Chap 8.

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She turned towards her men and ordered one of them to buy medicines from the pharmacy store.She pointed at one of them,"You go buy ointments and a fever pack also some medicine for fever."She touched her chin,"Hmmm.....Hoshi's injury can't be treated and we can't go to the hospital yet or else we will get caught so.......I will leave you to be,Kwon Soonyoung!"She laughed and walked away.So EVIL!

Hoshi whimpered at the thought of having to bear with the pain.If it goes on like this,he would have to limp and never able to dance again.He doesn't want that at all.His passion of Dancing!The kidnapper who held him tight by the hand was startled by Hoshi's sudden crying.The members who were in the front turned back to Hoshi.The kidnapper shouted at Hoshi,"STOP CRYING,KWON SOONYOUNG!!!!YOU'RE ANNOYING!!!" Hoshi looked down but he still sniffled,"I'm sorry"

They arrived back in front of the cell and the six members were basically chucked into the cell.Mingyu was still unconscious and Joshua's back is still aching in pain."Stay here and do whatever you want.The ointments and medicines will be shortly delivered later so now,BEHAVE.....Y'ALL UNDERSTAND ME?"he shouted.The members nodded weakly and scared."Good."the kidnappers walked out from the cell.

Jeonghan laid Mingyu's head on his lap and caressed his face.Mingyu was sweating all over but he could not use his own clothe to wipe Mingyu's face because it was dirty so he had no choice,but to wait for the medicines and towels to come.The cell door flung open with a slam and there,the medicines,ointments and towels are delivered.

Vernon and the others that are fine to move around began to help.Jeonghan wetted the towel with water,folded it and placed it on Mingyu's forehead nicely before he passed Mingyu to Vernon and proceeded to dealing with Joshua's wounds.Jeonghan dipped the cotton into some ointment and dabbed it onto Joshua's slash wounds.Joshua groaned loudly in pain but Jeonghan soothed him,telling him that it's fine and it will be over in no time.Each time Jeonaghan pressed onto Joshua's wound,Joshua would try to suppress his groaning of pain,at the same time causing Jeonghan's eyes water,seeing Joshua suffering badly.After he was done applying ointment on Joshua's back and wrapped it up with the bandage,he laid Joshua against him,careful enough to not touch the wounds.Joshua muttered weakly a "thank you"to Jeonghan,which in reply he said,"This is what best friends are for,you don't need to thank me,Shua"Joshua just smiled at him and slept again.

After Joshua slept,Jeonghan looked around and saw Hoshi who was laying against Jun and his face showed that he was in pain."Soonyoung-ah,is your knee still in pain?You look like you're still in pain....."Hoshi turned to look at Jeonghan."Hyung,it's still painful......I thought the pain has lessen but it became painful again." Jun looked down at Hoshi and carefully laid Hoshi on the floor before going towards the door."Jun,where are you going?"Jeonghan asked because he seriously wouldn't let any of his members out of his sight right now."Hyung,I'm gonna ask them to get the ice bag for me because the swelling on Hoshi's knee is getting worst...I have to treat it.Hyung,you have done enough so rest and stay put,I will take care of the rest."Jeonghan sighed in defeat."Okay,fine....just be safe..."Jun smiled back"I will,don't worry,hyung."

Not long later,Jun came back with an ice bag in his hands.He sat down and laid Hoshi against him again before he help Hoshi with his swelling.The swelling sure was getting worse but Jun strongly believe that once he places the ice on the swelling,it would of lessen the pain and swelling by a little.

Jeonghan felt happy to have his members by his side...He was glad.

Mingyu's fever went down a bit and he is still sleeping on Vernon's lap while Vernon kept patting Mingyu's fluffy brown hair.Mingyu's locks were still sweaty but Vernon took a towel and wiped his sweaty locks.He was secretly hoping for Mingyu's fever to totally be gone tomorrow.Since the day they were kidnapped,they have been tortured enough and treated inhumanly.....Now,he just wants to go back to their dorm and cuddle with Seungkwan like they always do.

Seungkwan in the dorm can't stop thinking about Vernon too.He's in their bedroom right now and misses Vernon too much.He just wants to run to that warehouse right now and rescue his boyfriend but they can't so he can only wait till tomorrow......He was determined,"Sol-ah,We will rescue you and the others....Just wait for us a little bit more and we will be back together again in no time...."

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