Chap 4.

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Next morning came,the boys at the dorm woke up quite early and started on the search by their own.They couldn't have waited for the police to start searching first then it's their turn.We are talking about the lives of their boyfriends.They can't afford to waste a second or even a millisecond.The only ones in the group who looks calmer are Wooxi and Wonwoo but inside,they are also panicking like the others,hoping their own boyfriends are fine.

At the warehouse,it is morning already but no light was shone into the warehouse so the boys wouldn't have known it is morning already.

Joshua woke up with pain all over his body but you can say he most probably didn't sleep well because of the whip marks left on his back.

Jeonghan woke up and walked around wobbly because of yesterday's 'abuse'.It's like his body is drained of energy and he just wants to sleep again.

Jun is still the same.No injuries or whatsoever.

Mingyu woke up but noticed his hands were handcuffed to the headrest of the bed.He could only grunt once he realized that.The slaps he received from yesterday still hurt.

Hoshi woke up tired and bored in the dark room.All he could think of was Woozi and the safety of the captured members.He thought that he himself was no better and for how long they would still have to stay in this awful warehouse.......He wanted to see the others...He missed them.

Vernon was still tied to the pole and he felt tired.Why were they even involved in all these?What's the purpose?Thoughts were running through his mind making himself feel a bit dizzy.

The boys were still not given breakfast which made all six of them a bit weak.A while later,the doors to their cells opened widely and their were grabbed harshly by their kidnappers by the arm.Mingyu who was handcuffed to the bed was startled when the kidnapper grabbed his arm harshly and pulled him out of the bed.Vernon who was tied to the pole was suddenly untied and pulled harshly out of his cell.Joshua was the worst,the kidnapper had to carry him out.Jun was walking on his own,not being held by the kidnapper because his kidnapper was too scared of him.

Jeonghan was the first to be in the big space of the warehouse then followed by Hoshi,Vernon,Jun......They immediately group hugged once they saw each other.Vernon was sobbing already but his hyungs were there to comfort him.He felt safe all of a sudden because he was being protected by his hyungs.

Jeonghan,Hoshi and Vernon were surprised that Jun was fine,no injuries at all while looking at the three of them,they had a lot of injuries though.Jun swore to the three of them that he would protect them since he was the most fine out of all.Their kidnappers who were at the back shouted for them to behave.....Hoshi suddenly had tears in his eyes because of the look his kidnapper gave him.Jeonghan was quick to give him a pat on the back telling him that he's not on his own as they are all together in this.

The four of them waited for quite a long time since Joshua and Mingyu hasn't appeared yet.They were worried for the two members.The door to the big space flew open and in came a guy carrying Joshua who was bleeding,looking awful.Jeonghan shouted,"Shua!!!"He continued yelling at Joshua's kidnapper as he threw Joshua on the floor harshly but luckily Jun was quick enough to catch him,"WHAT DID YOU PEOPLE DO TO HIM?!!???!!!!!Shua-yah,wake's me,Jeonghan."Joshua was slowly gaining conscious,"Ooooh.....Jeonghan-ah......I'm scared.....That guy whipped me in the back with a whipper"Jun heard it and shouted,"YOU PEOPLE ARE HUMANLESS!!!!!"Joshua just curled more into Jeonghan,seeking for his comfort.

After Joshua,another guy came in dragging Mingyu who was struggling in his grip.He threw Mingyu harshly onto the floor and went to the back to stand with the other kidnappers.Vernon,Jun and Hoshi surrounded Mingyu and helped him up while Joshua remained still in Jeonghan's embrace.They helped Mingyu walk back to the center of the space.Jeonghan who took a closer look of Mingyu gasped when he saw how red Mingyu's cheeks have became.The redness of his cheeks were too visible eventhough Mingyu is tan-skinned."Mingyu-ah,did that guy slap you?"Jeonghan asked Mingyu.Mingyu nodded and said"He slapped me twice when I disobeyed his words"Hoshi's sad and hugged Mingyu."Poor Gyu.Don't worry,we are here""Hoshi hyung,are you fine?""I'm fine,Gyu-ah.""You're not fine,Hoshi hyung...From now on,I will be the one to protect you all,not you all protecting me"

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