Chap 3.

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The boys in the dorm were asleep but in the warehouse,the boys were still being tortured.

In Jeonghan's cell,the boy was definitely not enjoying the 'fun'with his kidnapper.Jeonghan's already tired and what more,he's a crying mess.Everytime the guy 'abuse' Jeonghan,Jeonghan would always and only scream Seungcheol which of course made the kidnapper mad so he slaps Jeonghan harshly in the cheeks everytime Jeonghan calls out to Seungcheol.After abusing Jeonghan for that few hours,he left Jeonghan laying on the cold floor by himself.Jeonghan could only curl in himself after the kidnapper left and went to sleep like that.

Joshua was still getting whipped by the crazy kidnapper.He too,is a crying mess because the pain is unbearable.The kidnapper didn't care at all and just gave his full power into whipping Joshua to his back.By the time the kidnapper stopped,Joshua's clothes were torn here and there,with blood staining his once white shirt and also red,bleeding whip marks were definitely visible on his back.

Jun.....He's still the same.Had the kidnapper under his feet.The only one that's not injured at all because come on,he's WEN JUN HUI!Instead of the kidnapper punishing him,he was the one torturing the kidnapper.Jun gave him a kick in the shin which had the kidnapper cry out in pain,punched the guy in his face and his tooth were falling off.Basically,Jun is fine and he even smirked in satisfaction at the kidnapper.Damn,no one MUST mess with Jun because he seemed to have put all his anger into torturing the kidnapper like he's his punching bag.

Hoshi was not doing good at all,he is sobbing silently all over and over again when his kidnapper had'fun'with him.In his mind,he thought that the other members at the dorm must have fell asleep by now,seeing it is most likely night time outside right now.The kidnapper noticed Hoshi looking a bit out so he called,"Soonyoung babe,are you fine?"Hoshi looked at him."I'm not fine because of YOU!!!You're the one who separated us from each other!!!!!!"The kidnapper looked at him with a bored look,"Are you done now?Seems like you're not being good huh?I might as well break your leg right now."Hoshi's eyes widen....No......He can't do that,Hoshi still wants to perform on stage happily with his members."Please don't....."Hoshi begged weakly."You don't want me to?Fine,I will leave you like this and deal with you later"The kidnapper walked away angrily."Woozi........I miss you so much!Why do I have a feeling that we won't be able to see each other again?I still wanna be with you and have a family together with you....."mumbled Hoshi while crying.

Mingyu......He kept struggling in his kidnapper's grip."Can you please stop struggling?"the kidnapper asked,annoyed.Mingyu continued struggling."I SAID STOP STRUGGLING,BITCH!"He slapped Mingyu across the face.Again.This was the second he was slapped in a day and Mingyu has never been slapped before.Wonwoo always handled him with care and showering him with love,never once shouting at him.After being slapped,there were red handprints on his face and when he touched it,he winced in  pain.He felt so useless.....Even as the tallest one,he is one of the most fragile one despite his height.His kidnapper is a bit shorter than him but Mingyu felt so small under that kidnapper.Mingyu always thought he might be a burden to the group,being clumsy and all,not even able to protect his hyungs and dongsaengs with his big frame from danger.It was always the other way round,his hyungs and dongsaengs are the one protecting him but they don't mind because,they are a family and brothers to each and every thirteen one of them."I'm so done with you,Kim Mingyu.The next time your boyfriend sees you,your handsome yet pretty-puppy face will be ruined or wait,maybe you won't even be able to see him ever again?Who knows?"His kidnapper smirked and made his way out of the cell,not forgetting to slam the cell door.Mingyu could only lay back down on the bed and looked up to the dirty,rusted ceiling."Hyungdeul,I already miss you all eventhough it's not yet even a day yet but I'm really scared of what might happen next.I'm sorry for being so weak......"Mingyu cried himself to sleep.

Hansol was still tied to the pole and when he's not obeying his kidnapper,the rope would only get tighter.Hansol always wince because of the pain.He just wanted to be home safely,cuddling with Seungkwan and not in this stupid,old warehouse receiving some sort of punishment that is."Vernonnn......look at me"the kidnapper said but Hamsol refused to look up.The kidnapper could only hold Hansol's face up harshly and kissed him in the lips.Hansol's eyes widened.His lips are only for Seungkwan.Hansol struggled to cut the kiss off and shouted at the kidnapper,"Stop calling me Vernon!!!!You're no one to call me that.Only my members and family are allowed to call me that and why did you kiss my lips?!??They are always and only will be for Seungkwan not YOU!!!!"The kidnapper placed his hand on his own chin,"Why did I kiss your lips?Hmmmm....because I want to and Wow!Your lips are tasty.I would like more of that  but that would be for another time.So longgggg,Vernonie!"The kidnapper just left like this."What did we,SEVENTEEN do to deserve being treated like this?I wonder how Jeonghan hyung,Joshua hyung,Jun hyung,Hoshi hyung and Mingyu hyung are doing......Are they fine?"Hansol talked to himself.

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