01 - Because its our secret

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Haeun Pov

After a long weekend, i am not excited for school. I dragged my feet as i enter the school gate. Heaving out a sigh, I lift up my head and saw two of my bestfriend waving at me excitedly.

Why the hell are they so excited about?

"Ya ya, stop it. The both of you are embarrassing me." I said, shaking my head at them.

"Be thankful that we're still friends. With that attitude of yours, nobody can even endure you." Yuna said and she lightly pushed me to the side.

I turned to her as i scoffed.

"Well i would have to agree with Yuna. Its not surprising to see that you're still single now." Hana added and i balled my fist, nearly punching her but i manage to hold back.

"Ya! You both have no rights to talk to me like that. The both of you don't even have a boyfriend too." I fought back my point.

"Well, thats because we are still not ready." I rolled my eyes at Yuna's answer.

"Lies. You should just say that there is no guy here that wants you." Yuna kicked my butt.

"This brat. One day i'll get a guy before you." I laughed as i shook my head at her.

"That will be too late.." I stuck out my tongue, teasing her even more. Hana hold onto Yuna who is trying to kill me.

"Ah ya! Stop it already geez. These two idiots." Hana stared at us with both her hands on her hips.

In our small group, she is the mature one. Well, i'm the childish one. The three of us can be very childish, pulling pranks on each other. Sometimes Hana questioned herself why is she even friends with us.

The three of us walked along the corridor as we talked about the assigment that was given to us. Of course being in college isn't easy. Especially when you're in the business administration department. We compared our reports and we heard loud screamings from behind.

Its a no surprise actually. Well its normal here in our school. All those noises are caused by one reason.


They are the hottest group in our college, the princes in our school. There are 6 of them. (Its six because Yoongi will be introduced later don't worry!!)

Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon is in the biology department.

Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin is in the Art department.

Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook is in the business administration department.

The three of us looked behind and saw the boys walking along the corridor with girls swarming all over them for attention.

Yeah they are known for being polite to teachers and for getting a good grades. Straight A students to be exact and me? I'm just a normal girl but i have one secret.....

I am married to one of the members.

I turned to the front and clings onto both my bestfriend's arms.

"Lets go girls." I said, pulling them away from there.

"They are awesome. Every girl would throw their life for them i swear. They are that crazy." Yuna shook her head and her attention was still on the commotions.

"Just ignore them i mean they are that great. Compared to us. We aren't close to their level." Hana replied and i bit my lips.

We aren't on their level but the fact that i'm married to one of the member, surprises me.

The three of us enter the lecture hall and we sat down at our usual seat. One by one the students enter and soon, Taehyung and Jungkook too. I start to unpack my books and arranging it properly on my table.

"Sorry guys i'm late." I looked up to the familiar voice and saw him. We met during first year college so we've been friends for a year now. He took a sit next to me and i could hear heavy breathing coming from him.

"Did you run here?" I asked and i couldn't help but laugh when i look at him.

His face is white and pale so when his cheeks are red it is really obvious. I put a tissue on his forehead and it was really soaked. He wipe his face with the tissue as i gave him another piece.

"Thanks." He said. I nod my head as i laughed at him still gasping for oxygen. Yoongi took out his books while Yuna and Hana began questioning why he was late. I look behind and saw a girl walking towards Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Here, i make this myself please have a taste." The girl said as she shyly put the lunchbox on their table.

"Aiyoo look at that bitch acting all shy." Yuna said and i smack her mouth in case anyone heard her.

"Shut up." I whispered and she cover her mouth at my command.

"Thank you, i'll enjoy it later." Taehyung said politely and the girl runs back to her seat, blushing.

He kept the luncbox under his table and he turned to Jungkook to continue their conversation. I was still staring at their direction, without realising. Jungkook turned his head to my area and our eyes met. I blinked as i turned to the front, trying to avoid looking at him.

I am married to Jeon Jungkook, one of BTS member.

I tried to calm myself as i took out my pen. The teacher enter the lecture classroom and he put his books down.

"Alright students, today we're going through chapter 11 Page 121." I flipped through the pages as i turned to Yoongi who was staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Don't tell me you forget to bring your book?" I added and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Aish. Here take this. We can share and i can do the notes for you."

"Thanks Haeun, as expected there is noone else like you." He winked and i pinched his thigh.

"Hmm." He close his lips together trying to stop the sound from coming out. I smile at him as i pinch harder.

He bit his lips harder trying to endure it. His hand found its way to mine as he remove my hand from his thigh. Finally succeeding, he breathe out.

"That was painful you idiot." Yoongi whispered and i close my mouth holding back my laughter.

"You deserve it you idiot." I answered and Yoongi shook his head. Hana avert her attention to us, shaking her head.

"Just date already." I froze at her remark. Date? How i wish i could.

"Ya, don't say things that can make her uncomfortable." Yoongi scolded and Hana wave her hand.

"I know." She said and our attention was on the teacher who doesn't realise that he is talking to himself. Almost everyone in class was not listening.

I turned to Yoongi and saw a scratch at the side. Slowly, i raise my hand and touch it. He flinched as he turn to me with wide eyes.

"Did you get involve in a fight again?" I mouthed and before he could reply, my phone began to ring attracting all the attention.

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