Getting Sakura Back and Shin Got Brutally Murdered

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Haru's P.O.V

The army of children charged, but Sarada didn't give a single shit about them, she charged right through and into the massive cave-looking structure.

"Sarada! Shit." I called out to her, "Ōi! Uzumaki idiot! Take down the child army and take care of Cho-Cho, the Uchiha idiot and I are gonna run up ahead!" I yelled.

"You got it!" He yelled, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

He summoned several shadow clones and held down the children with his chakra arms.

"Haru, why do you call us that?" Sasuke asked.

"Because you are both idiots. You should've stayed in the village, you would've gotten used to it, besides, can't I give my baby cousin a nickname?" I teased.

"For the last time, Haru, I'm older than you!"

"Physically, yes. Mentally? Not so much. I would know, I can read your mind." I shot back.

"Gah, I forgot you can do that."

"Ah, relax, you wanna get Sakura and Sarada back? You better not be out of shape." I said, pointing to Sarada, who was running through a tunnel

"Sarada!" He yelled.

"Dad?" She turned around, and several tiny blades were launched at her.

"Shit!" I muttered, warping behind Sarada with my swords out and deflected the blades.

"You Uchiha idiot! Don't split your daughter's attention!" I yelled, "This is how stupid you can be!"

"Shut up, Haru!" He growled.

We kept treading forwards, we found Sakura engaging Shin in hand-to-hand combat, two tiny blades were stuck in her shoulder, suddenly, they started twitching, and she fell down.

"Sakura!" Sasuke yelled, he was at his wife's side in an instant. He pulled out the blades and burned them with Amaterasu.

Shin suddenly appeared behind him and swiped at him with a claw.

I was there in an instant, swords drawn, and blocked the claw, scratching my swords in the process.

I growled, "Goddammit! Now I'm gonna have to sharpen and polish these again!" I yelled, I hated doing that.

I attacked Shin in anger, I must admit, he was doing quite well to keep up with me when I'm using 50% of my full base form power.

I boosted it to 75%, and he was starting to show some signs of struggle, hack, slash, block, roll, this was all becoming a routine.

I managed to mark him, so every time one of his blows sends me flying I would always warp behind him and attempt to stab him. (A/N: Aragami Style)

 (A/N: Aragami Style)

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This is what I mean.

Sadly, he kept blocking my strikes.

I yelled in frustration, "Screw it!" And went base form 100% on him.

I managed to cut off his foot, faster than he could dodge it, and he fell on his side. His prosthetic arm fell apart.

Sasuke was about to go in and finish it, but then one of the children came in and blocked his way.

"I'm not going to let you kill Father." He said.

"Move out of the way, Naruto might be lenient about killing your brethren, but I have no such qualms, I will not hesitate to kill you." He growled.

"I will protect Father until my last breath." He said.

"Your funeral." He raised his sword, and he was about to bring it down when Sarada suddenly yelled out to him.

"Dad! Stop!" She yelled.

He hesitated for a moment, but before he could do anything, Shin had slammed his prosthetic hand through the kid's chest.

What. The. Fuck.


"They're not my children, they are merely clones." Was the reply that I got.

I growled, I took off my blindfold and shifted into Tenseigan Chakra Mode. I managed to blitz around Shin even without the Flying Raijin, I slammed him around using the Nentougoku, (A/N: Sans Style, or should I say... sans style?) and impaled him with one of my swords.

I then threw him across the clearing, but then all the other clones of Shin started appearing out of nowhere.

"Hahaha! You forgot, didn't you? As long as these clones are here, it doesn't matter if you kill me, I'll just transfer my mind to one of them!" Shin gloated.

Suddenly, instead of protecting him, the clones all stabbed him.

"W-what the- You're all supposed to obey me!" Shin yelled, then coughed up some blood.

"Dispose of the weak, Father's orders." One of them said.

"I am your father!" He screamed.

"You are weak, we have no use for you anymore." Another one said.

"No!" He yelled in pain as he was brutally murdered by his own children.

I looked upon this scene in shock, these kids are too obedient.

The Uzumaki idiot suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started speaking to the kids.

"You don't have to follow a man like that! The Leaf village will gladly take you in." Naruto yelled.

They all paused and started talking among themselves, then, one of them stepped out and accepted the offer.

We transferred them back to the Hidden Leaf Village and handed them to an orphanage.

Sarada went back the Uchiha household and had her first family dinner in years.

The Uzumaki idiot decided to keep investigating for potential threats to Konoha.

I went back to my house.

"I'm home!" I called, and was immediately tackled in a hug by Inabi.

"Uncle!" He shouted in glee.

"Inabi, please get off of Dad." Natsuki leaned into sight from the kitchen, "Welcome home, Dad."

"Hey, Natsuki, are you cooking dinner for us?" I asked from the floor.

"Yep!" She nodded.

"Well, concentrate on that, don't let me distract you." I said as I pried Inabi off of me.

"Inabi, go and bother your dad, okay? I have some work to do." I said.

"Okay!" He ran off to find Denko.

I got back up and headed straight to my study.

I did some more research, if there are people looking to reform the Akatsuki, could there be others?

I checked through birth records and the census, but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. I could be overreacting, I'll leave it to the Uzumaki and the Uchiha idiots.

I lied on my bed, getting an early sleep for the first time in decades.

A/N: Well, here we go, that took a very long time, I apologize for that. I'll be back up and running after this. Don't take this as something that happened after the Genin Graduation Exams, this is just a massive flashback, okay?

That's about it for today, thanks for waiting so patiently.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Peace out, everybody, goodbye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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