The Genin Exams - Part 2

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Natsuki's P.O.V

I took a look at Anko sensei, who had her back turned towards me, I ran past her, distracting her from the hostages and forcing her to chase after me, I inherited my dad's fast speed, I'm quick, even for chunin standards, so I managed to lead her to the open field without a problem.

I laid down markers, and once I saw that Anko sensei got to the spot exactly in the middle of the marks, I used my dad's Flying Raijin technique, blitzing around her, I can't use this technique like my dad can, but I can still use it quite well, though sometimes I don't pull myself towards the correct marker and end up miles away from where I'm supposed to be going.

This time, I managed to blitz around her in the correct order, so that I managed to bring her down with strings that I attached to the ground, but, before I could call out to the others, her body dissolved into snakes.

Like Mitsuki's clone jutsu.

Shit! She knew what I was thinking and purposely sent out a clone to follow me so she can take down the students rescuing the others.

"Come on! Back to the campsite!" I yelled to the others, then I bolted off.

I arrived back at their campsite just in time to see Anko Sensei sneak up on Namida.

I charged forward and was about to launch a flying kick at Anko Sensei when Namida suddenly noticed her and screamed really loudly.

I barely had time to cover my ears before they got damaged permanently.


"Namida!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry! I panicked."

Then, the others burst into the clearing.

"Wah! Wasabi! It was so scary!" Namida cried.

"Hey, hey, it's fine. Everyone is safe." Wasabi assured her.

"Thanks for saving us!" One of the hostages said.

"Yeah, we owe you one." Shikadai said.

"Really, it's what we should do." I said.

"Alright, now we go take on Uncle Haru!" Boruto yelled.

"Yeah!" We cheered.

We found Dad in a clearing, he's typing on his computer.

The others transformed into Boruto, and Boruto summoned his shadow clones.

They charged in, surprising Dad for a bit, but then he seemed to see through our strategy.

"Well, I'll admit it surprised me a second, but Boruto, your limit is at three, is it not?" He asked whilst knocking people to the ground around him.

"It's an okay strategy, I guess, but it's ineffective once someone sees through it." He said.

Suddenly, everyone started performing the seal.

They locked him in place, whilst I rushed out, charging at him, attempting to grab the bell.

Suddenly, his right eye flashed purple, and everyone around us suddenly seized up, it seems like he's using an ability that directly attacks the mind and soul.

We were all slammed into the ground, but I managed to get back up whilst the others kept holding the seal.

"Fuuton: Storm Draft!" I yelled, pushing Dad around with Wind Release, sadly, he countered it easily.

"Suiton: Hydro Cannon!" He made his signature triangle shape with his hands and shot a massive stream of water at me.

"Raiton: Chain Lightning!" I yelled, sending a lightning bolt through the Hydro Cannon and stunning Dad for a while, he flinched for a second, then he smirked, he shrugged off his sea blue hoodie and drew his swords, his left katana sheathed across his back and his right katana hanging off his lower back.

[DISCONTINUED] [Adopted by Silen5t] A Greek NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now