First Day of Training

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Haru's P.O.V

The next morning we all arrived on time... except for Kakashi, so I had to teleport to his house and physically drag him here.

"You're late!" The other three screamed at him.

"Yeah, okay, whatever, let's get started with training." I said.

"Right, so here I have 3 bells, your task is to get the bells off me, there are four stumps here, (A/N: Pretend that the stumps had always been there, okay?) whoever doesn't get a bell will be tied here, the people who do get the bells will have one of these 3 bento. There will be an alarm clock here, anyone who doesn't have a bell by the time the alarm sounds will be tied and forced to watch the others eat."

"So that's why you told us to come without breakfast!" We all groaned. Not even I was expecting this. But, now that I think about it, there was something that came up recently regarding my training.

*Flashback begins*

I was training in the woods about 2 years ago, about two weeks after my second meeting with Uncle, but when I blinked, I was in a different place. There were several greek-style buildings, and I didn't know where I was.

"Hello, Haru, or should I say... Percy?" A voice said behind me, I spun around, my right hand gripping my katana, but I didn't draw it, behind me stood a man with sea green eyes, with Hawaiian style clothing and  a trident in his hand.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Poseidon, you may recall, when you were younger, your mother calling you Perseus? That was no mistake, your namesake is a Greek legend, your clan, the Namikaze, was blessed by Artemis and Hermes to be good in combat and have insanely fast speed. The Uchiha part of your heritage was blessed by Hecate to be able to see through and copy any jutsu with your eyes. The Hyuga part of your heritage was blessed by Hestia, who is a peaceful goddess, but is deadly if you pick a fight with her, she blessed the clan with the gentle fist, something you probably should've learnt from a Hyuga, but no matter, and made it so that the Hyuga Clan can last longer without food. I directly blessed you because your mother, who is now deceased, was one of my favourite mortals, you can very effectively use water release and use the transformation jutsu flawlessly." He said.

"Okay? What do you want with me?" I asked, not releasing my grip on my sword.

"Just to warn you that something big is about to hit your world, we don't know what, but expect many trials and challenges." He explained.

"Okay, that's it?" I asked.

"Yes, I will now send you back." He said, with a flash of light, I was back to my training spot in the woods.

*Flashback over*

I smiled, I don't need a bento, I'll focus on getting the others their bentos, I can break out of the ropes on a stump easily, so that part doesn't really matter.

"Alright, everyone at the ready? Go!" We all scattered.

Kakashi stood in the middle of the forest. "Hmm, they have all hid themselves quite well." Not a second later after he said that, Naruto stepped out. "And now... let the fight begin!" He announced.

"I think you're thinking of the wrong kind of fight..." Kakashi muttered. "Alright then, first combat type: Taijutsu, the art of hand-to-hand combat." He announced to Naruto.

"Okay!" He nodded.

Kakashi reached into his pocket and Naruto, wearing a puzzled expression, thought 'It's hand-to-hand combat, isn't it? So why is he going for a weapon?'

[DISCONTINUED] [Adopted by Silen5t] A Greek NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now