The Chunin Exams - The Second Exam

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Haru's P.O.V

Anko lead us to a massive patch of forest which has a fence surrounding it, there are signs on the fence that said: No Tresspassing.

I looked at my teammates, they looked nervous.

I looked back at Anko, but, without warning, she threw a kunai at Naruto. At the speed of sound, I drew my katana and deflected the kunai right back at her, sadly, she just caught it.

"Yellow haired kid, you're lucky your friend had fast reactions, in a real life situation, if he didn't, you'd be dead, stay alert at all times." Anko said.

Naruto, who didn't have reactions as fast as mine, took a few seconds to register what just happened, I looked over at him, and found that I accidentally cut his cheek when I deflected the kunai.

"What just happened?" He asked.

"Basically, Anko threw a kunai at you, I deflected it, and she said that if I didn't have fast reactions you'd be dead, if this was a real life situation." I said.

"Alright, enough chit-chat, each squad will get a scroll, either a heaven scroll or an earth scroll. Your objective is to obtain two scrolls and make it to the centre tower of the Forest of Death within five days, you must not read the scrolls until you are at the tower. Go to the stall to collect your scroll." Anko stated.

We drew numbers from a box, our squad got number 7, when we got our heaven scroll, I hid our scroll in my scroll sachet, and took out a scroll and disguised it as the heaven scroll. I didn't tell anyone because I wanted this to be my little surprise.

We stepped into the Forest of Death and immediately headed towards the centre. Naruto grunted. "I gotta take a leak." Which earned him a good whack on the head.

"Not here, you bozo! I'm a lady!" But using the dokushinjutsu, I knew that she wouldn't have said that if it was Sasuke.

Naruto walked off into the bushes, after a minute, he came back, but something was wrong.

"Ah! Much better!" He grinned, another whack.

"Stop it! There's a lady here!" Sakura yelled, I drew my katana and stabbed him in the chest.

"What... Haru... why?" Sakura asked.

"You noticed as well, huh?" Sasuke asked, I nodded.

"You're not Naruto, first off, Naruto is right handed, but you're wearing your shuriken holster on your left leg, and you forgot about the scar on his cheek from when I accidentally cut him when I deflected the kunai." I said.

The imposter died, and the other two came out of their hiding places.

"You!" One of them yelled.

They charged, but Sasuke blew them away with his fireball jutsu. They fell to the ground, dead. I looked through their corpses and rooted out their scroll, sadly, it was another heaven scroll.

We looked at each other, and went to find Naruto.

We found him tied up in the middle of the forest. I cut the restraints, and we sat down.

"Alright, we need a password so we know if anyone is an impostor." Sasuke said.

"Yeah, I agree, ooh, what about the question: When should a ninja strike?" I said.

"Yeah, that's good, alright, here it is: 'A ninja waits until the enemy sleeps. When their guard is down, when their weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment when the ninja strikes.' Got it?" Sasuke commanded.

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