The Chunin Exams - The Third Exam

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Natsuki's P.O.V

Everything is going quite smoothly.

My friends have won their matches.

My first round? I'm up against one of the sand shinobi. What was her name?


Her name literally means wind, what the heck?

Apparently she's one of the two adopted children of Lord Kazekage of Sunagakure.

The other is Shinki.

I don't see her using any kind of sand though, like her brother and father.

We stood in the ring staring each other down, I noticed her arm twitch, and we burst into action.

I started off by throwing a fan of blades, or a flurry of shuriken, however you wanna call it, everywhere. They are all marked, too, but she needn't know that.

She harnessed the wind and guided herself through everything.

Oh, I see.

Whilst her brother uses a sand technique like Lord Gaara, she uses winds not unlike my mom's Kekkei Genkai.

I'm beginning to wonder if she is actually part of the Inazuma clan.

Because I know that my mom's clan not only possess black hair, but there are also clan members who have blond hair like Uncle Denko or dirty blond hair like Inabi.

Kazechi has dirty blond hair.

Those long flowing locks seemed to dance uncontrollably in the wind.

I narrowed my eyes and cancelled out her wind with wind of my own.

Once again, we were stuck in a staredown.

Suddenly, I summoned my bow from my room and fired two shots at her.

She deflected them with her wind style, but then when she looked back at the position I was in, I had already appeared behind her.

I charged up behind her, tapped her on the shoulder, and slammed her with my bow (And fist) when she turned around, cleanly knocking her out.

I put my bow back into my room, I could see my dad smiling where the Five Kage are seated.

I immediately warped back to the waiting room.

"Tsuki! That was amazing!" Boruto gave me a high five, I locked eyes with him, his eyes told me: 'Don't worry, I won't cheat.'

I shot a glance at his wrist, he still has the scientific ninja tool.

"Boruto, I have some information about your opponent." I told him.

"Really? Let's hear it!"

"He uses explosive bubbles, though as long as you can throw a shuriken hard enough to carve through those bubbles and ignore the explosions, you should be fine, but- Actually, wait, can't you do a rasengan? I heard from Dad that Uncle Sasuke told him that you used a vanishing rasengan." I immediately corrected myself.

"A... vanishing rasengan? I thought it just dissipated." Boruto muttered.

"Apparently it left a mark in a tree, use that to your advantage." I patted him on the shoulder, then whispered, "Don't cheat."

"Don't worry about me! Focus on winning your matches!" He laughed.

I smirked.

I watched his battle with Yurui.

[DISCONTINUED] [Adopted by Silen5t] A Greek NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now