Chap 32.

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I'll be on hiatus for about a year like maybe from January 1 or January 2 until November 2020.

This is because year 2020 is a very important year for me since I have to take the GCE O'LEVEL EXAMINATION for my final highschool year so yep!

Also there will be term assessments so I really have to focus on my studies.

              Wish me LUCK!😄😄😄😄


I will be publishing a few more chapters before I go on hiatus so there!

It was few days after Christmas when the members of SEVENTEEN were having their breakfast at the dining table when Wonwoo got out of his seat and rushed to the bathroom,locking the door after entering it.

Mingyu repeatedly knocked on the door worriedly when he heard the puking sounds coming from behind the door and the sound of flushing before the door was unlocked and Wonwoo came out looking a bit pale.

"I don't feel good Mingyu....I might just be in the room....I don't have the appetite to eat anymore right now" Wonwoo said and walked to the stairs not even waiting for Mingyu's answer.

Mingyu returned back to the dining table and sat back down on the chair,looking quite worried.

"You fine,Mingyu?" Minghao who was sitting beside him asked.

"I'm fine... Just worried about Wonwoo hyung" Mingyu replied back

"Why don't we bring him to the hospital for a check-up?" Jun suggested.

"Maybe tomorrow.... I will ask him about it first" Mingyu said.

Everyone continued their unfinished breakfast.

After that, Mingyu went to their bedroom and saw Wonwoo laying against the bed's headrest but staring into the space.

"Wonwoo hyung, do you feel better? Junhui hyung suggested that maybe we should bring you to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up " Mingyu brought the topic up.

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