Chapter 46.

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4 Months passed again and this time, six members in SEVENTEEN were pregnant.

Vernon ~ 9 months

Jun ~ 4 months

Hoshi ~ 4 months

Seungcheol ~ 3 months

Dokyeom ~ 2 months

Dino ~ 2 months

Vernon's due date was getting closer so everyone kept a close eye on him.

Know who's the father of Lee Chan's baby?

Chan kept his relationship with his boyfriend a secret from everyone, even his members.

They didn't even know he had a boyfriend until Chan announced to his members that he was pregnant.

"Who impregnated my baby?!" Jeonghan literally screamed throughout the dorm.

He was angry and Seungcheol and Jisoo had a hard time calming him down.

"Jeonghan hyunggg......He said he'll be responsible for the baby......" Chan whined to Jeonghan.

"He better!" Jeonghan huffed out in annoyance.

In these four months, Wonwoo actually proposed to Mingyu.

They planned to privately have their wedding in December, with only close friends and families to attend the wedding.

Now, all fourteen of them including Chan's boyfriend lives in a mansion, property of Seungcheol's family.

Able to guess who's Chan's boyfriend?

Seungkwan and Wonwoo were at the supermarket shopping for some ingredients to cook for the night.

I swear, these two really bicker a lot.

Wonwoo keeps teasing Seungkwan until Wonwoo got a phone call from Mingyu saying that Vernon's water broke and now, they're on the way to the hospital.

Without another word, Wonwoo pulled a clueless Seungkwan with him, running towards the exit after paying for all the groceries and necessities.

"Wonwoo hyung......where're we going?" Seungkwan asked after they settled in the car.

"Your boyfriend is in the hospital...." Wonwoo said, not looking at Seungkwan and starting the engine.

One sentence from Wonwoo was enough to send Seungkwan into panic.

"Then what're we waiting for?! Drive!!!" Seungkwan yelled and hit Wonwoo's arm.

Wonwoo drove out of the parking lot, fast and towards the hospital.

They were sweating all over when they finally arrived at the hospital.

"Where's Hansol?!" Seungkwan panickingly asked.

"He's in labor right now...." Mingyu pointed towards the door.

"Who's Chwe Hansol's relative?!" A nurse holding a baby came out.

Seungkwan zoomed past all of them and stood right in front of her.

"Me!" Seungkwan said.

"Here's your daughter....Congratulations!" The nurse carefully handed the baby girl to Seungkwan.

"T-The b-baby is a g-girl......" Seungkwan was hiccuping as he stared at the sleeping baby in his arms.

"Hansollie........We're here!" Seungkwan walked into the ward without knocking.

"Kwannie!" Hansol said, laying on the bed.

"Hansol, you and Seungkwan did great" Woozi said, giving the couple a thumbs up.

"We have a baby girl with us! What should we name her?" Seungkwan asked, looking at the baby girl, full of love in his eyes.

"I think Sol Jung would be great!" Chan suggested.

"Boo Sol Jung? Sounds nice!" Seungkwan said.

"Why don't we give her an English name like mine is Vernon? Crystal Boo Sol Jung?" Hansol suggested.

"Then that's it! Her name will be Crystal Boo Sol Jung!" Seungkwan finalized.

"Crystal-ya!" Seungkwan cooed.

The members started calling out to her.


"Sol Jung-ya!"

Everyone got their turns to hold baby Sol Jung.

Minghao snapped a photo of the small Chwe-Boo family.

Hansol and Seungkwan looked so happy smiling at the camera and Seungkwan held Sol Jung who was asleep.

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