♥ Chap 17. ♥

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The next morning.....

After the night before, the others were up early to eat breakfast except for that two particular couple.

Soonhoon couple came out of their room first with Hoshi's looking disheveled and his face being red. Woozi was still in daze......

Meanie couple came out of their room as the last one. Mingyu's hair was also disheveled same goes to Wonwoo's hair. The both of them had an expression that shows they were still tired and did not have enough sleep considering the fact that they did 'it' for a lot of times last night.

When both couples arrived at the dining table,the remaining nine members looked at the four with knowing looks and smirks painted on their lips.

"Having fun?"Seokmin asked playfully and raised his brows.

The said couples lowered their heads but the blush was faint on their cheeks.

The whole morning was filled with the members constantly teasing them about the night before and the four of them firing back that they were the same too themselves.

That left the others speechless except for Dino.

"Ewwwww!!! My ears....."

"Yah Lee Chan! Stop that! Who taught you or where did you learn all these from?!" Jeonghan shouted at Dino.

"Who do you think I learned it from~?"Dino fired back playfully.

That too left them speechless.

"Lee Chan!!!! Come here,you brat maknae!!!" Jeonghan chased Dino around the dorm.Seungcheol tried to stop him but ended up being persuaded by Jeonghan to chase Dino around because HEY! This is the maknae we are talking about and Seungcheol loves his maknae.

While all these drama is going on,Seungkwan pulled Mingyu and Hoshi who was carried by Mingyu to one of the room and apologized to them. They forgave him because they knew he did it unintentionally.

"I'm so sorry...Mingyu hyung and Soonyoung hyung."Seungkwan bow his head in front of them.

They looked at each other and Mingyu spoke,"Seungkwan-ah,it's fine. We knew you did it unintentionally but please don't mention this in front of them anymore.....The both of us will tell them when we're ready."

Seungkwan smiled at them. He was glad they forgave him and promised to not mention that anymore.

The two returned to their boyfriend's side and Mingyu snuggled into Wonwoo's chest for warmth as they watched the television on the couch.

Woozi asked Hoshi,"Why did Seungkwan bring the two of you into a room? It is because of yesterday?" Hoshi just nodded and they just cuddled for the rest of the day.

Regarding the kidnapping, Pledis Entertainment finally knew about the kidnapping case of their own artists but they did not let the news get out.

Weeks after weeks of resting and recovering slowly from the trauma,they were all set again to perform on stage except Hoshi who couldn't dance anymore but he can still sing on stage with a chair always provided by the side of the stage. The fans questioned his injury but the company just covered it up with an excuse that Hoshi fell down the stairs and fractured both of his legs.

Since Hoshi can't dance anymore,Chan took over the job of creating the choreography along with the other performance team members. Sometimes,Hoshi would watch the members dance from time to time ...... He never gave up on trying to walk again eventhough he knows that he can't dance anymore but the members were always there to help and cheer him up.

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