The Chunin Exams - Prepping For The Third Exam

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Haru's P.O.V (A/N: You should know how the others go with their training, so I'm only going to talk about Haru.)

I leapt from tree to tree, trying to navigate my way out of this forest without using my Flying Raijin Technique, damn, Sarutobi really is strict, despite being my adopted... grandfather? I feel weird calling him my adoptive father since he is so old.

Oh yeah, I also have several ninja on my tail and it was expected of me to find a way outta here without being hit once. It was difficult, like, really difficult. I had to stay on alert at all times, not to mention I had to keep my eyes out for traps. I wondered about Naruto and Sasuke, how they were doing, I imagine Naruto would probably be learning something about how to control his chakra, since he can't do that very well.

Knowing Sasuke's skill level, I think he'd be focusing on learning more jutsu. Me? I'm more a creating jutsu kinda guy, and I create my own. Obviously with help, but with my new jutsu, I should be able to actually stand a chance in the third exam.

I would need to create jutsu combos, since just single jutsu alone won't help me. 

And to do that, I'll need to focus on improving my Raiton. Why, you ask? Because I need to use all five elements to be able to create multiple jutsu combos, I already have one: Geyser storm with Exploding whirlwind, but that's not enough.

I have perfected more jutsu, like the simple Raiton: Lighting strike which fires a bolt of lightning from my finger, and a ridiculously overpowered one called Suiton: Flash flood which, as it's name suggests, creates massive amounts of water that floods the area we are in.

I was getting really tired of the ninja on my back, so I summoned three shadow clones to distract them, now I've cut down their numbers to two. I then turned back, "Katon: Exploding fireball!" shooting a fireball from my palm, I managed to distract them long enough to knock them both out.

I recalled my shadow clones and burst out of the forest. I heard clapping.

"Congratulations, Haru, you made it out of the forest unscratched, now, how do you think you'll fare fighting against me?" Sarutobi asked.

"I... as you wish, Lord Third." I bowed. What? I still have to call him that in public, despite being able to call him by his real name when we're alone.

We took our stances, and when he yelled, "GO!" I immediately started marking places on the ground and leaping everywhere, however, Sarutobi remained still, I appeared behind him, "Doton: Diving earth dragon!" However, he simply shattered it with a single strike. WHAT? He's that strong? 

I retreated and thought over what I should do. Eventually, I thought of a plan. "Doton: Rising earth walls!" I started by summoning an arena made of rock, then, "Suiton: Flash flood!" I filled it up with water, I charged at Sarutobi across the water's surface, and we started sparring with taijutsu.

He quickly got the upper hand, but I used the Flying Raijin to my advantage, appearing behind him several times, and trying to force him underwater.

Eventually, I got tired and summoned shadow clones to hold him in place, I then kicked him underwater, and initiated the final phase of my plan, "Raiton: Lightning strike!" I aimed the lightning bolt into the water and, allowing the water to conduct the electricity, indirectly attacked Sarutobi.

Sadly, it had little to no effect on him, he wasn't even breaking a sweat, and even had his eyes closed the whole time, and even with my eyes, I could barely keep up, I was sweating profusely, and I had to end this soon.

I immediately busted out a jutsu that I recently started learning, "Raiton: Lightning storm!" Lightning struck from above and, Sarutobi, being the thing that protrudes from a flat surface, got hit by practically all the lightning bolts.

Sad thing is, he hasn't even used a single ninjutsu technique yet, he's been only using taijutsu this whole time, and only using chakra to keep him on top of the water surface, my attacks may seem impressive compared to other people, but that's only because I'm smarter with how I use them, but compared to the hokage, I've still got a long way to go.

Besides, I'm convinced that Naruto would eventually be more powerful than me, and need I say more about Sasuke? Sakura would get stronger, but I doubt she'd be as strong as these two.

I was stilling milling around in my thoughts when I heard clapping. Again.

"Well done, you are smart with your use of jutsu and science, but you need to keep working on your physical strength and endurance, right now you're a glass cannon, one good hit on you could send you sprawling." Sarutobi commented.

My eyes went wide under my mask (A/N: BTW, I'm going to be referring to the blindfold as a mask now.). Did that final attack not have any affect on him whatsoever?!

He noticed my look and laughed, "You may be much stronger than your peers, but your jutsu does not vary in strength whatsoever, the only traits that have been aiding you in your victories is the wide range of your jutsu and your speed. I must admit, you are much faster than most ninja in this village, however, you still have a long way to go, don't let all the praise go to your head." He patted my shoulder and led me to another patch of land.

"Here, we will be training your endurance and physical strength, I know that you can use the gentle fist like the Hyuga can, but some times, brute force is quite necessary. Now, before you say that you can simply dodge enemy attacks, I must remind you that there are still people faster than you, and there are some attacks that have to wide of an area of effect to be dodged." Sarutobi told me, I nodded, but the next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground face-up, my nose stung like hell.

"Remember, a ninja must always keep his guard up." He said. I got back up and attempted to throw a punch at him, I say attempted because, even though the hit did land, it didn't do shit. I am so weak, I only have a lot of stamina and speed, my physical strength and endurance, though? Nope.

I charged at him again.

*Time lapse*

Throughout the rest of the month training with Sarutobi, I was focusing on my ninjutsu combos, physical strength and endurance, and alertness. I remember at one point Sarutobi attacked me at like 2 a.m, but I was still studying the secret manuscripts, and I was so focused I didn't even realize he was there at all.

I still remember the next day, when he came back to the library to find me still studying, committing everything to memory. Yes, I didn't sleep the entire night. I actually don't remember the last time I slept.

However, after the month was over... It was time. For the third exam.

*Time lapse ends*

A/N: Yep, Haru's an insomniac. Anyone want to take a guess as to why? There is a reason that was mentioned earlier on in this story. Reread it, maybe you'll find it.

Other than that, thank you guys so much for reading my story, you have no idea how much this means to me, thank you so much.

Vote, comment, and follow for more, peace out, everyone, good bye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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