you. I think I have a kink too."

"A kink. What's your kink."

"Girl I realized that I have a kink for Yunho's size. You know how he taller than me. I love when he hovers over me and shit. Girl, I think I have a problem."

"At least you know it."

"Pssh I got to go."

"Ok bye girl."


I walk into the kitchen to see Yunho eating some chips. I bite my lip at my boyfriend who's literally not doing anything. I look in the cabinet trying to get my fruit snacks. I sigh when I see them all the way on the top shelf. Yunho starts laughing.

"Boy why would you put my shit on the top shelf."

"Calm down, baby."


I pout at him before leaning against the counter. Yunho grips my waist pulling me into him. I gasp as I feel his erection against my lower stomach. He chuckles at my facial expression. His expression turns cold as his eyes darken.

"You have a size kink baby."

"H-how di-"

"Don't worry about that baby. Do you like it when I stand over you like this? Do you like the way my large hand wraps around your neck? Do you like the way I make you feel small when I fuck you?"


"Mmm come here baby."

Yunho pulls me into his lap as he sits down in the chair. As I sit on his lap Yunho wraps his much larger frame around me.

"Look how small you are. You look so small compared to me."

I bit my lip to contain the noises I want to make. Yunho smirked as he rubbed his hands up and down my significantly smaller thighs.

"Do you want me to touch you princess?"

"Yunho please."

I groan as Yunho starts rubbing my clit through my shorts, I moan loudly as Yunho flips the two of us so he's on top. Yunho pulls both my tights and panties down at the same time and immediately presses two fingers in my hole.

"Stop teasing!"

I try to close my legs so the pleasure wouldn't be so intense. Yunho doesn't like that and he uses his free hand to hold my legs open. Yunho's long fingers reach deep inside me. He angles his fingers up to massage the one spot that has my legs shaking.

"Shut up or you won't cum."

"I'm cum-"

I try warning Yunho one more time but he starts rubbing my clit and I cum around his fingers. Yunho practically growls at me and gives me a few seconds to breathe before inserting his cock into my throbbing pussy.


I didn't wait for her to get adjusted to my cock. Her back was arched from the sudden stretch She were feeling and her legs were shaking from the overstimulation.

"Y-yunho please calm down!"

I looks down at her stomach, "Look doll... you're so small you can see my cock in your stomach."

She almost came for the second time when I pressed down where my cock was moving. Yunho continued rubbing and pressing down where his cock was showing in your stomach. Your whines and sobs were filling the room along with the quiet grunts made by Yunho.

She was so close to cumming but she wanted to wait for Yunho this time. My thrusting starts to become sloppy as she clenches around me like a vice. This time she cums around me as I'm still thrusting inside of her and her nails rake up my back leaving angry red marks behind.


"One more time baby."

She practically sob as my fingers move to rub at my clit slowly. Her body starts slowly spamming from the pleasure of my thrusting and the pressure I have on her clit.

She feel the coil in her stomach build and build waiting for her to let it snap. She can tell I'm there, she bring me into a kiss and I groan against her mouth. She feel me buck into her one more time as I releases inside of her. Feeling me triggers her and for the 3rd time, she cums. I pull out of her and kiss her lips.

"Fuck look at the mess baby."

"It's your fault."

"No it's your fault for having a size kink."


"Do you have any more kinks for me to know about?"


"Good cause I'll gladly give you more to whine about."

𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝐴𝑚𝐵𝑤 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now