Chap 36 | Joshua's Birthday!

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Joshua woke up with Dokyeom still in his arms.

He smiled when he saw Dokyeom snuggling more into him to hide a way from the sunlight shining into the room.

Dokyeom whined slightly but his eyes were still closed.

Joshua kissed him on the lips.

"Minnie-ah, get up already... It's already morning"

"Ahhh? Emm...okay" Dokyeom woke up slowly, still rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Shua hyung....." Dokyeom said dreamily and kissed Joshua back on the lips.

They had a small make-out session in the room before getting out of bed.

Joshua felt a bit sad because Dokyeom didn't greet him a happy birthday.

Did he forget that it's my birthday today? Joshua thought.

His lips can't help but to form a pout.

When he got down the stairs and to the living room, everyone were doing their own things but none of the members greeted him a happy birthday, instead they greeted him a good morning.

Joshua felt disheartened.

Everyone forgotten my birthday...I can't cry, Joshua Hong Jisoo...You better not cry...suck it up and start your day. Joshua just let it be like this and carried on with his day.

The weird thing is everyone avoided him and only Hoshi along with Seungcheol stayed by his side.

They didn't let him get to the kitchen in the dorm and instead, the two brought him out to the shopping mall to buy some clothes and accessories.

Joshua was scrolling through twitter in the car and saw his birthday tweet trending worldwide.


He felt so happy and also, he got birthday messages from BTS V and also his family and friends but not the SEVENTEEN members.

they were on the way back to the dorm when Hoshi received a phone call.

He mumbled something about "Great...we'll bring him there right now"

Hoshi leaned forward and told Seungcheol who was driving.

"They're done there...."

Seungcheol immediately swerved the car and took a u-turn at the junction road with traffic lights.

"Cheol-ah! The dorm is that way?! Where're we going?" Joshua exclaimed as he held tight onto the handle.

"You'll see" Seungcheol said and focused on driving.

They arrived at a park?

"Out of the car now,Shua"

Joshua got out of the car and walked on the grass.

As he walked further, he saw figures at the far end surrounding somewhat a table?

He walked closer and looked back but Hoshi and Seungcheol were no way to be seen.

Suddenly, a song was played and a voice Joshua could never ever mistake anyone for sang.

It was Love Letter!

Dokyeom appeared in front of him later, wearing white tuxedo.

Joshua was stunned and stood at the same spot for minutes.

Dokyeom reached out his hand and Joshua held his hand as they walked to the table.

Only then he saw the other members.

"Happy Birthday, Joshua!"

"Happy Birthday, Joshua hyung!"

A table was set up in the middle and beside were two posts with a banner hung to each other that says ' HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA! SEVENTEEN'S GENTLEMAN '

Joshua immediately had tears running down his cheeks.

"Guysss......I-I thought you all forgot my birthday"

" could we ever forget your birthday,Shua-hyung? In fact, we can never forget any of the members' birthdays!" Dino said.

"I was baking he cake in the kitchen so you weren't allowed in the kitchen!" Mingyu said.

"Dokyeom actually planned this whole surprise birthday party for you" Jeonghan said.

"Thanks Dokyeom!" Joshua hugged his boyfriend tight and kissed him.

"Happy birthday, Shua-hyung"

"Let's eat!" Seungkwan said, excited.

The day ended with smiles!


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