The Noble Thieves?

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Natsuki's P.O.V

"I'm bored." Boruto groaned.

"Boruto, please. Shut up. Missions like our first are rare because we live in an era of peace. You want action? Tell Uncle to randomly attack another village and die on our next mission." I grumbled.

I was hanging out with Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki in Thunder Burger.

Suddenly, the news suddenly blared out of the television behind us.

"The Byakuya Gang, self proclaimed as the Noble Thieves, are currently at large, and have been plaguing Konoha for quite some time. It is advised that all citizens notify a shinobi if they catch sight of any individual with a red hood and robes and a white mask and leave the area immediately." The news reporter announced.

"Whoa, a gang?" Boruto asked excitedly.

"Don't even think about it." Dad suddenly appeared behind me.

"What?" Boruto asked, startled.

"I know what you're thinking. You are not taking on the Byakuya Gang yourself. Genin cannot take these kinds of missions." Dad said.

"But Uncle Haruuuuu!" Boruto pleaded.

"Rules are rules. Wanna change them? Take it to the Uzumaki Idiot." He shrugged, then he ordered a burger and inhaled it.

Boruto looked at Dad in amazement, probably because he just demolished a burger in less than a second.

"Wait, so... You support me doing so?" Boruto asked.

"Heh, when I was your age, I used to be an adventure-seeker myself, that's why I defected from Konoha in the first place, but still brought back intel to the village. I wanted something interesting to do. Just a word of advice, never do anything alone. I tried to, and believe me, without Sasuke, I'd be dead many times over." He said.

I noted that he called Uncle Sasuke by his name, instead of 'Uchiha Idiot'. 

Suddenly, all the shinobi were summoned to the police station.

"I'm sure you are wondering why you have been summoned." The Police Chieftain said, "It has come to our attention that the Byakuya Gang is at large in Konoha. These are our orders for the shinobi. The Genin will go on daily patrols in specific areas, if they catch sight of a Byakuya Gang member, they must notify a Chunin or Jonin in that area immediately, and unless you are cleared to do so, you may not engage with said Byakuya Gang member. Is that clear?"

"Yessir!" We saluted.

"Ugh! Why can't we fight the gang members? We've taken on Shinobi before." Boruto complained.

"Because it's not safe for us! The Byakuya Gang members are supposedly even stronger than the rogue shinobi we fought on our first mission!" Sarada yelled at him.

Then, Konohamaru Sensei stepped in.

"Boruto, Sarada, stop it." He said firmly. 

"If you get hurt, Boruto, I'm not going to forgive you." Sarada muttered underneath her breath. 

No-one else heard it, but I did.

I raised an eyebrow at her, and her face instantly turned red, she turned away from Boruto so he doesn't see it.

I nodded, signalling to her that I'll keep her secret for her.

Sarada regained her conposure and focused back to the group.

We were patrolling the streets for the entire day, but we didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Well, that was a waste of time. I was hoping for some action!" Boruto sighed.

"It was not a waste of time. We are helping to defend the village." Sarada grumbled.

"Well, we can't defend a village if there's nothing to defend it from." Boruto shot back.

"Your logic is skewed." Sarada muttered.

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

Whilst the two were arguing, Mitsuki sidled up to me.

"I still think they'd make a great couple." He whispered.

"Agreed." I nodded, "Hey, lovebirds! Stop your lover's quarrel! We should really get going. Boruto, shouldn't we do some research on these guys? Like... I dunno, keep patrolling them and stalk them to see what their abilities are?" I asked.

"Oh! Yeah! Great idea!" He smiled.

"Natsuki, we're not a couple and never will be, okay? Shut it." Sarada groaned, whilst at the same time giving me a hard look.

I laughed. 

We went off to ask Dad about what they know about them, surely, if no-one else will, Dad will tell us, right?

"The Byakuya Gang? We don't know much about them. We only know that they're shinobi from the Land of Snow. We believe they have a special jutsu, but we don't know what it is." He said.

"They come from the Land of Snow, so maybe snow or ice release?" Sarada asked.

"It would make sense, but we're not sure." He said, "Why do you wanna know, anyway?"

"Boruto wanted to know because he's an idiot and wants to take them on." I explained, Sarada laughed.

"Hey! I'm not an idiot!" Boruto protested.

"You are, Baka Boruto." Sarada snickered.

"Am not!"

"Boruto! SHUT UP!" I yelled.

"Jeez, okay." He whimpered.

"Right. Now. Do we know anyone who might know anything about gangs and where they might operate?" I asked.

"Oh! Mr. Katasuke knows some stuff about ninjutsu, despite not being a ninjutsu user himself, he does research into that kinda thing, he may know a thing or two about ice or snow release." Boruto said.

"Who?" I asked, but Dad recognized the name immediately.

"Oh. That guy." He groaned.

"Yeah, he constantly bothers my stupid old man for his research, but he's a good guy, really! He's just very... odd." Boruto said.

"ODD?! He's an obsessed madman! He is willing to sacrifice anything to make sure his monstrosities see the light of day! Boruto, don't trust him. He will do anything, anything, to get his inventions on TV, hell, I bet he's even considered murder!" Dad suddenly had an outburst.

"We might as well check him out. But if he's as insane as you say, Dad, we'll leave him." I promised.

He sighed, "Alright, you can go, just don't say I didn't warn ya."

We arrived at the lab Boruto mentioned and met Katasuke.

"Ah! The young lord has brought friends!" The scientist turned around.

"Hi, Katasuke-san." Boruto said.

"What are you after, young lord? Another game, perhaps?" Katasuke asked.

"Nah, we're not after that. But you know the Byakuya Gang? We suspect that they might be able to use ice release, do you know anything about that?" Boruto asked.

"Ah, ninjutsu, huh? Well, I suppose it's not impossible, mixing wind and water release, but that would only be possible if it were a Kekkei Genkai..." Katasuke mused, "But, young lord, if you want to know their movements, I do know a place where you can check to see all criminal activity." He grinned, "Follow me!"

Where he brought us is something I will always want to forget but never will.

A/N: And cut! Well, that took a while. If you guys watched Boruto, then you'd know where Katasuke lead them, so I'm gonna skip until the night where Katasuke's stuff gets stolen, 'Kay? Okay.

Hey, My Hero Academia fans! I wrote a new story, check it out in my profile. 

As always, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Peace out, everybody, goodbye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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