Haru and Sasuke vs Naruto and Raiko

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Raiko's P.O.V

I'm honestly surprised that Haru went with Sasuke, I thought he's the more sensible one.

Three years.

For three years we tried to find them.

Naruto and Sakura were joined by me and Sai to track down Haru and Sasuke, when Naruto finally found them, I wasn't letting them go that easily.

I burst into the clearing where Naruto was jumping at Sasuke and Haru.

I commanded the winds to hold him back.

Jesus christ this guy seriously wants to die.

"Naruto! Don't just charge in without a plan!" I scolded him.

"I do have a plan! Step 1, find Haru and Sasuke. Step 2, bring them back to the village. Done!" He yelled.

"That's not a fucking plan! How were you going to find them? How are you going to bring them back to the village? Your talk-no-jutsu isn't going to work here, buddy."

Suddenly, before Naruto could reply, he was suddenly thrown back and crashed through the trees.

I looked back at Haru and Sasuke. Haru was giggling like a maniac.

"Oops, missed one." He giggled.

Naruto got up from the wreck of trees, and then, suddenly, his seal started to unravel.


I need to end this, fast.

I launched myself at Haru, who, for some reason doesn't wear his mask anymore, took one look at me, said, "Nentougoku!" and launched me across the forest. Hold it.

Was his eye bleeding?

That's not good.

I got back up and saw that Naruto is losing control over the Nine-tails' chakra, it's turning into the nine-tails' cloak.


I charged at him, ready to place a tag on his forehead to stabilize him, but before I could, his chakra exploded.

He started engaging Sasuke one on one again.

"Sasuke!" Haru yelled, and threw something over to him.

Sasuke caught it and then proceeded by releasing the curse mark.

Stupid Orochimaru.

Stupid curse mark.

"Chidori Lament!" Sasuke yelled.

Whoa, hold up, what the hell is a Chidori Lament?

I got my answer pretty quickly.

It's a powered up Chidori.

Sasuke slammed his hand into Naruto's gut, right where the seal was.

Now Naruto has a massive hole in his gut.


Shit, the seal!

The seal is now gone.

Instead of blood, a black liquid oozed out of Naruto's wound.

That's not good.

Then, an aura of light surrounded him. (A/N: This is where Minato appears in front of Naruto and tells him that he is his father.)

We all watched in amazement but it quickly disappeared.

His wound is gone.

The seal is back! How?

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