Venting Out Some Difficult Feelings

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Natsuki's P.O.V

The kidnapper escaped.

That was the first thought that ran through my head when I woke up.

We found a ransom note asking for a shit ton of money in return for Tomaru's life.

I thought that it was a bit too much, but Ashina decided to do it.

Cho-Cho then started screaming at Konohamaru and Moegi, who had just returned from a scouting mission, berating them for failing to protect Tomaru.

"Cho-Cho!" I yelled, startling her, "If you weren't so worried about how you'd look in front of Tomaru, maybe none of this shit would've happened! I told you, didn't I? Keep that up and there might not be a Tomaru to watch you! Now look what happened! Had you just attacked the kidnapper without hesitation, we might've stood a chance of winning! Don't go blaming it on people who weren't even here for the most part! Remember: YOU are the one who let the abductor escape! Not Konohamaru or Moegi Sensei, alright? If you weren't so fucking lovestruck for Tomaru and actually focused on the mission, we would've gotten this done way earlier! Now do you understand why a shinobi has to set aside their personal feelings during a mission? This is exactly the situation that could occur if a shinobi fails to do that! They might add unnecessary tasks and labors to the team during the mission or fail it completely! Now get your shit together, alright? We're going to go save him, and we're gonna do it right. If you don't think you can fight to the best of your ability in his presence, then you can stay here, but know that he wouldn't appreciate you at all!" 

I finished my rant and stormed off. Similar to when I got mad at Boruto. Except with less cursing this time.

I walked around the corner and sat down against the wall, I pulled my legs up to my chest and sank my head into my knees. 

"You okay?" A voice asked.

I looked up, and saw Moegi Sensei standing there.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sniffled.

"Come on, we both know that's a lie." She kept pushing.

I held a long breath, and relented, "It's just... I just feel like everyone around me is all happy and giggles and stuff, and whenever they get into trouble, I help them out of it, even if I have to rant to do so, but I just... feel like no-one's there to help me when I need it, even when I'm surrounded by people, I still feel alone, because no-one is... taking me seriously, whether it's the height of my problems, or the problems of my height, I just feel like... I'm always around to support everyone, but it seems that no-one is around to support me, you know? It's kind of like that moment, when you ask yourself: Is everything I'm doing really amounting to anything? I'm helping others, but they're not helping me, does that mean I should stop trying because it's a waste of effort? It's like that, except I constantly ask myself these questions, but I'm too scared to stop helping other people... I'm scared that no-one will like me anymore if I do so... But I also don't want to help people without them acknowledging me..." I felt tears start to fall down my face, "I put on this facade that convinces other people that I'm fine, that I'm indifferent to a lot of things, and only when I really care about something, I show any other emotion towards it, but... I just... I don't want to be alone... But I don't want my efforts to go to waste, either. I want them to amount to something. I want to be someone. I don't want to be seen as a nobody... I want to be appreciated... I don't want to live out my life feeling that I could've done more... or that all of my efforts amounted to nothing... I... I want to try to deal with these issues alone, but... I need someone to help me... I can't... I can't do it on my own... I don't wanna be alone!" With that, I was letting my tears fall freely down my face. I launched myself into Moegi's arms and sobbed for a long while, whilst Moegi kept me in her arms, and rubbing my back, I felt her tears on my shoulder as well, but I could hear her say: "It's alright, I'm sure that everyone appreciates you as you are. Your inferiority complex is certainly rarer than usual, but it's not rare to the point that you're the only one with it. A lot of people out there have these doubts about life, about themselves, but trust me when I say that you're not alone. If you want help, just ask. We can't help you if we can't tell you're in pain. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on when you cry, I'll always be here..."

I sniffled, "T-thanks. That helped a little. I-I'll think about it. I know where to find you when I need you, and I'll come visit once or twice, maybe just to say hi, but... It's nice to know that I'm not alone. And you're right. I can't just keep it all bottled up, I can't expect other people to help solve a problem that they have no knowledge of. Like I said before, I don't want my efforts to amount to nothing. But the way things are going now..." I managed a shaky and teary smile, "I thing they will amount to something."

I dried my tears, and stood up.

Sarada's P.O.V

It wasn't long since Moegi Sensei went to check on Natsuki. 

But I was still worried.

I decided to go where Natsuki is, but when I heard her venting out her feelings to Moegi Sensei, I didn't want to interrupt, so I stayed around the corner.

I was... Honestly shocked.

I never knew that Natsuki felt like this before in my life.

Natsuki was crying.

She was actually crying.

She never showed much emotion except for annoyance, anger, and that annoying teasing attitude. Any other emotion was just... really rare for someone to see. 

Boruto told me about the cheerfulness that she shows around kids, like Himawari and Inabi. 

I've also heard from Uncle Haru that she was slightly more cheerful when she hung out with specific people.

Himself, for example, or her younger cousin, Inabi. 

I need to be there for her. But it sounds like Moegi Sensei managed to break down her walls separating us from her.

It's a nice feeling. Knowing that your friends have been helped, and that you know that you are always prepared to help them whenever you need to.

"Hey, Natsuki? Moegi Sensei? You good? You sure took your sweet time in there." I called into the corridor.

"Yeah, we're good, I just needed some time off. Has Cho-Cho made her mind up yet?" 

"Yep. She's going with you guys to help rescue Tomaru."

"Good. Let's get to planning."

A/N: Well. That was another one of those kinds of filler chapters that I put in every now and then in my fanfics. Hope you enjoyed that one. Back to the story with the next one.

By the way, a question to all you fanfic writers out there: Have you ever cried writing a very sad moment in your story?

Because I almost cried writing this.

Welp, I dunno.

As always, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more!

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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