23 - Because i'm the golden maknae's wife

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Its been two days since the dinner but Jungkook can never forget what he did to Haeun's brother. He can't forgive himself for the stupid act. Jungkook plopped down on the sofa and sigh.

"Why can't i forget about it.." He said and Haeun, sat down beside him. She look at his face as she was worried for him.

"Why are you so worried about it? My brother already said that it is fine." Haeun replied as she was trying her best to make Jungkook feel better.

"I make a scene infront of your parents and mine. That is something only a boy would do."

"Jungkook, why do you say that.. Its fine alright. I mean they would look at it as you being overly jealous." Haeun said, smiling to herself.

"Is it even a good thing?"

"Uhm for me it is. It shows how much you love me." Haeun walks over to Jungkook and hug him.

"Well i'm glad you didn't feel embarrassed because of it." He laughed.

Haeun shook her head, smiling.

"Why would i feel embarassed because of something like that?" She said and Jungkook bury his face on her chest.

"Aww i love you."

Haeun had finish cooking dinner for the both of them. She put the pot on the table along with the plates and cups.

"Jungkook! Dinner is ready." She called him out. Upon hearing no replies from him, Haeun make her way up to his gaming room.

There, she saw Jungkook with a headset while still gaming.

She lean against the door, staring at him while he is busy gaming.

"Guys guys, behind!" He yelled out excitedly while killing the guy.

"Nice nice, one more just one-" Jungkook turned and saw Haeun. He gulped his saliva as he took off his headset.

"Good game." He said and straightaway shutting down the game.

"Satisfied? Finish? Ready to eat?" Haeun said with folded arms.

"Yes lets eat now." Jungkook said in a rather polite tone. Haeun rolled her eyes and they both head down for dinner.

Jungkook sat across Haeun as they started eating. Haeun didn't say a word which worries Jungkook. What if she is angry? What if she doesn't want to speak to him?

"I'm not angry." She said. Jungkook looks up and smile.


"Yeah, i'm not stopping you from gaming but know your limits." She warned.

"Why..." His voice was shaking.

"You were gaming until 5 in the morning and you didn't want to wake up for class." She continue and Jungkook gulped his saliva.

"Uhm that was because..."

"Is it that fun? Let me try it too." Haeun said and Jungkook blink his eyes.

"What?" He said, asking her to repeat.

"I said let me try. I want to see if its that amazing like you always said."

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