The Chunin Exams - The Final Battle

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Natsuki's P.O.V

Well, here we go.

Boruto, Sarada, Shinki, and I were going on a four way free-for-all.

Being Hidden Leaf ninja, I think all three of us would target Shinki.

When we entered through our respective gates, we were given some time to prepare.

I started counting the marked shuriken I had left. 50. Good. I still have a lot.

My chakra reserves were back to full, and I was now prepared to take anyone on with anything.

The battle commenced, and Boruto immediately summoned shadow clones to attack Shinki, whilst Shinki was occupied with them, Sarada sent some lightning balls at Shinki whilst I used my mom's Chain Lightning jutsu.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

"Raiton: Lightning Aspect!" I muttered, making my body constantly discharge electricity.

I threw six marked shuriken at Shinki, some travelled further than others because they bounced off each other, I blitzed around him and threw myself onto his iron sand, since it has iron in it, it should conduct electricity, and since it's around him, it will conduct the electricity into him.

Sadly, it didn't work.

Welp. Time for my ace in the hole.

"Ranton: Thunder Arc!" I yelled, sending out streams of lightning through Shinki's magnetic iron sand.

I could almost sense the five kage getting really confused and looking at the Raikage.

Shinki was paralyzed for a few moments, it was enough for me to charge up a powerful lightning style attack.

I summoned my bow and overlaid the Storm Bow jutsu over it.

So... Now it can shoot solid bolts of lightning.

I fired multiple into Shinki's iron sand, further weakening it, but then I realized.

It was all a ruse.

The majority of the iron sand was above us.

Razor-sharp feathers of iron sand rained down upon us.

"Fuuton: Windshield!" I yelled, summoning a shield of solid air above me that protected me from the razors.

Boruto managed to outrun the feathers raining down behind him.

Sarada though...

Sarada was a different story.

She wasn't as fast as Boruto or me.

The feathers shot through her and knocked her out of the match.

"Sarada!" Boruto and I both yelled out at the same time.

I turned my attention on Shinki.

"Boruto, let's take this guy down once and for all!" I yelled.

"You got it! Old collab?"

"Old collab but better! You'd better summon more shadow clones!" 

"Can't you?"

"Theoretically, yes, but I can't with the jutsu I'm about to use!"

"Alright, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Boruto pushed his limits and managed to summon five clones this time.

"Ranton: Chained Thunder Arc!" I yelled, fusing my mom's Chain Lightning jutsu with the Thunder Arc jutsu that Darui recently helped me create.

Boruto's clones went near Shinki without attacking him, and several arcs of lightning streamed through them, into Shinki's sand, into Shinki.

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