Chap 9.

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Friday came which means it's time for the SEVENTEENS boys to meet Lady Jena.

Before they went to the abandoned warehouse where the meeting is taking place.At the dorm,Seungcheol said"We should call the police forces...That way,we would have backup and the kidnappers along with this 'Lady Jena' can be sent straight into jail."The members looked at him.He continued,"We should lure the watchers away so I can make the call safely.Seokmin,act like you're gonna call someone and make sure to make yourself look suspicious so the watchers would be fooled.Once I'm done calling,I will call you back through the earpiece and try to ditch away from the sight of the watchers.I will tell the police to arrive a little after we are there by 7.30pm and the police forces should stay hidden.Remeber,we are going to a countryside so it might be a bit deserted plus we are meeting at a abandoned warehouse.So,be careful boys.....Don't get hurt,okay?"The members nodded and Jihoon told Seungcheol,"You too hyung."Seungcheol just nodded.

Wonwoo said,"We should prepare now.....we still have like three hours till 7.30pm and we must stay alert.Let's do this and get our members back."

The others agreed with determination and went to prepare themselves.

Once their are down and came down the stairs.......


Seungcheol wore a black jacket over a white shirt paired with black jeans and had his hair styled back.He knows Jeonghan loves this style of him!

Don't get me started on Wonwoo!!!! He wore a black leather cardigan with a white shirt paired with black skinny ripped jeans......He also had his light platinum hair styled to the the side. Basically,he almost had everything black.

Jihoon's hair was parted in half and he wore a red leather cardigan over his dark shirt paired with black ripped jeans.

Minghao wore a white long-sleeved buttoned up shirt paired with long black jeans and his hair was let down,not parted or styled.....just like this.

Dokyeom wore a very light blue shirt and had a jeans cardigan on paired with dark colored jeans.His brown hair well styled well like more of his hair was styled to the left side than on the right side.

Seungkwan went casual.He wore a light purple long sleeved shirt with white jeans.His blonde hair was just the puffy way it had always been.Seungkwan looks cuter that way.

Chan wore a pink long-sleeved hooded shirt paired with dark colored jeans.His dark brown hair was definitely well-styled.

Both maknaes of SEVENTEEN wore more casual and comfortable clothes while the others wore like they are on a mission or something but hey!They look absolutely handsome!!!

Once everyone was done and gathered in the living,they started to execute the plan......

As said,Dokyeom would exit the dorm and out of the building while holding his phone to his ears,luring the watchers away into an alley while Seungcheol makes the call to the police forces for backup.After he's done,he contacted Dokyeom through the earpiece,"Seokmin-ah,we're done comeback"Dokyeom got the message,"Got it"Dokyeom rounded into an alley and jumped over a wall.The watchers who went into the alley were confused.Where did Lee Seokmin go?

Once Dokyeom returned back to the dorm safely,they started their journey to the countryside and there's like one hour away till 7.30pm and from the dorm to the countryside would most probably take about 45minutes so they still have some time to spare but no,they want to get to the meeting location as fast as possible....they wanna reunite with the other SEVENTEEN members.As they were on the road,their hearts thumped faster than usual and Seokmin told the other members in the car that he has this bad feeling that something will happen at the warehouse.Woozi who was sitting beside him,dismissed the thought but deep inside,Woozi also had those those kind of bad feelings...Minghao comforted Dokyeom saying that everything will be fine."Just relax,Seokmin hyung"With Minghao's words of comfort,Dokyeom relaxed a bit.

When they got to the meeting location,it was already 7.15pm but as the members went down the car,one by one,they saw no one but a abandoned warehouse in front of them which seems a bit creepy.The seven of them wanted to immediately barge into the warehouse knowing that there's a huge possibility that their boyfriends are hidden somewhere in the warehouse that's in front of them but they knew not act recklessly or they would have to pay for the price.

The time ticked slowly which got them even more frustrated.Finally,the clock ticked till it's 7.30pm and right at that moment,a red sports car came towards them and stopped right in front of them.A lady came out which happened to be 'Lady Jena'."I see that you boys are here early huh?!??" "Much eager to see your members or should I say boyfriends?"she smirked.Seungcheol really wanted to wipe that smirk off her face but he's a gentleman so he won't and held the urge in,knowing that if he acts recklessly,one of them would have to pay the price.

"Wanna know the reason behind this kidnapping?The reason behind is actually really easy....."She smirked playfully.

Damn! How they wanna punch her but they're all gentlemen eventhough Joshua's the group's gentleman so they resisted themselves.

Wonwoo couldn't stand her anymore and said,"Just cut this crap and got straight to the point,Woman!"

Lady Jena faked an ouch."Wow,Jeon Wonwoo! So fierce huh?!? No patience?? You want your boyfriend to die?!?? He can die right now,anytime...when I flick a finger,he would be dead....."she glared at Wonwoo angrily.Wonwoo glared back but his wall inside was slowly crumbling down at the mention of Mingyu.

"Anyways,I'm Park Jena.....The reason behind this kidnapping is simple.I just want Revenge.Pledis ruined me so now,I'm ruining their most popular group,SEVENTEEN!"

Dino shouted,"Why would you wanna revenge Pledis Entertainment?In what way did Pledis Entertainment ruin you?"

Lady Jena continued,"I once auditioned for Pledis Entertainment to become a trainee under the company but they rejected me even before I had the opportunity to showcase my talents....I gave up on everything just to become a singer and debut,my parents did not support my dream and I quitted  my school just for this dream but what did Pledis do in return,they ruined that dream of mine,crushed it and burnt it into ashes.From that day on,I swore to revenge one day.That day has finally came,TIME FOR SEVENETEEN TO BE DESTROYED! Hahaha,Pledis Entertainment,you're going down!!!!"

The boys came to a conclusion in their minds,

                     SHE'S DEFINITELY CRAZY!

"Now that you all know the reason of the kidnapping,shall we meet your boyfriends now?"

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