𝘈-𝘡 𝘕𝘚𝘍𝘞 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨

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A = Aftercare
Aftercare with Wooyoung is pretty extensive, no matter what happened during sex. He's got a mental check list and he will do every step or he's not letting you move. Step 1: you ok? Step 2: want me to get a rag or can you walk to the shower? Step 3: you better drink this water istg Step 4: you hungry? i can order food? Step 5: i got this nice scent lotion want a massage? i didnt ask if it hurt shh! i asked if you wanted one! Step 6: yeah ok ok now we can cuddle .

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Wooyoung's one that uses his body to his full advantage; fingers, thigh, mouth, anything can be turned into a tool to please you but his fingers are a personal favorite. Long and slender, easy to access some..ahem hard to reach places for you. He ain't even gonna play like your ass isn't his favorite, he's not gonna even try the 'oh i love you eyes and your mouth and' bs nah he likes your ass. He's a touchy boy, he opts out of hips or waist to hold, he likes feeling the soft skin under his fingers as he rocks you back and forth on his lap or feeling you jump when he brings his hand down on your flesh. He likes ya ass. idk what else to tell ya.

C = Cum
He's rather clean in bed, he's weirdly obsessive with not messing up the sheets to the point of needing to wash them before you can sleep so he's adamant about cumming in or on you, so it's a quick and easy clean up.

D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Being adventurous in the bedroom, Wooyoung does have several things he wants that he keeps hidden because honestly some things should just be kept to yourself. It's not too bad but the idea of it needs a bit of work to bring it up; getting a kama sutra book and going at it. Can't really say 'hey babe, wanna try twisting yourself like a pretzel and i'll fuck you ok?' He'll get the nerve one day...maybe

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
Wooyoung's got a basic outline in mind, obvi he's like 'ok this goes there, that feels good, you can do this that and these in bed, etc' but as far as putting what he knows to the test, that's limited. He's going to have to go through trial and error in the bedroom.He's going to be quite sloppy and kind of confused, so give the poor kid a hand...

F = Favorite position
His weird obsession feeds into this, Wooyoung's a big fan of reverse cowgirl, doggy style, anything from behind and he can get an eye full of dat ass shut up liz god but the boy's really game for any position, he's not picky.

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Wooyoung in bed is actually really silly. He's one of the boys that's an idiot and rlly gonna stop in the middle of sex and be like 'huh, i'm holding your ankle so get it in there...hey babe, are you ticklish?' It's so playful and fun with Wooyoung there's not a moment of pressure to act all serious or behave a certain way. His jokes are more to make you both comfortable, sex is fun, he's going to make sure it's fun.

H = Hair (How well groomed are they)
I don't see him doing much down there. If it's a legit 'fuck i hate pubes' issue, you gotta get on him about it, because honestly the boy let's the forest grow and doesn't really touch it. That being said, I do think he's one of the weird dudes you mean and get drunk with and spills that he shampoos and conditions his pubes. Just throwing that out there.

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Because he's like...over the top goofy in the bedroom, I don't see that coinciding with romance. It's one or the other and Wooyoung chose clowning around. The intimacy and romance goes more into aftercare, when you're both satisfied and cuddling in bed and having some good little pillow talks. But during the actual sex? Not much, if any at all.

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